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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

the faces of Woofstock 2013 ~ installment 2 ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

let me present to you round two of the many faces of Woofstock … of course, this is just a teeny tiny miniscule sampling of the faces that came into the extraordinarily busy scruffy dog booth.


NOTE: if you find your dog amongst these amazing faces, please understand and respect copyright laws. images are NOT to be copied, screen-captured, lifted or used in anyway. All content and images on this blog are strictly copyrighted.  If you would like to share your scruffy’s photo on facebook, here is the Woofstock 2013 album on the scruffy dog FB page.  You will find your scruffnut there and are more than free (in fact, encouraged!) to “Share” your pup’s image.

If you would like your own copy of the image, just drop me a line!!  [email protected] … the studio is very busy, but I will absolutely do what I can to answer your requests!


i start this entry off with one of my absolute favorites (and a lot of others’ favorite) from this year’s Woofstock — baby Lucy.  how adorable is this baby?  love her.  love her.  love her.

eep.  too much cuteness.  if her mom hadn’t taken her out of the booth when she had, this little girl would have been jammed into my camera bag and never seen by her family again.and how about these two beauties?  gorgeous dogs … Rogue on the right is a Thai Ridgeback and her little sister Mobi is some crazy mix of adorableness … probably some kelpie in, i love Mobi’s face.  i’m definitely going to be doing a session with these two beauties.oh yeah, and if you haven’t already met Chance … well … this is Chance … the jewel of Woofstock.  and i can really get him wound up.

i certainly love me a Nova Scotia Duck Toller … and how’s this face for a begger?some of you might recognize Maggie, one of our gorgeous SDP clients.oh, what i wouldn’t do to have a session with these two gorgeous pups.  look at that face!of course, scruffnuts are always welcome.and this is Wednesday … i remember her name because one of my last horses was named Friday.  such a sweet little girl.

now this lovely lady is not one whose name i will soon forget!   meet Dolly Parton!!this lovely face belongs to Roxanne, formerly known as Hazel … and she was adopted through the scruffy dog facebook page when a follower saw her photo!!  how cool is that?we had a couple of supreme catchers step into the SDP booth over the weekend.  i’m not sure how i’m able to tell the catchers from the non-catchers … perhaps because i live with one of each.  but there’s just a sense i get from a dog as to whether they’ll be able to catch a tossed treat.  and this big boy was a natural!i found this boy while out on my brief walk about — a two-toned Sharpei!  his name is Rocky … and he stopped by the booth later on in the afternoon.  what a handsome boy.this little scruffnut is Quincy.i don’t think anydog smiles quite like a greyhound…and i loved talking to this visitor and his one-eyed sweetheart.  if you ever start your dog rescue, please drop me a line so i can help out!of course, when it comes to Woofstock, as with any gathering, there are always some who have more to say than others…and this is greedy-guts Suki … ready to clear the table for the treats.i loved this sweet girl’s face.  she seemed pretty over the events of the days … ho-hum … let’s just go home and chill by the AC now.but this big bruiser was ready to rock and i always say, Woofstock wouldn’t be Woofstock without its Yorkie quotient … …or the Princesses.and how about this sweet old girl?  this lovely girl is fifteen years old!  her energy and her eyes reminded me so much of my old girl.  i have gone through the ballots and have finally figured out that her name is Daisy.  i have posted her twice on the SDP facebook page with a call out to her mom (whom i now know is Wendy C) with an offer of a complimentary session.

last year i started a scruffy dog tradition called the Holiday Tribute gift,  which is about giving a session to a deserving individual. you can read more about it via the link.  the Holiday Tribute Gift giveaway was supposed to garner one gifted session, but last year i ended up shooting two. and now, i find myself — in spite of an extremely full schedule — needing to offer another Tribute Session midway through the year. let’s call it an early holiday gift!

to watch Wendy with her old girl Daisy was truly lovely.  Wendy has other dogs, and also fosters, but the quiet bond she shares with Daisy is unmistakable, and as i said, the energy of t his sweet girl is so reminiscent of my girl Matea.  i would love to have the opportunity to capture this for Wendy.  i realize Barrie is a distance (ironically, Matea is from the Barrie shelter), but as i know you’ve been a long-time follower of SDP and have been planning for a session, i hope you will find some time in your schedule so that we can get some photos of your amazing girl.and from the wise … to the wiggly.  how’s this for adorkable?…and handsome.of course, all good things have an end … including Chance and his pink heart.  i hope you’ve enjoyed these few faces of Woofstock 2013.  and for those of you who weren’t able to make it this year, here’s a peek at the SDP booth.   let me also take this opportunity to put out a BIG shout-out to my amazing staff who have been with me for the past three years.  Karen — you are my ROCK.  every year, i’m amazed you agree to be part of the madness all over again, but you gotta know i couldn’t do it without you.  Kim — i can’t believe you flew in from Edmonton to help us again this year.  THANK YOU!!! BOTH!!  you ladies absolutely completely totally rock.

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  • Joni A SolisWonderful, wonderful, wonderful, but I got to say that the Princesses really hooked me. Love your booth too.ReplyCancel

  • Susan HumphreysWow, you must have sore fingers after all these great pics!
    Glad everything went well, and your booth looks wonderful!

    Susan Humphreys

  • AnnaRachelle Luketic FitzsimmonsThank you for sharing these precious beauties. Your booth rocks and I so appreciate your heart.ReplyCancel

  • DarleneThank you for posting these lovely pics! My plans to go to Woofstock this year fell through but I am determined to make next years event and visit youReplyCancel

a little wirehaired fun ~ {Toronto pet photographer}

i don’t typically have make the time to put together proper blog entries anymore.  running a busy photography business pretty-much single-handedly doesn’t leave a lot of time for the luxuries i once i had … so blog entries over the past couple of years have consisted of mashups of the images shared over on the scruffy dog facebook page, which — although entertaining in variety — don’t always tell much of a story.

but today i thought it was time to take the morning and go old-school.  2013 has proven to be an extremely challenging year … in more ways than i would ever dare to sit down and document.  after a particularly rough couple of weeks on the home-front, in between other wonderful client sessions and moments of sunshine and clarity, i had a session on the books with repeat client Katharine and her wonderful wire fox terrier Ryder.  you can see Ryder’s first session when he was a mere 6-month-old pup in his first blog entry.

like the majority of my clients, Katharine knows me.  she was aware of what i was dealing with on the home front, and was more than willing to postpone her boy’s session so that i could tend to family matters and take care of myself.  but i knew that an afternoon spent with a client like Katharine, her amazing mom, and her lovely wire boy was probably exactly what i needed … get away from the studio, away from home, out of my head, and be doing exactly what i’m supposed to be doing.

so, off i set to Toronto to see my boy.

as i drove, in the back of mind the sage words of my friend and colleague Jamie Pflughoeft of Cowbelly Pet Photography in Seattle rang loudly.  we’d spent four hours on the phone only a couple of nights earlier on other matters, and our discussion had encompassed many topics, the least of which was shooting, sessions, and always, “burn out”.  at one point — when i described my efficiency at sessions now that i’ve been doing this for so many years and averaging 100 clients a year — Jamie had asked me pointedly: “…but are you still having fun at sessions?”  i told her how friend and colleague Holly Montgomery of Brindleberry Pet Photography — whom i mentored last summer and who saw me first-hand work with our mock clients — described me as “a well-oiled machine.”   so when Jamie asked if i was still having fun at sessions the question made me pause.

well, yes, photographically speaking, i was having fun.  and yes, i have fun with my clients, engaging with them, sharing and laughing with them, learning about their relationship with their dogs.  and of course,  i certainly enjoy meeting their dogs!  but actually during our sessions, i’m all about efficiency, getting huge variety, getting the best shots, working the light, and setting up both the dog and the client for the greatest success in our session …

understand, my clients come first.  no matter how many years i work in this industry, delivering top-notch images and high-end products will always be my promise and #1 priority.  as such, there is a certain level of personal pressure that comes with this constant self-expectation and self-imposed standard to deliver the absolute, uncompromising best that i can at each and every session.

so, when Jamie described how — 10 years into her career — she will still put down the camera and play with the dog during her sessions, a clear and distinct vision immediately washed over me.  i saw myself setting down my camera in the grass and throwing the stick into the water for my client’s dog, without the overwhelming drive and obligation to capture every moment.

with all of that in mind, i warned Katharine that i’d like to come a little earlier for our session, to take our time at the different locations she had chosen … and especially knowing that she has the scruffy dog Best in Show 12″ album in mind, variety is key.

go figure it was one of the brightest days ever, so how lovely was it to just sit with Katharine and her amazing mother for a while in Katherine’s lovely rowhouse, catching up, sharing ankle surgery war-stories, and letting the shy Ryder reacquaint himself with me … although it took little more than the gift of a toy and a short game of tug to win his scruffy little heart again.

so, after some catching up and then a short drive to our first location, it was time to allow Ryder to let loose … or rather let Ryder loose, as the case may be.a little bit of posing ……but mostly, Ryder being Ryder.and “Ryder being Ryder” pretty much translates to full-steam-ahead …so much fun with this scruffnut …

and he even showed off some of his ballet moves.

then it was down to the beach.  although Katharine’s 75-year-old mom was still recovering from ankle surgery and couldn’t join us along every step of the session, having her at the driver’s seat and chauffeuring us from one location to the next was certainly a highlight.  what a rockstar!  i can only hope to possess even half her faculties, stamina and phenomenal energy when i’m her age!now, as for Ryder in the water … let me qualify … while this boy may look at home in the lake … a natural little water dog, he is not!  i think we need to get him together with Merrick to teach this boy how to swim……he will not go in past his tippy-toes.

but bury his favorite ball in the sand, he will surely find it.

so … thank you, Katharine … thank you, Katharine’s mom … and thank you, Ryder, for a seriously memorable afternoon and evening … for being so amazing … and for allowing me to remember what’s important.

of course, i realize that with my years of efficiency, of being that “well-oiled machine”, that taking twice the time to enjoy Katharine’s and her mother’s and Ryder’s company, also means a much larger gallery of her handsome boy for poor Katharine to sort through!

i hope you’ve enjoyed this actually very small sampling of Ryder’s images as much as i did shooting them.  happy Monday, all.

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  • Susan HumphreysI’m not on facebook, so can only catch up every now and then
    with your wonderful photographs. I Adore wire haired terriers, and
    these shots are superb! Looks like he’s smiling in a lot of them!
    Hope your goobers are okay, and that things improve for you on
    the home front. By the way, I’m not a photographer, but I hate
    what they’ve done to flickr, which is where I first found your
    shots of the magnificent Morley and Matea.

    Kind regards,

    Susan Humphreys

  • Caroline Fitzpatrick PapageorgiouYour photos are amazing! I just started my business, website, and blog and I hope to inspire people as much as you do! ReplyCancel

  • The Barking LensFantastic photos! I love the “butt” shots 😉 Ryder looks like such a little energetic scruffy 😀ReplyCancel

  • Karen B. NicholsWhat great photos! You are such an amazing photographer and you capture the joy of being a dog. I hope you continue to use your gift for the joy of folks! ReplyCancel

  • Diane ClarkeThe story behind the photo shoot is just as incredible as the photos. FabulousReplyCancel

  • Cowbelly Pet PhotographySo glad you had FUN Illona! Doesn’t it make a difference when you just slow down, allow yourself to make mistakes, take your time, set your camera in the grass, and just play and enjoy? I think it sets the tone for not just the shoot, but the energy and attitude of the pet too. I can tell Ryder had a great time in these shots too, and that’s just awesome! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Judy Gadsby BellevilleJust beautiful pictures…I would never have thought that anyone could capture the dogs real essence I can feel this dogs energy and happiness…How lucky this dogs mommy is to have such beautiful pictures.ReplyCancel

  • shelley CastleSounds like a good friend and Ryder were able to feed your soul at just the right time. It also shows in this session. I so enjoyed seeing this…It totally oozes with your talent and love for your art. Hope all heals and gets better on the home front.ReplyCancel

  • Diane LewisThanks for this post! as always beautiful work! your words ring so true! I have been photographing dogs for over 15 years, I still love it and can’t imagine doing anything else, but yes the drive to do the very best and not miss a moment surely rings true for me too. Weather permitting ( not too hot here in NC) I often times bring my dogs to play before the session at the park we are going to do the session at, it’s time for me to re-set and be fresh before starting work, or if the clients dog(s) are friendly I let mine play/swim with their dogs after the session if the client agrees. It’s a way to unwind and spend time with great people and their dogs and allow my dogs some fun too. It breaks up the day, gives me and my dogs a little “me” time and when the dogs are able to play, it gives me a great chance to talk to my clients on a real personal level ( cause those that know me know how I love to talk especially about dogs).ReplyCancel

  • Angela FrayleWhat beautiful pictures. You certainly have a gift 🙂 Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonSo well done as usual, illona, and I m so glad that you took Jamie’s advice. I’m sure it made for an even more memorable session for all of you! You are all about quality and this adds not only quality to your sessions but also quality and joy to you and your job. I’ve always said that if you no longer enjoy your job, then it’s not doing you or the job any good. Breath in deeply and enjoy your scruffy sessions. They will give you renewed energy! 😉ReplyCancel

  • Melody HenkelWonderful! You always capture every aspect and nuance of a dog’s personality.ReplyCancel

  • Pat JarvisGreat pictures of a happy little dog.ReplyCancel

  • Mareena SweatThis boy is super cute. The variety of settings really showcase his scruffiness and your talent! – I always have a smile on MY face while looking through your shots. Keep up the fabulous work!ReplyCancel

  • Robyn ElizabethSometimes we need to take a minute to remember what matters most to us 🙂 Thanks for sharing Ryder’s day of fun! I hope it gave you some fresh perspective and breathing room from all the outside stress…ReplyCancel

  • Joni SolisWow, what a multi-talented dog!ReplyCancel

  • WendyWow. Just wow. The amount of variety is truly amazing. I love the one when he is digging in the cushions. And I love the water/beach ones. I hope things are getting better on the home front.ReplyCancel

  • Caroline CoykendallI love my wire haired fox Sophie so much. It’s so good to see other dogs from other cities besides Chico. What great photos…KudosReplyCancel

more wintry goodness ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

are you all enjoying the warm sunshine, smell of fresh grass and the colours of the first spring blooms?  well, guess what?  i’m still going to hit you up with a bunch of wintry images!  yes, we’re just that far behind with blogging here at scruffy dog.  but, because i always promise to keep you caught up with the images posted on the scruffy dog facebook page, here is another entry of cold, snowy images!

first up, we have Chase … look at this face!01-waterloo-ontario-pet-photographer-best-dog-onyx chase cote-154

Chase and her sister Onyx belong to Jean Cote of the Dog Trick Academy … but this girl isn’t a one-trick pony!

02-waterloo-ontario-pet-photographer-best-dog-onyx chase cote-89

it was a phenomenal pleasure to work with these two as it was so clear that Jean works with these dogs … fun-loving and easy-going, but most of all, these dogs are accustomed to learning, so they were eager to please and learn some new tricks …

including posing on a big fallen tree in the scruffy dog woods.of course, Onyx already had her ‘wave’ down pat before her the year progresses, i’m looking forward to more sessions with these two superstars as they are booked for their Seasons Session.  it’s always great working with dogs throughout the seasons … and Onyx and Chase will be a up, we have Paige and Jazz.  as with Onyx and Chase, i had the pleasure of working with Paige and daughter Jazz through a couple of seasons.  as very “drivey” field retrievers these girls were absolutely wonderful to work with.sadly, Paige passed away quite suddenly only recently this past Easter…here is the tribute video i put together of this lovely girl …

i had a short session with rescue boy Jack.  he is being fostered through the Mississauga Humane Society … but as he is undergoing several surgeries, he is not yet up for adoption (as far as i know).Maya and Blitz also enjoyed the winter portion of their Seasons Session…both of them sporting their super fine custom-made collars from our friends over at Karma Collarsthen there was wee little tiny Mickey …he and his family were one of two recipients of the scruffy dog Holiday Tribute gift of a session …and then there’s big, talkative Molly from Toronto…sadly, Molly passed away shortly after her scruffy session.  such a beautiful girl.and finally, a little Joy…i hope you enjoyed this little splash of winter.  stay tuned for more!


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  • Elizabeth Delllove your work!ReplyCancel

  • The Barking LensBeautiful winter images and video! Do you recommend Vimeo over YouTube?ReplyCancel

  • JenI loved so many of these I can’t even list them all. And your tribute video made me cry…you know you aren’t allowed to do that! Beautiful.ReplyCancel

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