let me present to you round two of the many faces of Woofstock … of course, this is just a teeny tiny miniscule sampling of the faces that came into the extraordinarily busy scruffy dog booth.
NOTE: if you find your dog amongst these amazing faces, please understand and respect copyright laws. images are NOT to be copied, screen-captured, lifted or used in anyway. All content and images on this blog are strictly copyrighted. If you would like to share your scruffy’s photo on facebook, here is the Woofstock 2013 album on the scruffy dog FB page. You will find your scruffnut there and are more than free (in fact, encouraged!) to “Share” your pup’s image.
If you would like your own copy of the image, just drop me a line!! [email protected] … the studio is very busy, but I will absolutely do what I can to answer your requests!
i start this entry off with one of my absolute favorites (and a lot of others’ favorite) from this year’s Woofstock — baby Lucy. how adorable is this baby? love her. love her. love her.
eep. too much cuteness. if her mom hadn’t taken her out of the booth when she had, this little girl would have been jammed into my camera bag and never seen by her family again.
and how about these two beauties? gorgeous dogs … Rogue on the right is a Thai Ridgeback and her little sister Mobi is some crazy mix of adorableness … probably some kelpie in there.
man, i love Mobi’s face. i’m definitely going to be doing a session with these two beauties.
oh yeah, and if you haven’t already met Chance … well … this is Chance … the jewel of Woofstock. and i can really get him wound up.
i certainly love me a Nova Scotia Duck Toller … and how’s this face for a begger?
some of you might recognize Maggie, one of our gorgeous SDP clients.
oh, what i wouldn’t do to have a session with these two gorgeous pups. look at that face!
of course, scruffnuts are always welcome.
and this is Wednesday … i remember her name because one of my last horses was named Friday. such a sweet little girl.
now this lovely lady is not one whose name i will soon forget! meet Dolly Parton!!
this lovely face belongs to Roxanne, formerly known as Hazel … and she was adopted through the scruffy dog facebook page when a follower saw her photo!! how cool is that?
we had a couple of supreme catchers step into the SDP booth over the weekend. i’m not sure how i’m able to tell the catchers from the non-catchers … perhaps because i live with one of each. but there’s just a sense i get from a dog as to whether they’ll be able to catch a tossed treat. and this big boy was a natural!
i found this boy while out on my brief walk about — a two-toned Sharpei! his name is Rocky … and he stopped by the booth later on in the afternoon. what a handsome boy.
this little scruffnut is Quincy.
i don’t think anydog smiles quite like a greyhound…
and i loved talking to this visitor and his one-eyed sweetheart. if you ever start your dog rescue, please drop me a line so i can help out!
of course, when it comes to Woofstock, as with any gathering, there are always some who have more to say than others…
and this is greedy-guts Suki … ready to clear the table for the treats.
i loved this sweet girl’s face. she seemed pretty over the events of the days … ho-hum … let’s just go home and chill by the AC now.
but this big bruiser was ready to rock and roll.
like i always say, Woofstock wouldn’t be Woofstock without its Yorkie quotient …
…or the Princesses.
and how about this sweet old girl? this lovely girl is fifteen years old! her energy and her eyes reminded me so much of my old girl. i have gone through the ballots and have finally figured out that her name is Daisy. i have posted her twice on the SDP facebook page with a call out to her mom (whom i now know is Wendy C) with an offer of a complimentary session.
last year i started a scruffy dog tradition called the Holiday Tribute gift, which is about giving a session to a deserving individual. you can read more about it via the link. the Holiday Tribute Gift giveaway was supposed to garner one gifted session, but last year i ended up shooting two. and now, i find myself — in spite of an extremely full schedule — needing to offer another Tribute Session midway through the year. let’s call it an early holiday gift!
to watch Wendy with her old girl Daisy was truly lovely. Wendy has other dogs, and also fosters, but the quiet bond she shares with Daisy is unmistakable, and as i said, the energy of t his sweet girl is so reminiscent of my girl Matea. i would love to have the opportunity to capture this for Wendy. i realize Barrie is a distance (ironically, Matea is from the Barrie shelter), but as i know you’ve been a long-time follower of SDP and have been planning for a session, i hope you will find some time in your schedule so that we can get some photos of your amazing girl.and from the wise … to the wiggly. how’s this for adorkable?
…and handsome.
of course, all good things have an end … including Chance and his pink heart. i hope you’ve enjoyed these few faces of Woofstock 2013.
and for those of you who weren’t able to make it this year, here’s a peek at the SDP booth. let me also take this opportunity to put out a BIG shout-out to my amazing staff who have been with me for the past three years. Karen — you are my ROCK. every year, i’m amazed you agree to be part of the madness all over again, but you gotta know i couldn’t do it without you. Kim — i can’t believe you flew in from Edmonton to help us again this year. THANK YOU!!! BOTH!! you ladies absolutely completely totally rock.
Joni A SolisWonderful, wonderful, wonderful, but I got to say that the Princesses really hooked me. Love your booth too.
Susan HumphreysWow, you must have sore fingers after all these great pics!
Glad everything went well, and your booth looks wonderful!
Susan Humphreys
AnnaRachelle Luketic FitzsimmonsThank you for sharing these precious beauties. Your booth rocks and I so appreciate your heart.
DarleneThank you for posting these lovely pics! My plans to go to Woofstock this year fell through but I am determined to make next years event and visit you