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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

Makeda ~ {Waterloo pet exclusive photographer}

how’s this for a face?  this is Makeda, a lovely 11-year-old ridgeback i had the pleasure of photographing for her Fine Focus session last winter.

01-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-39502-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-207she loved the snowy trails, and didn’t let her age slow her down one bit.

03-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-6204-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-9105-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-263it was a foggy winter day when Makeda’s session came up, and her guardian, Tyson, wasn’t certain about the weather … but i had a feeling — based on Makeda’s color, combined with the beautiful dried beech leaves in the forest — that we could pull some interesting colors and tones out of the afternoon.

06-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-10307-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-11708-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-1109-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-7210-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-12311-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-12512-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-16313-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-28814-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-23915-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-251just how stunning is this girl?

16-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-17417-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-21118-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-28419-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-30220-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-32921-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-38422-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-36623-waterloo-ontario-professional--dog-photographer-best-makeda slinger-388thank you, Tyson, for sharing your majestic girl with me, and entrusting me to capture her image for you.  it was such a pleasure to meet her and create lasting artwork for you!

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    the fabulous Jake ~ {Toronto pet exclusive photographer}

    meet Jake.  this handsome devil is an English Springer Spaniel and from the moment his Big Picture session was booked almost a year before his fall session, i was already pretty stoked.  it’s a well-known fact that i pretty much love and adore all dogs, and i have many favorite breeds to photograph for many different reasons, but i do love meeting and working with hunting breeds.

    01-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-739especially pointers, setters and spaniels — they have an energy, drive and intensity that is unparalleled, and such a joy to work with.  this boy is apparently from some champion bloodlines, but don’t let all of his fancy genealogy fool you … he’s still just a big, loveable dork, who probably couldn’t set and flush a bird for the life of him due to his joie de vivre;  Jake charges into any open field with complete abandon, and with enough wild barking to successfully scare off any bird or game within two kilometers.

    02-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-16still, i bet — like any respectable spaniel — he still dreams of catching birds …

    03-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-31604-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-1168one of the funnest parts of Jake’s session was his guardians … completely in tune with who Jake is and what makes him happy.  and nothing seems to make Jake happier than a big puddle of mud …

    05-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-mud triptych06-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-102207-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-mud triptych210-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-120808-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-1068next to his deep fondness for mud, is a propensity for catching leaves …

    09-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-1111… and smiling, of course.

    11-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-24612-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-84713-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-82114-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-49715-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-43916-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-29517-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-57718-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-59819-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-37820-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-20021-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-19122-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-52023-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-67224-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-77525-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-80326-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-125127-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-123128-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-1300thank you, Ashton and Laura, for choosing me to capture Jake’s photos and create his one-of-a-kind artwork for you.  it was a genuine pleasure to meet and work with all three of you.

    29-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-79730-toronto-ontario-professional-pet-dog-photographer-jake boucher-237

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    • Gail BentThank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. <3ReplyCancel

    • Carl L. JensenWonderful pictures, you have a pretty model tooReplyCancel

    • Holly Garner-JacksonWow, Illona Haus ,just when I think you can’t get any better, you post this amazing blog entry. So many stunning photos. The light is that first one is so very incredible. I’d have a hard time narrowing down my picks if I was Jake’s owner. So many awesome images.ReplyCancel

    • RuthArgh, that log jumping shot is amazing! Stunning dog, stunning pictures.ReplyCancel

    • Jonathan YearsleyA perfect set of images as always, Illona.

      As someone with two ESS bitches, I know so well their love for life, puddles, fields and the forest. It’s because of them I’m a full time pet/equine photographer. They are a constant challenge, but like you I love everything that working with HPR clients brings me.ReplyCancel

    Diesel & Muffin’s awesome fall session ~ {Toronto pet photographer}

    and finally, we have Diesel and Muffin’s fall segment of their Seasons Session.  you can see their winter segment here, and their summer session here.  words can’t describe how much i love these two … both seniors but still full of spit and vinegar.

    42toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-137243toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-1234when Steph took a few seconds out with Muffin as we were setting her up for some shots in the grasses, i had to grab a quick shot … and this image has become one of my favorites across all three of their sessions.

    animal_stock_photography_diesel muffin hopkins-1623in fact, their fall session was my favorite of all three, even though i did still feel a lingering twinge of pressure from Stephanie’s words on her booking form.  under the optional: Can you share with us why you’ve chosen scruffy dog photography? Stephanie’s response was:

    “Oh man, where to start…..
    When I look at your pictures, I feel like you are able to capture the personality and the spirit of your subjects like I have never seen anyone else do. These dogs mean so much to us that I don’t want to lose the subtle nuances that I love so much as my memories fade. I honestly believe that you will be able to capture them in a way that will let me hold on to all of those things that I love about them.  They are getting older, but both of the them are still so vibrant and full of life….I can’t imagine anyone else make this happen! “

    45toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-1758i only hope i managed to capture all of those subtle nuances that i know all too well make up the whole of every 4-legger we share our heart with.

    46toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-138647toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-127548toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-126949toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-125350toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-125951toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-150952toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-121353toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-120154toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-169355toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-139956toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-142557toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-158558toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-163059toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-165660toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-179961toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-175463toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-174364toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-191865toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-195766toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-1968thank you, Stephanie and Eric, for trusting me to capture those subtle nuances and the spirit of your two amazing scruffies.  it was such a joy to work with you, and to work on your album, canvas and prints.  thanks for being such a big part of the scruffy dog family!

    67toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-193762toronto_ontario_pet_exclusive_photographer_diesel muffin hopkins-1896

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    • SuzanneYour ability to capture the joy, personality and dignity of these pets is a true talent. I’m in awe of your photography skills.ReplyCancel

    • shohrehsooooo cute, soooo nice,soooo lovely thanksReplyCancel

    • DinonaYour photos are simply amazing. Love the colours, love de focus… I can’t get my eyes off your website 🙂ReplyCancel

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