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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

Woofstock draw, Bunker the poodle, Jackson the golden, and the goober ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

once again, i’m behind in blogging.  some of the following images have been featured on the scruffy dog facebook page.  if you’re not already following us on facebook,  you might want to reconsider … SDP‘s FB page is where it’s all happening with daily photos and lots going on!

and this time around, i thought i’d bring you a few images that haven’t been featured on the facebook page!  so enjoy!

first up, in case you missed it on facebook, we had the draw from the Woofstock ballots for the winner of the complimentary scruffy dog photo session.  as is done every year, the draw is conducted by one of the scruffies … this year it was merrick goobernuts mcscruffy himself who drew two winning ballots.  here is the video documenting the goober’s draw …

yeah, merrick was a little tired after an afternoon of playing in his pool and killing his soccer ball … he really needed encouragement to pick ballots this year. i probably should have let matea pick this year.

congratulations Luke and Stryker, and Liz, Chewy and Jethro.  Luke, you and Stryker have won a Starter session (valued at $225), redeemable any time before Woofstock 2013.  and Liz, you have $75 scruffy dog dollars to use towards a session or prints or product; again, to be used  before Woofstock 2013.  i look forward to hearing from you!

but now to our regularly scheduled scruffy clients. first up, we had a lot of fun at little Bunker’s session …

we ventured into the woods …

i think i had the most fun with Bunker in his fabulous home …

and in his master bedroom.

how handsome is this little man?  not only that, but Bunker is easily one of the smartest little scruffnuts i’ve ever worked with.  he was posing on pieces of furniture which he had never before ventured on.  with just a little positive reinforcement, he caught on very quickly as to what we were after, and in no time at all he was looking for the next piece of furniture to pose on …

Bunker’s got a great yard too …

but i think he had the most fun when we headed out to the park …

and before we lost all of our light he finally let loose and gave us a little action.

on the scruffy dog facebook page, i shared a bit of before and after on this shot … here’s the before …

and once home, i couldn’t resist a few shots of Bunker on front steps of his house.  i think he was pooped.

another scruffy client from a few weeks ago was Jackson …

like a lot of scruffy clients, his parents wanted the tunnel of trees incorporated into his Starter session …

and we were blessed with a field of dandelions in full bloom.  Jackson was pretty happy.

of course, Jackson had a hard time deciding between dad and my tasty treats …

and no blog entry/facebook update would be complete without a least a couple of shots our own goober … this time, enjoying the summertime, the back yard, his pool, and his favorite beat-up soccer ball …

yup, the pool is good …

hope you’re all having a fabulous week!

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Woofstock 2012, final installment ~ {Toronto dog photographer}

this morning i’m bringing you the last of the scruffy faces that graced the scruffy dog booth this year at Woofstock.

i’m tempted to say this year’s Woofstock was busier than past years’.  it’s difficult to tell.  but if i were to use the rawness of my throat at the end of each day as a gauge, i’d say we were busier.

first let me give a HUGE shout-out and thank you to my truly amazing staff: Karen and Kim — with me for their second year each — and Michelle, new to the scruffy dog team.  you women are absolutely irreplaceable.  you know full well that i could not do this without you.  so, THANK YOU!

every year it amazes me how many people stop by the SDP booth proclaiming to be long-time fans and followers of SDP on facebook.  i absolutely love that i can finally show them the images they’ve enjoyed on-line in big-print format … 24×36 floatmounts at minimum and 52″ framed canvases at maximum.  this is one of the reasons i put my staff through the ordeal of summer Woofstock each year, packing and unpacking the artwork — to show people the reality of scruffy dog images; after all, just about any image — regardless of quality — can be made to look good when posted on-line at 72dpi.  the true test is in the printing, and in printing large format for clients.

for those of you who missed us this year, here’s a peek at this year’s booth … (snapped quickly Sunday morning with the iPad)

for those of you who did make it out — in spite of the very brief and blessed showers Saturday morning, in spite of the blistering heat on Sunday — thank you for your continued support, thank you for your enthusiasm, most of all, thank you for loving your scruffies.

so i’ll shut-up now and bring you the last installment of scruffy faces from this past weekend.  enjoy!

(*PLEASE NOTE: due to copyrights, please do not copy these images.  if your dog appears in this blog entry, drop us a line!  we will be happy to send you a copy of their photo to share on your facebook page!)

first up, big boy Chance … Woofstock wouldn’t be Woofstock without a bulldog … just sayin’ … and Chance is one of the handsomest bulldogs i’ve ever seen.

… not to mention that Chance is one of those uber-talented, higher-learning bulldogs as well, carrying on his very own facebook page. i mean, merrick is pretty advanced but he’s still not got the complexities of the mouse figured out.

here’s Chance cooling his … um … well, cooling …

melon-head …

and from one extreme to the next … how about this little, wide-eyed iggy?

or this Ears McGee swinging by the booth late Sunday afternoon?

and then big boy Chino.  Chino and i actually go back a ways … i remember him from an earlier Woofstock … i’d slipped out of the SDP booth for a quick washroom break and spotted this great looking young dog and snapped a quick photo.  then last fall i spotted Chino in the crowd from the SDP booth up at Poochpalooza.  yup, i never forget a face my cameras have met.  so when Chino sauntered past the SDP booth late Sunday afternoon, i think his owners — the good peeps behind Leash and Paws Dog Walking Services in Toronto — were a little surprised to hear their big boy’s name ringing out as i called after them.

and what is the handsome Chino wearing on that sweltering Sunday afternoon?  a Must Luv Dogs cooling coat!  yeah, yeah,  yeah … i can hear all you skeptics out there groaning … i heard my share of it there at Woofstock too.  but get this, i’m the biggest skeptic out there, okay?  still, i’ve got a black, senior dog here who overheats all the time, who — in spite of being a sun-worshipper on some days — is desperate to find any patch of shade during our walks.  so … last year i purchased the Ruffwear SwampCooler … with extreme skepticism.  i had the opportunity to use it maybe a half dozen times.  but guess what?  it does work!  Matea would come back from a walk with the tongue half as long, and having not sought out shade even once.

BUT, in my books, the Canadian-made Must Luv Dogs cool coat beats Ruffwear’s SwampCooler, paws down.  Chino was the first dog who came into the SDP booth who wasn’t gasping, who wasn’t desperate for shade, tongue lolling to the ground and nearly rabid for water.  slip your hand under that cool coat, and it was cool, bordering on “chill”.  what’s more, his parents hadn’t wet it down for over an hour and had been walking around in the sun!   Matea’s SwampCooler would have long since dried out and needed replenishing.  not to mention that the MLD Cool Coats are far more attractive, slimmer fitting, and … well, i sure wish i hadn’t already blown the budget on the SwampCooler.  🙁   (product plug for the day done.)

i had a sweet little King Charles step into the booth on Sunday …

and then a face that some of you might recognize … anyone??

this little guy i passed by on my way over the hill for a quick visit to the rescue area …

and how about this little scruffnut?

or this one … scoping for treats, no doubt.

and another little scruffy just hanging out at the SDP booth …

scruffies big and small …

and finally, this is sweet Annie … she’s being fostered by Tami Packham of Waterloo Dog as part of Boston Terrier Rescue.  i love Annie … she has the best energy ever, but she was having a bad week, with several more seizures.  such a sweet sweet girl.  i hope this week is a better one for my sweet girl Annie.

and some of you might recognize this little monkey …

thank you again, everyone, for stopping by the SDP booth.  i would have loved to have captured every scruffy that graced our booth with their presence … and i would love to meet all of you with my cameras!

speaking of which, merrick goobernuts mcscruffy has selected the winner in this year’s draw for a complimentary photo session, with a runner-up!  you’ll have to stay tuned for the video!

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  • Jamie PolitiThanks so much for including our Elli, who I choose for her scruffiness 🙂
    She is the one in the black harness with hearts on it…. Love what you do!!!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawAwesome shots illona! It was a pleasure working with you, Karen & Kim at Woofstock. I was in my glory all day…so many amazing dogs!! I’m looking forward to next year’s show!!!ReplyCancel

  • BethThanks for sharing! Love every single photo (as always!)ReplyCancel

Woofstock 2012, part two ~ {Toronto dog photographer}

today we are sharing part two of the 2012 Woofstock experience.

(*NOTE: due to copyrights, please do not copy these images.  if your dog appears in this blog entry, drop us a line!  we will be happy to send you a copy of their photo to share on your facebook page!)

if you’ve never been to Woofstock, it’s difficult to describe.  as North America’s largest outdoor dog festival, complete with fashion show and numerous other on-stage festivities and contests, things can get a little wild, very colorful and … well … at times, flamboyant …

for some reason, this year, we didn’t see a lot of the zaniness around the scruffy dog booth … perhaps because our audience tends to be the “real dog” audience, and since i do like to spend time talking with visitors to the booth, and clients who stop by to catch up, i always request our usual position farther down Front Street, far enough away from the main Woofstock stage where most of the show-stopping, jaw-dropping craziness goes on.

we had a lot of awesome dogs drag their owners into the SDP booth on Sunday.  at times the booth was too crowded or i was too busy to be able to take out the camera … but when there was an opportunity, i’d grab a quick shot when i could.

look at this gorgeous hound … i just love love love a sweet hound face …

and the scruffies too, of course! how about this little scruffbundle of shyness?

she was painfully shy, or perhaps just a little overwhelmed by the heat and the chaos of the day. she really wanted nothing to do with the camera, so i grabbed only a couple of quick snaps so as not to add to her stress.

i would love the opportunity to work with this little niblet.  how gorgeous is she?

or this little one, peeking around the corner of the SDP table while i talked to their mom?

of course, Sunday was the hottest Woofstock day i’ve ever attended … absolutely brutal.  inside the booth was even worse … in fact, it made standing in the sun feel downright cool!  this little wire doxy had the right idea … flaked out in the right corner of cross-breeze …

of course, you have to know how much i love the wires.

and how’s this for a wire! loved this little dancing guy …

“what? no biscuits?”

“fine. i’ll dance some more. how’s this?”

and yes, there were treats to go around … in fact, The Barkery supplied us with some of their awesome home-baked biscuits once again this year.  check them out!  they’re what i feed the resident scruffies.

and how cute is this scruffnut?

then Chewie and his new brother stopped by.

i met Chewie at our first Woofstock a few years ago … you can find him in this old blog entry.  as you can imagine, Chewie was pretty hot.

and Chewie’s very handsome brother …

i was visited by these two pretty Porcelaine hounds … don’t worry Anne; i’ve received your inquiry (along with numerous others) and will be responding very soon!  you should be seeing these lovely faces in a scruffy dog session soon …

got slobber?  yup, i ended up wearing that slobber-beard on my thigh.  that’s why i always wear my Sunday best to all scruffy sessions and dog events … not.

“really, lady … i smell those treats.  i know you hid them behind the table when those two unruly labs came in right before me, but this is me now … me … me, me, me, me.”

and how about this sweet little Porti … such gorgeous color and markings …

this little min-pin senior was happy to grace us with her huge smile …

… and her very flashy feet.

stay tuned tomorrow for the final installment of Woofstock faces, including a couple of familiar faces!!

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  • Claudia RobbinsThese photos are precious. Love them!ReplyCancel

  • anne greenstienHi, Illona, You got to photograph my cousins dogs. the porcelaines Gracie and Elvis. What a small world. Her maiden name is the same as mine. Anne Greenstein.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonAnother wiener of a blog entry!!! You so know how to capture the essence of each of these dogs! Can’t wait for the next installment!ReplyCancel

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