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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

another session with big boy James ~ {Toronto pet photographer}

some of you may remember James from his first scruffy dog session last year.  like a lot of scruffy dog clients, James’s mom Justyna couldn’t get enough, and wanted even more photos of her big, handsome boy …

their first session took place here on scruffy dog territory … so this time i headed into Toronto to shoot James on his own turf … a.k.a. Squirrel Central.

with squirrels running amok in his park, it became a matter of positioning myself accordingly to the squirrels.

and here’s just a little slideshow of James’ sessions …

thanks for being such a model, James.  i hope you enjoy your gallery Justyna.

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another facebook recap ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

as usual, i bring you the latest sneak peeks from our current clients on the scruffy dog facebook page … and it was a bit of a Yorkie week, with two shoots of two yorkies!  so, why not start with some Yorkies?

Harley and Nahla were back for a second shoot.  you can see their summer shoot here.  these two niblets reside in California, so watching them deal with the snow was fun … and doesn’t Nahla look like a little winter princess?

this was a Starter session added on to Harley and Nahla’s summer Standard.  because of the cold, these little guys lasted about 25 minutes, but we got a ton of gorgeous photos from these two.  they really knew how to strike a pose.  maybe they’ve lived in Hollywood too long?

and with the coming of the new year, it was time for resident mcscruffy matea to “hand over the reins” for the 52 Weeks for Dogs project on flickr.  merrick is this year’s model.

i shared another photo of the spectacular Indy, whose photoshoot from the fall is still in the post-work stages … a girl can’t get any privacy!

and then gorgeous old man Dante, whose shoot also is in the post stage …

and this shot i thought was funny … imagining Dante yelling at someone out of frame.

then the resident merrick mcscruffy … this shot was taken with a new point-and-shoot … my purse camera.  along with some new appliances that beep a lot, merrick turned his back to the new Nikon down in the studio as he’d just had it with all the beeping!

this mcscruffy is far more comfortable with the big cameras …

and we asked facebook followers what was their pet’s favorite new toy received over the holidays …

then there was baby Harlow, another client whose shoot is still in the post stages. how cute is she?

and then … more Yorkies!  these two are Darla and Enzo … catching a few rays …

and you don’t need a doorbell if you share your life with a Yorkie!

and a little fun in the autumn leaves …

Enzo did well with a little fence-post posing at the end of our shoot while the moon came up …

i hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s facebook recap.  if you’d like to see more of these kinds of client sneak-peeks and SDP photos even sooner, join the scruffy dog facebook page and follow the fun as it happens!  see you there!

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  • Tucker's MomWow, tons of great shots here. Hard to pick a favor, but I think the handing over the reins photo would win.ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawI’m on overload with all the Yorkie sweetness and lovin it!!!! Everyshot is gorgeous as usual illona!ReplyCancel

our weekly facebook recap! ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

oh yes, we’re a little behind on providing you with your facebook recaps.  things have been supremely busy here at scruffy dog headquarters … we’re working hard on re-branding and a new logo for SDP, developing albums for a lot of fall clients, and still working to catchup with the post work on so many of our fabulous fall sessions.  sometimes i wish there were thirteen months in the year, and i could have an extra one just to catchup!

and it seems lately that i don’t even have time for regular blog entries, but i swear, we’ll get back to those soon!  you just might be enjoying the fall colours in February, that’s all.

in the meantime, here is a sampling of the images you may have missed on the scruffy dog facebook page.  as always, if you’re wanting the latest and greatest that SDP has to offer, including daily photos, news, and chat, you’ll want to follow the SDP facebook page by “liking” it.

first up, here’s a little belated holiday cheer … merrick goobernuts mcscruffy showing off not only his elf hat, but also his newest trick!  now, i assure you, i’m not into teaching my dogs “tricks”, but rather more useful tasks like picking up around the house and getting their dinner blankets out each evening. but merrick loves the challenge of any kind of learning so …

next up, we have young Rico …

and, since a lot of the SDP followers are aspiring photographers, i often share a little post-work sampling.  this is adorable Gus’s before-and-after …

and then Gus himself … the boy of many expressions …

and sweet baby Maggie, the Portugese Water Dog and born model …

then we had young Henry … retriever in training …

and Bisou and Scout … two sweethearts who came from Toronto to take advantage of our locations here …

our girl matea had to have some dental work … two root canals.  since one was an upper canine, we opted for root canal instead of extraction of the dead tooth since a root canal is less invasive and requires no real healing time.  however, at ten years of age, the anesthetic took her down hard.  next up, she needs a button tumor removed, but with this tough girl, we’re hoping it can be done with only local.

and finally, our own mcscruffy in the tunnel of trees, wishing everyone a happy holidays!

stay tuned for more facebook updates … or get them directly from the scruffy dog facebook page!  hope you all have a fabulous, scruffy weekend.

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  • michelle bradshawBeautiful work illona!!!! The b&w of Maggie is gorgeous!!!!ReplyCancel

  • KarenI prefer teaching practical task related skills too. I like the sound of the getting their own blankets. I’d love to know how you got that one working. I did enjoy watching your 2011 slideshow, Illona.ReplyCancel

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