well, okay … technically, not hounds … but run into these two on one of the meandering paths along the lovely grounds surrounding the well-known Caledon Inn in the dead of night, and you might not care whether they were hounds or not …

seriously though, they’re just two big lugs who would be more prone to strip-search you for treats and then lick you to death — meet Shoez and Sox.

that’s Sox on the right, and young brother Shoez sitting on the left. now, i have to admit — although i’m generally considered one of the sharper blades in the knife block on any given day of the week — this one got by me. maybe it’s the new migraine meds i’m taking. but when someone tells me their dog’s name is “Sox”, well, i’m thinking they’re rootin’ for a team in Boston, see? and when i was given the second dog’s name as Shoez, i read it as Show-ez. not that i had any inkling what a “show-ez” is or could possibly mean, but show-ez it was. … probably some native Indian reference connected to the land the Caledon Inn was built on, who knows?

well, nope. the joke was on me. because here you have Ms. “socks” and young mr. “shoes“. and as owner Deanna says, you can never have just one or two newfs, and she’s pretty sure her third will be named Sneaks … or some spelling variation thereof. but i’ll be ready next time. yessir!
these two were a lot of fun … big, squishy, black, huggable bear-sized beasts …

but they sure had a mind of their own when it came to their photo shoot. attention span? what attention span?

although, with the right snacks … and yes, that Sox’s own slobber on her face.

once on the grounds, these two were true adventurers … no corner of the acreage was left unexplored …

and then of course, my favorite shots of the day … the orange shed. you’ll remember it from the sneak peek of Sox earlier in the blog. here’s the little gooberhead Shoez in front of the shed …

and his sister again …

then back to the Inn …

and yet another orange wall … i just love these guys on these colors, especially with the color of Sox’s eyes.

and a little rough-housing …

thanks, Deanna, for introducing me to your two big lugs. and thanks, Sox and Show-ez (i swear, i still pronounce it that way!), for a lovely afternoon in Caledon. i think, for the record, that a future brother should be named Bewtz. 🙂 … but i’ll just call him Cowboy for short.

RuthStunning! Is he an APBT or a Cane Corso?
Jamiegorgeous dog and gorgeous photos! 🙂
sarahomg that is THE best “shaking” photo I’ve ever seen. His eyes!!
Holly Garner-JacksonWhat a gentle brute you have there! Love the BW of him looking down. Got any shot of him with the girls? Can’t wait for his big boy session!
Becky MisenerAmazing. you captured some beauties. I love them all, now for the hard part, checking out the rest of them and making choices.
Thanks again Illona
marlesghillieSuperb looking dog (but what happened to his ears???)
Nicole MlakarLove this shoot. Perfect lighting and fantastic dog.