Rogue and Mobi — two gorgeous dogs from Barrie — met me for their custom scruffy dog photo session in Caledon for their session almost three years ago (yes, I’m that far behind in blogging, and certainly not every scruffy client makes it to the blog, but I really wanted to share these two blue beauties with you).
Sadly, this is the last session I shot (and might ever shoot) at the Bad Lands since the area is now closed due to damage and accelerated erosion caused by the lack of respect and adherence to the posted signs detailing proper ‘usage’ of these delicate lands. Even when we were there, it was frustrating to watch parents planting themselves on lawn chairs with beers at the top of the area (ironically right under the very signs indicating no sliding or scaling down the slopes, no littering, etc.) while their screaming children literally ran amok, sliding relentlessly up and down the delicate clay slopes, leaving a trail of spent candy wrappers and juice boxes.
So while I’m sad that this ecological wonder is now closed to those of us who did follow the rules, who deeply respected the area, and who wanted nothing more than to do its beauty justice in photos, I’m grateful that it is now closed to those who simply viewed it as a playground for their offspring to whom they felt no need to teach respect for the earth, others, or authority in general.
But back to the dogs … these gorgeous blue dogs for whom this landscape was a no-brainer.
Rogue … this girl is a Thai Ridgeback. How stunning is she?

… and little Mobi, whose lineage is a mystery, but who hails from the streets of Alabama.
Before hitting the Bad Lands, I wanted to work with these two in the a park area first … so while the sun was still high, we sought cover under some tall trees.
…taking time to do tricks on bridges. Thanks, Mobi!

And while the Bad Lands might look deserted, let me assure you, they were not. It takes work, patience, and a lot of angling (as well as some photoshopping) to get these kinds of shots without a number of other photographers in the background, or the aforementioned unruly children running amok.

I do hope that, one day, the Bad Lands can be reopened, perhaps by permit … something to restrict the usage to those of us who will respect it and allow it remain in the splendor that it is. Thank you, Rogue and Mobi, for a lovely afternoon and for making the Bad Lands look so good.

Michelle BradshawOMP… She is a doll! I love every shot Illona.