welcome to another update of images from our wonderful summer. while the flurry of our triple-booked fall season winds down and we are thrust into more desk-time with editing, image prep, album layouts, we’re also trying to catch up with sharing all of the facebook sneakpeeks from client sessions here on the blog.
first up: Yoshi, Sushi and Mickey. these little scruffnuts really deserve their own blog entry, and come winter, my hope is to have more time to actually post individual blog entries of our amazing clients.
this image of the three little scuffs in the woods is a contender for mom Jan’s big canvas … but with these sweet faces, understandably, Jan’s having a hard time deciding which image to hang huge over her desk.
as i compile the facebook-shared photos of this little pack, i realize that it may appear as though i’m favoring Yoshi. truth is, this boy’s repertoire of expressions is second to none … so it’s hard not to share! here’s Yoshi, Rockstar!
and sad, muppety Yoshi …
and pretending-to-be-shy Yoshi … truly, he was at my feet begging for treats while i worked with his brother Mickey on the bed.
and regal Yoshi …
and this is the pretty Sushi.
and Yosh in the woods …
but it was little Mickey who seemed to smile the most…
this little scruffnut was adopted out of Loyal Rescue. his hair might be thin due to malnourishment in his previous life, and his fine-boned frame is made extra fragile and stooped due to herniated discs, but Mickey hasn’t forgotten how to smile…
yes, i realize i have to post some more photos of the sweet Sushi.
you just can’t beat Yoshi’s expressions…
next up, a little before-and-after of Quantum, a senior Tervuren who had a session with us this summer…
…and his sister Oneida.
and this is Millicent Slobberchops kicking up some fun at her session …
and as always, no blog entry would be complete without at least one or two shots of resident scruffnut merrick goobernuts mcscruffy … hanging out in the gear shelf with the hopes of joining us at the next session …
and finally, an image taken for the popular Dog Shaming blog. this was taken in response to a challenge in our 52 Weeks for Dogs group on flickr, where i suggested that everyone shoot a “dog shaming”.
enjoy your weekend, everyone!
rachel PotterBeautiful imagery in this post! Makes me so excited for April!
Anne Bigginsthose eyes are what tugs my heart, beautifully done!
Daniel Perez-GomezOh man! Such great photos! How do you get them to smile so well? Beautiful expressions!
DanielMillicent Slobberchops! Cool name!
scruffy dog photographythanks so much, Daniel. the smiles are all in the treats.
scruffy dog photographythanks so much, Anne!