the subject of vaccinations is one i’ll likely revisit numerous times on the blog since it’s one that comes up a lot during client shoots and via emails from fans on facebook or followers of the blog or flickr. so when a new vaccine article came up yesterday through the Only Natural Pet Store newsletter, i thought i should share it here … (and of course, no scruffy blog entry would be complete without at least a little eye-candy) …

the latest vaccine article — The Vaccination Overview — is written by Dr. Jean Hofve, DVM and is a must-read for any pet-owner. it’s also been added to the The Truth About Vaccines page at the bottom of the scruffy dog blog.
the article is a great all-around overview, highlighting some of the advances made in the thinking regarding vaccination protocols … at least, advances with some vets. For instance:
Multiple studies have shown that the vaccines for parvovirus, canine distemper, and feline panleukopenia provide extremely good, long-term protection from disease—8 to 10 years or more. This is true whether your pet received the puppy or kitten series (with the last vaccine given at or after 16 weeks of age), or for older animals after a single vaccine.

as the caretaker for your 4-legger(s) and their only voice, please take the time to educate yourself on the need for vaccines, but also the very real dangers of vaccines and over-vaccination. as most of you already know, the original “scruffy dog” was lost at the age of only 4 years because of vaccines given at a time when he should not have received them. as such, it is a subject very close to my heart.
and as Dr. Hofve writes: “As much as we all love animals, nobody cares about your pet as much as you do—so it’s up to you to do the right thing!”
Note: although the Only Natural Pet Store is US based, it is a great resource for articles and information. check it out sometime.