Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.
To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!
Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.
although many people already know Kevin — the stunning Great Dane belonging to Trevor, the owner of Pet Planet in Williamsburg — let me introduce you to this big, handsome monster…
in the words of Kevin’s nominator Sabine Stapells:
“Not too long ago Trevor opened up a pet food/service store called Pet Planet on Williamsburg. As a small business owner he is struggling and putting everything he has into making his store succeed. He’s super knowledgeable and the nicest guy you could ever meet. He recently fostered a rottweiler with behavioural issues and has managed to turn him into a wonderful pet. He couldn’t part with him and decided to adopt Beta himself. His other dog is a monsterous great dane named Kevin. Now I get to the reason why he might be considered for your session. Kevin is a big, beautiful creature that is only about 3 years old and just recently he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer. It has cost Trevor thousands of dollars already in vet bills and hundreds monthly for food/supplements/pain meds. What he has for Kevin is the truest and most incredible love. He’ll do anything to keep him around. In the event that Kevin is unable to fight any longer I believe having a memory of him on his wall of your creation would be wonderful. I know you would be able to capture the essence of Kevin. Please consider Trevor. Thanks!!”
and in the words of his second nominator, Becky Carr:
“This man is well known in the dog community. He owns a pet planet store. He will offer information and advice to anyone who needs it. He offers to trim nails and help customers in many ways when they go to his store. He has his two dogs at the store as well. A dane and a rottie. When I was in desperate need to find a forever home for my foster dog, Kevin posted a poster in his store for me. He was also very supportive of finding the pup a home. A few people found the foster by seeing the poster in the store as well! Other people have told me Kevin is a warmhearted person who gave them much useful advice on helping their dog with a problem. He also gives to rescues and other dog loving causes when he can. At this time he is hurting as his dane Kevin is very sick with a mass that is growing in him. Kevin was given up by is first owner and Trevor agreed to give him a loving home. He is only three years old and Trevor is afraid for his life. He is spending a large sum of money trying to help keep Kevin comfortable and try to solve the problem. He has started a chip in as it is so expensive. It would be lovely if he could get some great photos of his beloved dog while he is still here. This man of course knows of SDP and could never afford it if he wanted too. He is the kind of guy who walks outside and will lay on the ground with his sick dane. A very special kind of guy.”
it was a pleasure meeting Trevor and his boys on the very first day of 2013 — a brisk but sunny day. one of Trevor’s hopes out of session was to capture these two titans wrestling. i have no doubt it’s quite a sight, however aside from a few fleeting attempts on Beta’s part to incite a wrestling match, Kevin just wasn’t into his brother’s antics …
so, unfortunately, there was no opportunity to capture the kinds of brotherly clashes that Trevor was describing for me. but that didn’t stop us from having other fun … like a few games of ‘catch’ …
let me tell you, Kevin is a busy boy. he doesn’t stand still for very long … he’s far too busy to stop and pose … so i had to be quick.he had smells to sniff, and balls to dig out of the snow …of course, Beta’s ball-finding techniques are a little more reliable, as his face can attest to.we let the boys rip around for a while …… before heading to the forest so that we could capture some real portraits of Trevor’s boys. of course, we had to give Kevin a minute to get his lips in order …and then he was poser. how handsome is this big guy?Beta wasn’t any slouch himself in the posing department … even if sometimes he wanted to pretend the cameras weren’t there.even though Kevin is struggling with his health, he is in the best hands possible with Trevor. it’s inspiring to meet such an amazing and attentive guardian, and to see the love and respect he has for his big boy.thank you, Trevor, for introducing me to your fabulous boys. i hope these images are everything you imagined, that they capture your Kevin’s spirit and character, to help remember him for many years to come.
Facebook Comments
CaraOK Kevins story made me a little teary eyed ……hope he is doing ok. Love his pics.ReplyCancel
bettyHi Illona – I believe very much in karma.
Trevor and Kevin had built good karma for others to lead you to them. By you offering your services to them during this difficult time, you too are building karma. Good for you!ReplyCancel
jenniferLOVE the second one down, of the Rottie. Also the head shot near the end of the Dane. Just beautiful. What a great guy, well deserved.ReplyCancel
Michelle BradshawWow illona, such beautiful images! Trevor’s boys are stunning!ReplyCancel
Josey SliskoTrevor is an amazing fella and truly deserves these stunning pictures! Awesome job!ReplyCancel
Jan BaierBeautiful work Illona. Trevor is a great guy and a deserving recipient of the award. Gorgeous dogs, stunning photos…ReplyCancel
Jan BaierBeatiful work Illona. Trevor is a great guy and a deserving recipient of the award. Gorgeous dogs, gorgeous photos.ReplyCancel
Donna IcelandicI so love these photos.May these brothers enjoy each other for a long time.ReplyCancel
Judy Gadsby BellevilleAbsolutely beautiful pictures…I’m always in awe of the beauty you capture. Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel
it should no longer shock me, but the harder one works at their photography business, pouring hours and money into it, exhaustively forging their own path to maintain their own creative style and business model, sadly, the more time one must spend protecting that business they’ve worked so hard to build. i am certainly not alone in this. and, after a rash of cases lately and long discussions with several very successful photographer friends, i am finally compelled to post a blog entry about protecting your photography business.
let’s first assume you’re not one of those who believe that the fast track to success is by using others’ business models, photos, style, creativity and ingenuity as your own personal road-map. instead, you work hard to pave your own path, cultivate your own style and develop your own business model and approach, avoiding the influence of others. if this is you, then it is my hope that this blog entry will provide a few pointers to help you protect your hard-earned business.
of course, in discussing business ‘protection’, i could go on about insurance — on equipment, on your studio, and so on — i could talk about the necessity for clear and concise contracts with your clients — private and commercial. i could write about all kinds of topics regarding ‘protection’ in the field of photography … however, my goal here is to enlighten a little in regards to protecting your business. and this entails far more than protecting your images from theft. but let’s touch on that aspect first…
Protecting your images
obviously, the first course of action in protecting your business is watermarking your images. every image you put out there on that wild-west web should carry a watermark. no exceptions. of course, the smaller the image, the less glaring the watermark needs to be. this is not necessarily an issue of protecting your images from your clients … at least, that’s the case in my business. far from it. i want my clients to have access to their images, to share on facebook, and to send to their Aunt Jean in Florida.
the reason i watermark is to protect the scruffy dog images from on-line theft (as best possible) since some of these images are used as stock for commercial and editorial projects. trust me, i have personally experienced many types of image theft, from businesses using SDP images for their own financial gain to a photographer (and i use the term loosely) copying several of my images and word-for-word text from my website, mounting them all as his own, and then advertising for photo sessions in my own shooting area!
and of course, sadly, there are those who will lift your images and crop out or remove your watermarks. i’ve even had some individuals place their OWN watermarks over the scruffy dog mark. so, watermarking is certainly not fool-proof. not by a long shot.
besides watermarking, there are, of course, amazing services like Digimarc for protecting your images, but – to my knowledge – this is something designed more for US photographers, geared towards the US market and US copyright laws, and does that exactly apply to Canadian photographers and our copyright laws.
of course, you could just not put your work out there, but that’s no way to grow your business, market yourself, and build a following.
and while on the subject, do be diligent in the creation of your watermark and the way in which you mark your images. logos are a TON of work … at least, good logos are. they can require months to develop and, often, a lot of money to a designer … and part of that work should be researching to be sure your mark isn’t similar to anyone else’s. make sure your watermark doesn’t simply look like everything else out there. again, be creative … after all, you want your business to stand out, correct? and a big component of that is your branding. there’s no point in protecting something that’s been lifted from someplace else.
so … you’ve got yourself a gnarly logo, and you’re protecting your images. awesome. what next? well, how about your name and your hard-earned reputation?
a lot of consideration should go into choosing your business name. do you use your own given name? or do you come up with a catchy business name that perhaps gives a sense of what your business is about? there are many reasons to choose the former, and just as many reasons to choose the latter. if you’re after more about what goes into choosing a name for your business, let me offer you this fun article by James, Taylor, How to Name Your Photography Business. but this is not a blog entry about how to choose your business name … it’s about protecting that name once you’ve finally settled on one.
one of the many reasons that a lot of photographers choose to use their own name is that there is no need to trademark your own given name. it is already your name, your identity. easy peasy. no crazy legalities, no huge investment in trademarking and lawyer’s fees. it’s you! but if you do choose to use a business name – like scruffy dog photography – then a lot more goes into protecting that name and the brand you are creating to go along with it.
first off, if you haven’t already named you business or are considering a change, be sure to research your chosen name extensively. exhaustively! there is no one source for conducting these kinds of searches, but i have to believe that most of you have basic Googling skills. use ‘em.
there is nothing worse than your business being confused with another – whether it’s local, the other side of the country, or around the world. it’s a recipe for confusion amongst potential clients (whether they be private clients or commercial) and is obviously just bad business in a field that is very web-driven and, as such, very global. but name-confusion could be the least of your troubles if you choose to use a business name that is already in use and trademarked by someone else. you could find yourself in a deep pot of hot legal soup.
so … if your chosen business name isn’t already in use, the most important next step in protecting your name is trademarking it. this is an expense most businesses incur when starting up, and photography should be no different. why? because photography is such a web-driven profession and there truly is very little difference between a “.com” and a “.ca”. of course, it’s on account of a photography’s business being more ‘global’ (especially if you’re selling stock or shooting commercially), that protecting your business name by registering a trademark should be seriously considered. however, this venture is not an inexpensive one. far from it. registering the “scruffy dog” name came with an almost $11,000 price-tag, and it’s a never-ending process. it’s no wonder that the majority of photographers choose to use their own names!
but failing to register a trademark means you have far less ground to stand on when it comes to others deciding that they like your business name and will use it for their own. and trust me, when you invest this much into your business – in both finances and time – you’re going to protect it. again, this is a road i’ve been down personally … and not just once! and in all cases, i could only shake my head as i perused the analytics for my site and blog, and could actually count the number of visits from these other individuals immediately prior to their choosing my business’ name or one “confusingly similar” for their own.
unfortunately, even once you have spent thousands and slogged through all the legalities and time to register your business’ unique name (and maybe even your tagline), it doesn’t end there! you now have the perpetual task of protecting your ‘mark’ from those who simply don’t understand or perhaps don’t respect the significance of a trademark. precious time can be lost in following up on any infringements of your mark, but you simply must follow up. as my lawyers say, if you don’t follow up, it dilutes your hard-earned mark and eventually that mark will mean nothing. so it’s important to maintain the integrity and ownership of your mark. this, of course, requires retaining lawyers (typically the ones who did all of your initial trademarking), and it also requires keeping your ear to the ground when it comes to copycats.
one way of keeping your ear to the ground is through Google Alerts. once you’ve got your name properly registered (if you go that route), make sure you sign up for Google Alerts … it will let you know whenever your business name is mentioned anywhere online.
… and finally we arrive at the issue of copying and plagiarism. this can come in the form of the copying of your business model, advertisements, marketing ventures, social media practices, and style … all the way down to outright plagiarism of text directly from your website, blog, client information, and any other business ‘copy’. and yes, sadly, scruffy dog has been a victim of all the above, countless times now.
Plagiarism and copying
in this arena, it’s all about paying heed to the warnings of others, and acting on them. with the amazing following that has been built with scruffy dog over the years (which, trust me, takes a lot of work too!), i have ears and eyes everywhere. and it is those eyes and ears of concerned followers, extremely supportive clients, and fellow photographers that catch 99% of the cases of image theft, plagiarism, passing-off-as, and other outright copying, and they alert me to them. in fact, there was only one case of copyright infringement that i actually caught myself … and it was a complete fluke … stumbling upon one of my most popular images on a dog supply website while i was on the phone with the company placing my order!
given the rampant copying that goes on in this industry – whether it’s style, business practices, advertising and marketing approaches, even outright plagiarism of copy from sites – it’s clear that:
(a) there are a lot of photographers out there – pros, dabblers, and hobbyists; and
(b) a lot of them are only out for some fast track to the success they see others building.
as a very good friend of mine, who also happens to be a highly successful and talented photographer, recently wrote: “I often wonder where half the photographers would be without the internet or Pinterest to show them what they should be photographing and how.”
trust me, there is no fast track to success. to cultivate genuine success and a truly unique business that is fully yours – your style, your business ethics, your marketing approach, your branding, and your social media presence – well, that takes time … it takes a mountain-load of brainstorming, ingenuity and constantly thinking outside the box, not to mention, a lot of money. unfortunately a lot of photographers don’t seem to grasp this … which leads to the incredible glut of cookie-cutter photographers we have today. blogs and websites all start looking the same, photos appear confusingly familiar because styles are mimicked, and eventually (or very quickly) even your own original ideas are swallowed up by others … leaving your faint stroke of ‘originality’ in an otherwise highly-saturated market looking absolutely mundane in very short time.
and believe me, i’m well aware that trying to come up with a new idea isn’t easy … and there is a good level of truth in the adage that there are no more original ideas. of course it’s possible for two people, or several!, to come up with the same idea — whether it’s a business idea, a photographic idea, a name, etc. the trick is to recognize when these instances of similarities are merely coincidence or when they are actual copying … repeated offenses by the same individual(s). i never … never jump to the conclusion of ‘copy’, and always believe in the best in people. i always want to suspect coincidence first … until the evidence starts to mount… this is when, unfortunately, action must be taken, before it gets out of hand.
so what can you — hardworking, creative, respectful and socially conscious photographer — do? well, besides addressing the obvious culprits — whether that entails legal action or not — the most important thing you can do is to just keep on plowing. stick to the row you are hoeing, regardless of who is following in your tracks and picking at all of the hard work and time you have sunk into your business. i simply have to believe that karma is a bitch, and that these individuals who — for whatever reason — are unable to think and create for themselves and who use the hard work of others as their personal instruction manual in some delusional fast-track will simply fizzle and fade, having no true spark of their own. …and that, in the end, the genuine creative forces in this industry will always shine bright.
and finally, i thought i’d share this little video blog from Marie Forleo that i stumbled on the other day … stick with it, she has some good things to say about business copycats.
Facebook Comments
Ludovic RoussetAnd what does Marie Forleo know? She is a money sucking witch! Copyrighting on the web is dying. You go online you deal with the consequences of fame. That’s it. I would like to quote someone here: ‘this certainly is a testament to show just how far plagiarism and a lack of true creativity will take you — nowhere.’ And that’s from the owner of this website accepting that people who do plagiarism will go nowhere! So what’s the point in being mad and angry about it.
This is how I go about it:
1) If someone copies you, be proud! ‘There can be no creation before imitation’. Even the greatest singers, painters, photographers copied when they started. People copy only when they start a business and they only copy someone they admire the work of. We all copy, that’s how we learn a new job, learn at school and train. A singer sings other people’s songs, a painter copies Picaso or Monet, a musician plays other’s music, and so on…
2) If someone copies you, think: what will they do with your work/words/photos? Having amazing photos as a portfolio (whether stolen or not) will not make you successful. It is really hard to be successful. So fear not!! And if someone copies your text or photos and becomes very successful send them a well done message, because that’s bloody genius! Aren’t we all trying to be successful but struggling? So if your copycat does it, ask for tips!!!
And please, don’t tell me you have always been square in your life. You’d be a liair.
The point is to relax! Always think what is the worst that can happen? When you find the answer, think: and what?
People who succeed are people who learn at a very early stage that when something bothers them they need to keep moving on. Don’t stagnate on something that repeats itself constantly, like copyrighting issues. It will give you cancer and kill you – life’s to short. And don’t encourage lawyers to be more rich and mean than they already are.
There will always be people copying, always! So you can decide to live your life, or stop and moan at every single one who does something you judge to be wrong.ReplyCancel
Jenny KanYou said what I have to say. There are so many nasty guys in the business world.ReplyCancel
Toronto Photographer JunWhat you said is definitely true. But many photographers just can’t afford to pay the high price tag at the startup.
Juli-Anne WarllThank you for taking the time to write this and share; although I’m sorry the motivation for it were these negative, real life instances. It would be very disheartening to deal with this. However, I love your attitude to keep the faith and keep pushing for your individual creativity. Please don’t go back writing novels, or if you do, don’t drop the camera to do so, it’s a pleasure to see your work evolve and become better and better. Love it!ReplyCancel
Kim OrtizExcellent article and lots of great info. However some photographers have a business model, not so much in the pet photography niche but high school seniors, glamour, newborns, etc. of sharing everything in their business from shooting style, marketing, sales, pricing, etc. though teaching workshops. So the attendee come back from the workshops emulating exactly the style, pricing, etc. In the high school seniors market, I am beginning to see everyone’s work to look very similar. What are your thoughts on this business model?ReplyCancel
Kaylee GreerThis is a fantastic post full of amazing, relevant information. Thank you for taking the time to write this Illona. I have had numerous very similar instances in my three short years of business. Just last week I had someone email me asking the age old ‘what lens do you use’ question while letting me know that she was starting up a pet photography business as well – and she actually had the gall to sign the message off with her new ‘business’ name – which was EXACTLY my business name with one extra word added in. I couldn’t believe it – I was in complete shock. It honestly didn’t even seem like she knew it was wrong… It amazes me. But I try to keep my head up, and like you said – just keep working harder and pushing forward – because you’ve got to figure people like that wont last long. Good luck with everything! Keep on keeping on and being the best at what you do! You are amazing!ReplyCancel
Mountain TailsGreat post Illona. I think a lot of photographers that go into the business without a business background have no idea of the work you “should” do to protect your work and your business, and simply pick a name, and start shooting. The photography business, pet or otherwise is becoming very saturated and lets just hope it is a passing fad that everyone with a camera thinks they can make money doing it. But the bottom line is that those that copy and base their work on emulating others will not last. And…..karma is a bitch. ReplyCancel
Leah FoxcroftLovely post! I have just found your site and blog and I am loving it! You have such a great way of writing and communicating ideas in a no nonsense kind of way and I really appreciate it. I am just getting started in this line of work and I love every minute of it, and I work hard at what I do. I specialize more in horses, but I find your work with dogs very inspiring. Keep on keepin’ on! So I can enjoy more of your beautiful photos! Stay excellent!ReplyCancel
Kelly Markwith PhotographyThank you so much for taking the time to write this. You are an inspiration to others…you inspire people to become great photographers, be creative and love what they do! Unfortunately there’s people out their that say they are photographers” but really are not”, and take inspiration as inspiration to make it their own! I am in the beginning stages of starting my photography business and I only hope that I can some how avoid being copied…somehow I think its inevitable though, and eventually it will happen to everyone sooner or later. Like you said though, we need to try and move on because it’s only a matter of time before what they are doing is going to bite them in the butt!
Mary WhiteExcellent blog. I wish non-photographers will read this. I have spent many non-paying hours creating my trademarks(photo angles and lighting) and proving my work ethics. I still find watermarked non-purchased photos out there. Believe it or not though, there are some clients, and the number is increasing, asking copy-write questions and requirements for publishing. I think the word is getting out, be it slow.ReplyCancel
illonathanks for sharing your experience, Mary. i, too, think that gradually the public is getting it. i’m sure i’m not the only working photographer who is surprised that a huge proportion of their job is ‘education’ … whether that’s educating clients (private and commercial), fellow photographers, or those who simply believe that anything and everything on the internet — from copy to photos to business model and business names — is free for the taking. it truly is the wild-west web out there. happy shooting!ReplyCancel
Charlotte ReevesGreat article Illona, I am sorry you have had to deal with so many of these issues over the years! Hopefully this article will help others and also spread the word about what is and isn’t acceptable in this industry.ReplyCancel
Debra KlecanWhat a gorgeous site, what a great photography! Thank you for your succinct and well researched article about copyright, trademark and photo business. Thanks for taking the time to share with us, your fans. A good photographer friend referred me to your site, and I was overwhelmed by all the lovely pictures. I am a dog photographer and illustrator in the U.S. Southwest. My photo work is done in the studio. I am disabled (due to a car accident) and, unfortunately, have to set the dogs up to my level. LOL…but my pups and my pup-clients are extremely accommodating. I have to say that the beauty of Ontario plays a major role in you work. My husband, pups and I are trying to see Canada but it is so huge. We try to bit off a small (or large piece) of Canada every few years. We will eventually get to Ontario. We are always overwhelmed by the charm and loveliness of Canadians. One of my resolutions for 2013 is getting my site updated and organized…always a chore, but I will continue to look through your site for creative inspiration. Thank you so much, Debbie, Chama, Elko and Toby.ReplyCancel
Emily FiskThank you for taking the time to write this up and share this. I’m brand new at this game of being a “Professional Photographer” but, unfortunately, have already run into a few of these issues…
It’s encouraging to see solutions and a very good reminder to just keep plugging away on your own path with the confidence that that copy cats will just fall behind, unable to keep up. It’s a hard lesson to learn. It is also a very emotional lesson to learn.ReplyCancel
Holly MontgomeryThis is great! Great video too. I was telling my husband last night if there was just something I could tell myself to make me feel better, I would feel better! LOL. This blog and video have a few of those things. Awesome!ReplyCancel
welcome to our annual year-end video. most photographers put together a year-end blog entry as a retrospective of their year, but here at scruffy dog we started our own tradition over the past few years: a video to celebrate all of our clients and sessions in the past year.
the dogs and cats, and one guinea pig and a bunny, in this video are from our sessions in 2012. it includes one photo of each scruffy from every 2012 session, and it certainly wasn’t an easy task choosing just ONE photo from each client session! for some of repeat clients who had two (or more) sessions in 2012, they will appear once for each session. the result: just over 125 scruffies! what an epic year!
as i watch this video back myself, i realize just what a truly fabulous year it’s been here at scruffy dog photography! we were blessed with some absolutely wonderful clients and many inspiring scruffies …. making 2012 our biggest year yet.
(for optimum viewing, click the icon with 4-arrows on the right of the control bar … and make sure “scaling” is off)
thank you, clients, for being a part of the scruffy dog family and a part of our history. and thank you, SDP followers for your continued support over the years.
Facebook Comments
David A DubeWhat I’ve always loved about your photography is that, in most cases, even if the dog where removed you’d still have a great photo. Your ability to see a photo within a photo is key to your successful style.ReplyCancel
RashaI loooove your work !! this is my dream too i am learning photography and i want tp work with animals ! wouldn’t be great ! the 2 things i love photography and animals… your website is the most inspiring ! great artistic with class i am from Jordan , Amman its a bit far from where you live but i wish one day when i finish my study to come and visit you and see you working…do you give courses? again thank you a looot for the useful information you sharing with us on your blog ReplyCancel
Rebecca Morrell VenturinoLove your picture!ReplyCancel
Joni A SolisFabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous, the photos, the dogs, the music, and your talent!ReplyCancel
CaraOK Kevins story made me a little teary eyed
……hope he is doing ok. Love his pics.
Bethany KarnBeautiful.
bettyHi Illona – I believe very much in karma.
Trevor and Kevin had built good karma for others to lead you to them. By you offering your services to them during this difficult time, you too are building karma. Good for you!
jenniferLOVE the second one down, of the Rottie. Also the head shot near the end of the Dane. Just beautiful. What a great guy, well deserved.
Michelle BradshawWow illona, such beautiful images! Trevor’s boys are stunning!
Josey SliskoTrevor is an amazing fella and truly deserves these stunning pictures! Awesome job!
Jan BaierBeautiful work Illona. Trevor is a great guy and a deserving recipient of the award. Gorgeous dogs, stunning photos…
Jan BaierBeatiful work Illona. Trevor is a great guy and a deserving recipient of the award. Gorgeous dogs, gorgeous photos.
Donna IcelandicI so love these photos.May these brothers enjoy each other for a long time.
Judy Gadsby BellevilleAbsolutely beautiful pictures…I’m always in awe of the beauty you capture. Thanks for sharing.
Sabine Stapells<3