… to bring you a cat.
and a message … cats don’t belong in Dumpsters … especially in -20C weather we’ve had these past few weeks. this is the second cat i’ve found in a year living off the streets – and trust me, i don’t go looking for ’em! i’m a dog person through and through! what’s more, this is the second cat who has been declawed and not microchipped. i’m going to try really hard to stay off my soap box here about declawing, how over twenty-five countries have banned the practice because it’s the same as maiming an animal, how it’s not like pulling your fingernails off … how – because the claw is part of the actual bone – it’s far more accurate to compare it to amputating the tips of your fingers down to the first knuckle. yeah, not too pleasant.
but if you have to do this amputation to save the life of the cat – for whatever reason you think is valid – then please, please, PLEASE, microchip your cat! microchipping is not expensive … especially if you’ve already put in the hundreds of dollars for the amputation surgery anyway! it’s nothing! and it’s instant identification. honestly, i can’t help but think that a person who declaws and doesn’t microchip is someone who is more concerned about their leather couch than the safety and whereabouts of their cat. or, it’s someone who simply isn’t educated … so maybe this little blog entry might help just one cat owner. who knows?
sure, you might think that your declawed cat will always be indoors, but accidents happen folks. please be prepared. this big, wonderful, MAGICAL beast was not microchipped and there are no “lost” records at the shelter going back for months. i have tried my best.
we have already had him tested for FIV and he is gaining weight steadily on a raw diet. i can’t help but think that at one time he was quite a confident animal, but must have been on the streets for some time as he is extremely skittish of many noises around the house. still, this boy has much to say …
… and if i understood his language, i’m sure it would be quite the tale.
over the past week, after many failed names, Aslan seems to be the winner. he responds to it, even if he isn’t exactly lion-hearted.
he has a way to go still as far as regaining his weight and health, and there’s still debate as to whether he can be integrated into this household. he certainly won’t be a member of the pack like our last rescued-off-the-street cat (also declawed and not microchipped!) as he’s not keen on the scruffies, but the slow and carefully orchestrated introductions are going well. in the meantime, we do have a possible other home for him.
regardless of whether Aslan can stay or has to be rehomed, whoever ends up with this magnificent, adoring creature draped all over their lap – as he is prone to do – will be an incredibly lucky individual.
so please … reconsider declawing. at least research it. there are more humane, less invasive, safer options. and PLEASE, whether you declaw or not, please microchip your pets. better yet, microchip AND collar them with I.D. tags.
now … that thump you hear is me getting off the soap box i promised i wouldn’t get up on. thank you.
Tammy MueckeI love your work. I just got teary eyed!!
GraceTotally cute and what a great deal. Though poop on a stick might be an interesting gift too 🙂
nickAww very sweet indeed 🙂
IdilI love these shots, Illona! The first one of Matea is my absolute favourite – what a good dog she is to hold the rose in her mouth and look right into the camera!!! Excellent perspective – fantastic photo! And Morley is as adorable as ever – having him lie in the midst of rose petals is such an awesome idea – great composition and colours and cute cute cute Morley!!! Big Valentine’s Day kisses and hugs to your wonderful models 🙂