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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

another facebook mash-up ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

as i always say, if you want to keep on top of what’s going on here at scruffy dog, see the latest client sessions, and hear the latest news, it’s a good idea to follow us on facebook.  SDP‘s facebook page is where you’ll not only see new photos daily, but catch up on all the latest goings on … like our new contest coming up next week to win your own scruffy session to celebrate Merrick Goobernuts’ re-birthday.  and our call for models for our One-on-One mentoring sessions for visiting photographers from across the US and Canada throughout March and April and into the summer.

yes, all of this and more on the scruffy dog facebook page.  it’s the place to be!  and if you are already following SDP but we’re not showing up in your feed (because facebook is severely throttling business pages’s feeds these days, and we are reaching less than 14% of our followers), here’s what you need to do:

1. hover over the “Liked” button (because we’re assuming you already “Like” SDP!); a drop-down menu will appear;

2. make sure the “Get Notifications” is selected;

3. make sure the “Show in Newsfeed” is selected;

4. if you want to get even fancier, you can create an “Interests Lists” and add SDP to that.

And if we’re STILL not showing up regularly in your feed (as we have received reports from a number of followers who have done the above and are still seeming to miss out) …

5. make a couple of comments under some photos on the SDP wall, and “like” or “share” a couple of photos.  even just a little activity on a business page demonstrates to the FB gearheads that you’re definitely interested in the page, and they will supposedly start filtering that page’s posts more regularly into your feed.

in the meantime, if you’re not following SDP on facebook, we’ll always try to keep you caught up here on the SDP blog … although we might be a few months behind!  and remember, you can always subscribe to the SDP blog and be notified via email whenever a new entry is posted by using the “subscribe” tab over there on the left!

not unlike a lot of very busy photographers, SDP uses the quieter winter months to catch up on archiving.  in so doing, i ran across a number of gems i hadn’t shared before.  … like this gem of sweet Sarah from her scruffy summer session.

… and this one of the very handsome Charlie showing off his Karma collar….

and the super adorable Gus … one of my favorite scruffy clients ever.

of course, i simply had to share this one of the adorable Buster in the Distillery District.

and this is Abby, enjoying the summer grasses …

… the very handsome Duke.

and a little black-and-white conversion of Penny on her porch.

one of the most stunning dogs i’ve had the pleasure to work with is Boots from New York City.  you can see her and her sister Mollie’s full blog entry here.  diagnosed with cancer prior to her Honor Sessions™, Boots’ family had to say goodbye to their sweet rescue girl some months ago.  it was an absolute honor to have been entrusted to capture her images.

and then there is the sweet sweet Mabel … and her pesky brother Murdoch.  one of my favorite sessions ever.

Data came from Toronto to scruffy dog territory for his session …a little fun on the beach …

and in the big woods…

and what about the handsome Domi?

… using his brother as a pillow?

this handsome boy is Bentley and belongs to photographer Katy Brunkard

…and this is Tikka … i have no words.  but you’ll be seeing more of this monkey in the fall.  hopefully she’ll be a little more … um … mature by then.

how handsome is Rocky?

i just love Scout’s wag and happy face…

of course, no facebook mash-up would be complete without at least a couple of contributions from the resident scruffies.  merrick mcscruffy had to show off his new ball.

…it pretty much tuckered him out.

and an older shot of my me and my old girl matea

…and who doesn’t love a bath shot?

we hope you’ve enjoyed this latest facebook mash-up!  as i always say, if you want to keep your paw on the pulse, join the super-active scruffy dog facebook page!

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  • Pam PurvesThese are fantastic. I, too, am doing dog portraiture – just started – and saw your images in Orangeville at the vet’s. You are my new inspiration!ReplyCancel

  • Michelle BradshawAwesome blog illona…went on an emotional roller coaster ride again. Every shot just warms my heart. Thak you!ReplyCancel

  • Kaylee GreerThe light in the image of Rocky in the pond is absolutely to die for!! Magical! 🙂ReplyCancel

your chance to win a scruffy dog session and more! ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

in celebration of Merrick’s 3rd re-birthday with us — the day we ended his six-year stint of breeding for a puppymill situation — we’re having another scruffy dog session giveaway!  well, actually, it’s much more than just one session giveaway; there are many prizes to be won to celebrate the goober’s re-birthday!

the contest is taking place right now on the scruffy dog facebook page, and anyone, yes anyone, can be a winner.  this isn’t just about the dog with the most votes wins!

there will also be:

– an artist’s choice, winning $100 towards a session of their choice!

– anyone with 100 votes or more receives 20% off any SDP session!

– anyone with 50 votes receives 10% off any SDP session!

how’s that for prizes!?

the full contest details and rules can be found on the contest page.   the contest is already well under way, but don’t let that stop you!  this kind of contest is really about the individual … and you have plenty of time before the contest ends at NOON on March 21st to get those votes in!!   voting can start as soon as you enter!

in regards to voting: the contest is set up for one vote per person per individual animal, so make ’em count!

make sure to share your entry on your FB page … the contest platform is also set up for you to share via Twitter and email as well, if you like!

it should be noted that when entering the contest or when voting with mobile devices, the contest app (which — by facebook regulations — we are required to use) will ask you to “Register Using Facebook,” and then request permission to access your FB account.  DON’T PANIC!  this is only to confirm who you are!  the app does not access your friends or personal data, nor is SDP able to access this.  it is merely to keep track of who is who, and to make sure that everything is fair.

have fun!  enjoy!  i look forward to seeing all of your scruffies on the SDP contest page, and hopefully meeting them in the near future!

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