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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

a whole lotta scruffnuts ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

welcome to another update of images from our wonderful summer.  while the flurry of our triple-booked fall season winds down and we are thrust into more desk-time with editing, image prep, album layouts, we’re also trying to catch up with sharing all of the facebook sneakpeeks from client sessions here on the blog.

first up: Yoshi, Sushi and Mickey.  these little scruffnuts really deserve their own blog entry, and come winter, my hope is to have more time to actually post individual blog entries of our amazing clients.

this image of the three little scuffs in the woods is a contender for mom Jan’s big canvas … but with these sweet faces, understandably, Jan’s having a hard time deciding which image to hang huge over her desk.

as i compile the facebook-shared photos of this little pack, i realize that it may appear as though i’m favoring Yoshi.  truth is, this boy’s repertoire of expressions is second to none … so it’s hard not to share!  here’s Yoshi, Rockstar!

and sad, muppety Yoshi …

and pretending-to-be-shy Yoshi … truly, he was at my feet begging for treats while i worked with his brother Mickey on the bed.

and regal Yoshi …

and this is the pretty Sushi.

and Yosh in the woods …

but it was little Mickey who seemed to smile the most…

this little scruffnut was adopted out of Loyal Rescue.  his hair might be thin due to malnourishment in his previous life, and his fine-boned frame is made extra fragile and stooped due to herniated discs, but Mickey hasn’t forgotten how to smile…

yes, i realize i have to post some more photos of the sweet Sushi.

you just can’t beat Yoshi’s expressions…

next up, a little before-and-after of Quantum, a senior Tervuren who had a session with us this summer…

…and his sister Oneida.

and this is Millicent Slobberchops kicking up some fun at her session …

and as always, no blog entry would be complete without at least one or two shots of resident scruffnut merrick goobernuts mcscruffy … hanging out in the gear shelf with the hopes of joining us at the next session …

and finally, an image taken for the popular Dog Shaming blog.  this was taken in response to a challenge in our 52 Weeks for Dogs group on flickr, where i suggested that everyone shoot a “dog shaming”.

enjoy your weekend, everyone!

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  • rachel PotterBeautiful imagery in this post! Makes me so excited for April!ReplyCancel

  • Anne Bigginsthose eyes are what tugs my heart, beautifully done!ReplyCancel

  • Daniel Perez-GomezOh man! Such great photos! How do you get them to smile so well? Beautiful expressions!ReplyCancel

  • DanielMillicent Slobberchops! Cool name!ReplyCancel

  • scruffy dog photographythanks so much, Daniel. the smiles are all in the treats. 🙂

  • scruffy dog photographythanks so much, Anne!ReplyCancel

a shot of summer on this grey day ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

i figured today — our third day of dreary grey, rainy weather, here on the fringes of hurricane Sandy — would be a great day for a recap of a few images from our scruffy summer … a little shot of sunshine and blue skies…

these are images which have already appeared on the scruffy dog facebook page … but we share them here in case you missed some!

first up, Reese and Rio …  these girls are such awesome and willing models.  then again, it’s not their first time around the scruffy block.  these two girls had their first couple of scruffy sessions several years ago … and this isn’t their last.  they’re already on the books for next fall.

their session was supposed to be just a quick one down in the train tunnel of graffiti … but i couldn’t pass up the ripe wheat fields and dramatic skies … so we took a little detour and grabbed a few extra shots.then we have Charlie … what an amazing boy this is.  so ball-motivated and, as such, superb to work with, in or out of the water … but mostly “in”.

and since i seem to have a backlog of images of resident mcscruffy, merrick goobernuts, i figured i’d show just how fun-loving this boy is.  he loves, loves, loves his Flappy …

but more than anything, this boy loves to work … loves his training bumper, no matter what the terrain or how rough the water.

he does have to wear a floatation device, however.  he’s a strong swimmer, in spite of his short legs … but where merrick runs into trouble is in his enthusiasm and his never-quit attitude.  he would literally swim until he sank … so the floatation device (made by Ruffwear) gives me peace of mind that i’m not going to have to rush in after him if he tires, if an undertow grabs him, or a current starts to take him downstream in the case of the Grand River here at home.

gosh, i love this little goober so much … probably even more than he loves that darn bumper.

… and it only makes me realize that i really do need to start taking more photos of my big girl matea …

then again, merrick — once terrified of the cameras — has become a real camera hog.  he carries on like nobody’s business if i have the lens pointed at anyone other than him.

and finally we have the lovely Tora who came to scruffy dog territory for her session…

how beautiful is this girl?

i hope you enjoyed this little facebook recap.  stay tuned for much more!!

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a few scruffies from our fabulous summer ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

… just trying to catch up with all of the scruffies we met during our fabulous summer of shooting.  these are images that were shared on the scruffy dog facebook page; if you’re wanting to keep up with all of the scruffy clients and scruffy happenings as they’re happening, the facebook page is where it’s happening.   but for those who aren’t into facebook, we have our shiny, new blog to share the images with you.

first up, we have the very handsome Casey …

coming in from Toronto, his sheltie-beagle self really enjoyed the scruffy dog location … lots to sniff, lots to chew on …

i think he was even smiling a little once we hit the beach …

then again, it’s safe to say that Casey pretty much smiled through his entire session.

except when he had an itch.  and if you’ve got an itch …

lots of fun with the scruffy dog balls … i think this eight-year-old boy felt like a puppy again.

thanks for being so much fun, Casey …and being oh-so handsome!

then we had Riley Scooter.  it was love at first sight with this little scruffnut.

Riley shares his life with Shannon of Release the Hounds in Guelph, who offers dog-walking and doggie-daycare services.i think hanging out with so many other dogs is what has given Riley his attitude … i got a lot of “speak to the paw”.  okay, actually, it was his high-five.and like any good terrierist, Riley was big-time into the scruffy dog balls.  just look at that focus. a while ago, it was a photo of Riley that inspired me to share this quote from Roger Caras…

i just love this scruffy! he flies …

and he soars!

that Riley is just all-around amazing.  thanks for sharing your little boy with me, Shannon!

then we have Bozley.  what a sweet old man …

Boz belongs to Dr. Christine of the Dufferin Vet Hospital in Orangeville.

this wonderful old boy is battling cancer, has arthritis and lives life large as a tripod on his three legs.  much to Christine’s surprise, Boz had a lot more giddy-up than anyone could have expected at his scruffy session … giving me at least a few opportunities to capture some action shots.and he certainly surprised us all when – after his tiring two hour session – he found new life when reunited with his favorite ball and took a little spin around the expansive front yard.  honestly, it was hard to keep up with him!although this session was just for Boz, i couldn’t resist a couple of shots of Boz’s sister Bella …

and baby brother Beau.

and few other scruffy faces that were shared on the scruffy dog facebook page … we have Emjay the pug-cross, posing it up in the train tunnel.  and no, that’s not “evol” on the wall behind her … that’s gotta be “love” backwards.

and this is little Pippa.  Pippa’s mom thought she’d be tough to handle at her session, but as is usually the case, the ones presumed to be a handful are usually the best … and those dogs whose owners think are perfect turn out to be the nutbars.  🙂    Pippa was a doll for her session.

and this is Pippa’s older sister, Mackenzie. just look at that beautiful face!

i hope you enjoyed this little facebook catchup.  stay tuned for many more as we are over 100 images behind in posting to the blog due to the time it took to get the site/blog launched.  lots more to come!!  enjoy your week.

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  • DanielI really like Beau and Riley’s closeups!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah MuellerGorgeous! Love all of them!ReplyCancel

  • loganYour photos are great again, love all the dogs here (how can you not love a dog though..)
    Very happy with the site update, love the mobile version as well (what I am on now (: )
    Can’t wait for more photos 🙂ReplyCancel

  • michelleAwesome blog illona!!!! Every shot was truly amazing…as usual.ReplyCancel

  • scruffy dog photographythanks, Sarah!ReplyCancel

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