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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

laika ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

ah, gorgeous Laika.  i do love a scruffy.  meet Laika.  she’s a labradoodle … and if you are an avid follower of the scruffy dog facebook page you might recognize her.  Laika was a runner-up in our last facebook-hosted contest, and as such, won a discount on her session.  Laika’s mom Sandy has been an SDP follower for a long time, in fact, even before she owned a dog!when asked on her booking form what her favorite features of Laika’s are, Sandy responded: “Her thoughtful eyes, and her wizard beard.”  and i’d definitely have to agree!

we had loads of fun at Laika’s Starter session … exploring the different settings and location, balancing on logs, watching for squirrels…… showing off her catching skills with a toy she swiped from the scruffy studio before our session.… watching geese fly overhead …… and more balancing while looking wizardly and wise.and sniffing, of course.Laika brought her favorite toy along for her session — her duck, no goose, no duck … she’s so confused.  all she knows is that she loves that ratty old thing.and one thing Laika doesn’t like is flies!  i just had to include this silly out-take of Laika snapping at some of those pesky flies.thank you bringing Laika to scruffyville for her session, Sandy.  i’m looking forward to seeing prints of your gorgeous girl!

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  • Joni A SolisMy favorite photo is the second one with the sun behind her — wonderful! ReplyCancel

  • George BertwellI miss that sweet face…and the kisses. thanks for sharing these.ReplyCancel

  • Susanna MoodieWhat a face!ReplyCancel

  • Pamela ButlerWhat beautiful eyes! Love all of these but especially that outtake!ReplyCancel

  • Michelle Bradshawwow< beautiful as usual!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Johnathan WangelinVery good session and great looking girl. ReplyCancel

a reminder on the importance of protecting your business ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

it’s a sad state when a creative field like photography no longer seems to require what one would think is an essential element: creativityover the years i have dealt with more than my share of image theft, copyright infringement, trademark violation and outright plagiarism.  it can be exhausting, a tap on the resources, and — as someone who prides themselves on striving for whatever splashes of creativity and originality can possibly be eked out of this already saturated field — plagiarism and copyright violations can be downright disheartening and soul-sucking.  to this artist, honestly, it makes me want to quit … to turn my efforts instead  on removing every last remnant of scruffy dog from the internet and go back to writing novels … a world in which plagiarism comes with some mighty serious consequences!

yesterday my “Google Alerts” sent me to the page of a photographer due to a trademark infringement, but what i discovered there was far more extensive … a case of complete copy-and-paste plagiarism.  in fact, excluding this photographer’s “assistant’s bio” and their “prices” page, 80% of their website’s written content is a direct copy-and-paste from the scruffy dog website — specifically from the “about the scruffy studio” page and the “why choose scruffy dog” page, which is such a personal page.

i’ve had photographers lift my entire session page — structure and fees — word-for-word.  shameful, yes.  but what i found yesterday was more than that … extensive and, to be honest, offensive … because this content is me, this content is the essence of scruffy dog photography … built over almost six years in business.  it is not some other studio, not some other photographer.

i am offering screen-captures of the offending site only for you to see the extent that some people will go … or is it laziness? … when putting together their own business.  i am dumbfounded that a photographer who claims to be a member of PPA — and in the business for almost as many years as i — still does not posses the kind of creativity one would expect in this industry…

the highlighted content is a direct copy-and-paste from the “about the scruffy studio” page, and of course, an infringement of the trademarked business line “your dog is our studio.”

and this content is a copy-and-paste from both the “about scruffy dog studio” page and “why choose scruffy dog” page.

again, i’m dumbfounded.  understandably upset and frustrated.  yes, my IP lawyer has been contacted; he has been forwarded all of the pertinent information — site info, screen captures with the highlighted plagiarism, etc.   although there are numerous sites out there that would allow me to ‘out’ this photographer publicly, i will be emailing this individual privately first and requesting the plagiarized material be removed entirely and promptly.  if it is not done so in a designated timeframe, i will have my lawyer take action.

in the meantime, i invite my fellow photographers to review the very important blog entry i wrote about Protecting Your Photography Business.  this blog entry covers everything from protecting your images, trademarking, and handling plagiarism and copyright infringement.

as i mentioned there are websites that conduct a very effective public exposure of these kinds of cases … not really my style … yet.   for those interested, here are links to the big one — Stop Stealing Photos (thanks, Liz and Jeremy!) — who handle image theft as well as plagiarism and IP theft:

and here is their facebook page

in the meantime, be yourself, everyone!  this IS a creative field … try to be creative.  and for dog’s sake, protect your own creativity.

ADDENDUM:  it shouldn’t shock me but it does … within moments of posting this blog entry, a scruffy dog follower alerted me to two more cases where key paragraphs — in their entirety — from the “why choose SDP?” were lifted and are being used by other photographers as their own business mottos and descriptions.  (thank you, Cathy W.)  honestly, i would be far less offended if it were just things like fee structures and products descriptions that were rampantly and so exactly plagiarized … but what these photographers are doing is a complete copy-and-paste of whole paragraphs that are the absolute ESSENCE of SDP.  these are descriptions of scruffy dog photography and of me and my approach to dogs and photography … NOT them, NOT their studio, NOT their shooting.  these paragraphs have been a part of scruffy dog for more than five years, they have been the core of this business, its approach, and its very essence.  they are no one else’s.

i’m starting to think it would be much easier and faster to go the way of PhotoStealers and just go public with this stuff … not to mention CHEAPER.


RESOLUTION OF CASE #1: i received an email from photographer #1 (connected to the screen captures above)

I have no problem changing my site wording. I’m in the process of closing my photography business and this email has confirmed my decision.

and a second email:


I have all but removed my site. I completely understand your stand and apologize. There was no malice intended. I was unaware of the extent of copy-and-paste but assure you it has been removed. Please feel free to visit my site to be sure it has been taken care of. The site will be completely removed the beginning of the year.

while it is never my intent to discourage people from pursuing their dreams of being a photographer, and my goal was certainly not to have this individual up and close their business, this certainly is a testament to just how far plagiarism and a lack of true creativity will take you — nowhere.  any creative field has to stem from being true to yourself, true to your art, and staying true to that creativity through all aspects of it.


THE SAGA CONTINUES:  people should know that, as someone who made their living for 17 years as a novelist, i take plagiarism and copyright infringement VERY seriously. this is why there is a copyright notification at the bottom of every page on the SDP site. i’m not sure how to make it clearer other than perhaps having an entry page to the SDP site warning people that they are about to enter a copyrighted area and “please leave with nothing other than smiles and warm hearts from viewing all the lovely dogs!”

TWO MORE CASES popped up this morning … it seems some people are utterly incapable of writing their own bios or describe their own studio/business … don’t you know who YOU are as a photographer? … or perhaps my wish has come true … they’ve finally cloned me and i just have to go find these people and bring ’em in so i have extra help at last!

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  • Jen MetzgerYou know, I am just speechless. As if you aren’t busy enough – or any of these people that have been plagiarized, you have to deal with this. It is bull —-. I don’t buy their excuses and although it is easy enough after reading other websites and then writing your own that there are similarities, in structure, certain words, whatever, there is a clear difference here and in the examples on “Stop Stealing Photos” . It blows my mind. You are way nicer than I would have been in the way you handled it (but you have always tended to be). FYI can you tell how far behind I am that I am just now reading this??? 🙂 SCrew them, screw them alllll!!!!!!! 😉ReplyCancel

  • Evan ParadisAs a Web Developer, I know exactly what you mean. I’ve had people turn down logo’s and refuse to pay for websites; only to try stealing the content later. It’s honestly shameful if you’re trying to get into a creative field and don’t have the capacity to create your own work.ReplyCancel

  • BrendaThey say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Yeah, I guess you can take this as flattery but it upset me just reading it. You are a much better person that I am – I would have had the lawyer on it that day. No initial contact with please take my content off your site. It would be “BAM – LAWSUIT” if it was me. But, I guess in the end, they must think that you are so much more creative than they are that they just had to steal your words. Theirs were not good enough to draw in customers I guess. Maybe they need to consider that and get out of the business.ReplyCancel

  • Csh Threenornsone thing about snopes is that you cannot copy and paste from the website. it’d be interesting to know how they do that.

  • Tabitha Jenkins HillHer work isn’t very impressive. I hope you’re not intimated by her at all. I love your work!!!ReplyCancel

  • Christina Corya NewkirkA while back on a photography forum(cant remember which one)they were talking about how someone had posted a photograph that was watermarked and another forum member swiped the picture, edited the original watermark out and put his watermark on the photograph and re-posted it on the same forum that the original photograph was posted on in the first place. Needless to say they did not find it acceptable behavior. ReplyCancel

  • Roxanne MaguireWhat a shame that you should have to contend with this. I can imagine how disheartening it must be to make that kind of discovery. Kudos to you for taking the high ground, though; I really like the way you’re dealing with it. Keep up the wonderful work you do, and keep smiling – in the end it’s how you play the game that really counts! All the best to you!!! Looking forward to seeing more of your terrific photos and reading their stories!!!ReplyCancel

  • Marianne GizziIlona,
    I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope this gets resolved soon. I love your awesome work, and always look forward to seeing your photos. Sending good vibes from Illinois USA.
    Hugs, MarianneReplyCancel

  • Diane Musil MonteI am not a professional photographer. I am an amateur photographer who volunteers my time taking photos of shelter pets for placement on shelter facebook pages or petfinders sites. I have problems with people and groups using my photos for their fundraisers. Although I might give permission if asked, no one asks.. Very frustrating even on a volunteer/ amateur basis. ReplyCancel

  • Amy RobinsonSo disheartening and sad and yes, LAZY – like yours so much that it was stolen – some would say you should feel flattered. Don’t feel flattered, feel violated. People think what’s theirs is theirs and what’s yours is theirs as well. So sorry you have to continue to go through this!

  • Michelle Bradshaw“Taking”something that isn’t yours and passing it off as if it is, really tells me something about a person’s moral compass…. Just sayin……ReplyCancel

  • Michelle BradshawIt’s so pathetic that another photographer thinks it’s ok to ‘take’ content from your website and claim it as their own. As a avid SDP follower and member of the SD family there’s a lot I’d like to say but in the interest of being polite, I won’t . ReplyCancel

  • Kim OrtizWow. That is blatant plagiarism.ReplyCancel

judd & charlie ~ {Woodstock, Ontario pet photographer}

what can i say about these next two froo-froos?  meet Judd – a Bichon Frise – and Charlie – a Bichon Shihtzu cross – who came from Woodstock for their scruffy Starter session.i had fun with these two in the great variety of vegetation and backdrops that we typically use even for our Starter sessions.  like many clients, mom Erica requested the tunnel of trees location, and – like many – had the tunnel in mind for her canvas.  in fact, this image is the one Erica chose for her museum-framed Signature canvas, and i just wrapped it up!11-year-old Judd has the sweetest energy … and for having a little pain-in-the-butt brother pushing his buttons most of the time, he actually proved to be an extremely patient old man.whereas 1-year-old Charlie … well … don’t let this moment of repose fool you!… or this saccharine sweet, calm expression and innocent tilt of the head.… he’s really a wild man!Judd’s sweet expression, on the other hand, can be trusted.this man was all calmness and mr. posey posey.with Charlie, well, it was easier to just bury him in a little crown vetch…mom Erica was running a marathon the day after our session and, since Charlie joins her when she trains, she wanted a shot of Charlie with her crazy neon could tell this boy had certainly done his own share of training … he was non-stop energy.of course, Judd was no slouch himself and we managed to incite a few runs out of him as well.thanks for a fun session, Erica, and for introducing me to your lovely boys.  i’m looking forward to seeing you when you pick up your prints and canvas!

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonOMD, illona, you have ouydone yourself!!! These shots are amazing! I’m sure Erica was happy she made the trip!!!!!

  • Susan BeardAmazing pictures. Wish I could take pictures like that. ReplyCancel

  • Erica MayfieldLove this blog Illona! Loved how you captured my boys 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Cathy MacTavish HillGreat pics. I love the idea of the pink sofa outside and the white dogs.ReplyCancel

  • Roben Harris AndersonWow…amazing…..Looks like a fun day!

  • Lori Scholten Klopperawesome pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for sharing!

  • Caroline TwohillSuch a happy, colorful, FUN post! Love it!ReplyCancel

  • Jackie Creary-HurleyWhat wonderful pictures. Just lovely.

  • Joni A SolisLovely, lovely, lovely. How do you manage to have such delightful light for all your photos? And such cute dogs. ReplyCancel

  • BonnieYour photos just blow me away ,
    Amazing to me how you take such beautiful pictures and the dogs personalities just shine thru in the photos .
    I always look forward to seeing your new works !ReplyCancel

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