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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

just a little of what goes into SDP images ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

often on the scruffy dog facebook page i post before-and-after screen-captures of the editing of choice images.  some examples demonstrate straightforward editing — adjustments in exposure, white balance, tone,  curve, and any other required adjustments — while others show more significant changes from highlight- and shadow-recovery to boosting certain light sources that have been captured in-camera.

i’ve shared these before-and-afters for years so that clients can see what goes into their images, so they see the care and attention to detail that i bring to every scruffy dog image even before they end up in the proofing gallery.  in most cases leashes and lines, eye goobers, tear-staining and any other distractions are removed only on images ordered for prints, album, and wall pieces, but i always show at least a few with these additional edits done to help clients envision what can be done.

for those scruffy dog followers who are adverse to facebook — yeah, you know who you are! — i thought it might be nice to share a sampling of just a few of the before-and-afters that have been posted on the SDP facebook page.

in most of these cases, all of the editing has been done in Adobe Lightroom.

here’s Mika … showing off his combover …

and his brother Bobby in one of my most memorable sessions on a very rainy afternoon.and here’s Sophie, working that backlighting.of course, whenever i post these before-and-afters i always receive a handful of emails from photographers asking whether i offer online editing courses.  again and again, the answer is “no”.   the reason i don’t offer on-line courses or videos is because editing — understandably — is an important component of the One-on-One mentoring that i offer to other pet photographers globally.  with this being a significant portion of their experience, it would not be at all fair of me to offer it elsewhere.

i have taught for years … in the past, writing, and today, all aspects of the business of pet photography.  i connect with my mentees; i want to affect their outlook with respect to photography, motivate them, offer a new approach and a new way of thinking … and to do this, i teach in a very hands-on approach.  so, sorry, no videos … for now.

i do recommend, however, exploring all aspects of Lightroom or whatever editing program you are using.  and i always recommend shooting RAW.   if you’re looking for some good solid guidance on your journey through Lightroom — as this is a program that is as much about workflow as it is a powerful editing tool — consider purchasing one of Scott Kelby’s books on Lightroom.

here are Beans and Stewie.  the line would be removed later in Photoshop.and how about the handsome Gully?here are Joey, Bruiser and Pebbles … these three came all the way from Kansas for their session.  one might suggest that the image is initially underexposed, but in the case of two white dogs and a darker dog, i’m careful to expose according to all three dogs.  i would rather underexpose just a little so as not to lose too many highlights, knowing that my Nikons (the D3S and D4) have incredible dynamic range.  unless the shadows are really underexposed, i know i won’t be compromising any quality by bringing up those shadows.ah sweet, Juniper … and here’s big Kingston.  here again is an example deliberately underexposing … in this case, underexposing so that i don’t lose everything in the sky.and here is little Lucy, showing exactly how much can be regained when you do shoot RAW.  this is not some pasted in sky … sorry, i’ve got no time for that!  this sky is original to the scene, and was easily brought are Rogue and Mobi … in this case, the image was edited in LR, then exported out as a tif to CS5 where not only was the line removed but also some of that ugly black steel railing, and then brought back into LR.with Tiger’s image, i was able to use LR to bring out the glow already captured in-camera.and other times, images need just typical but still significant adjustments.

if you’d like to see even more of these before-and-afters, you can find more in the b-and-a album on the SDP facebook page.  enjoy!

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  • Gillian HershThanks for sharing. It’s always fun to see what other photographer’s do to their images in post. Looks great!ReplyCancel

  • Jess KampI am so excited to try my new lightroom program, but this just brought it to a new level, this are simply gorgeous, I am so inspired!ReplyCancel

  • Kelly Doucet-SimpsonOh thank you thank you for sharing the “before & after” images, really appreciated! Yours are superb!ReplyCancel

  • Donald TownsendThanks for sharing these before and after images. I’ve always learned a lot from these. Keep up the good work and keep on sharing.ReplyCancel

  • Norma RowleyJust seeing these before and after photos is an education in itself ! I am so inspired by your work – thank you so much for sharing….ReplyCancel

  • Michelle Bradshawwow….I’m certainly not a photographer (heck I can’t usually even fnd the camera on my crackberry) but I LOVE seeing these before and afters shots. It really gives you an appreciation for the amount of work you put into your beautiful images. Thank you for sharing illona.ReplyCancel

we’re not in Kansas anymore! ~ {International pet photographer}

meet Joey, Pebbles, and Bruiser.  although we’ve had scruffy clients travel from NYC, Chicago, Montreal and even fly from California, i think these three scruffnuts win for having driven the farthest distance for their scruffy session — all the way from Kansas!  these three belong to photographer Brandi Majerle, so they know a thing or two about posing.

Brandi and Pete wanted an urban component to their session to compliment the natural location they chose, and after perusing the scruffy locations page, they had a few things in mind so we headed out.  but for the graffiti aspect i had a new wall in mind, and in spite of the midday sun, it delivered!

we tooled around a bit from urban spot to urban spot … the heat was nothing for these southern dogs, but i also didn’t want every shot to feature pink tongues.  and, with the threat of rain, we had already decided to split the trio’s session across two afternoons of shooting — the urban component one day, and the natural location the second.

Joey here is the oldest … he is a 12-year-old malti-poo.and Pebbles — a 7-year-old Maltese — worked the different locations like a pro …then there’s Bruiser … a 2-year-old malti-poo … and a seasoned pro as well.we drove around the city hitting a few different spots, aiming for the variety that we knew would make their Signature scruffy album stand out.   from orange brick walls … … to the red caboose …… to back alleyways.and even a little dancing.the next afternoon saw us at the location that Brandi and Pete had chosen — and a lot of SDP clients choose — from the scruffy locations page.  here we are able to work the great variety of vegetation and light … … and the threesome could finally let loose.thanks, Brandi and Pete, for introducing me to your fabulous pack and for entrusting me with capturing their images.  it was a pleasure to spend a couple of afternoons with you, and it will be a pleasure to work on your album, storyboards, big canvas and package!

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  • Joni A SolisThree super duper cute dogs in totally delightful photographs. Love scruffy dogs. ReplyCancel

  • Jean InglislllReplyCancel

  • Jean InglislReplyCancel

  • Michelle BradshawToo cute for words. Does pebbles have a feather weaved in her hair??? Love it!!!!!

  • Stacy LynnThey’re so very sweet!! WonderfulReplyCancel

  • Kathryn BurkeBee-oo-tiful!!!ReplyCancel

  • Nancy Dammanhow in the heck did you get the two of them to turn their heads like that?!?!?!?ReplyCancel

  • Shelley Castle EricksonThese are all so beautiful.. You always amaze me how you find and portray the light! Love the dancing dogs and that ear in the graffiti pic is priceless!ReplyCancel

sweet girl maddie ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

meet sweet Maddie …

no year at scruffy dog would be complete without at least one (or several) yellow labs … and we have Maddie to thank for fulfilling part of this year’s quota.  and why are yellow labs an important staple? because they’re so gosh-darn photogenic!  just look at this girl … in any environment!Maddie came to the studio area for her scruffy Starter session — a shorter session which incorporates one location but still provides a strong gallery of unique images.  Maddie wasn’t the easiest model … typical of senior dogs, she was antsy … eager to explore the new environments and scents. sometimes i think these seniors realize that their time is a little more limited, and there are still too many things to do, smells to smell, pee-mail to leave.  Maddie was no different … she was ready to rock and roll …… and unless you put her in a ‘sit’, she really was just ready to go!still, we got lots of smiles from this sweet girl …thanks, Suzanne, for introducing me to your wonderful girl.  since it’s taken me so long to ‘publish’ this blog entry, i know you’re already enjoying her custom-framed pints and all of the other goodies in your package!

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  • Joni A SolisWonderful yellow lab in enchanting backgrounds. Love these photos. ReplyCancel

  • Gary ZemaitisGreat pictures!ReplyCancel

  • Michelle Bradshawwow, she is beautiful. Gorgeous shots illona!ReplyCancel

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