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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

this is sweet Lily ~ {Guelph, Ontario pet photography}

meet Lily …

you met her first here in her sneak peek and again in a quick fall preview.  and the thing about Lily is that she’s happy.  like, always happy.

Lily’s shoot was late summer, but owner Calli – a young vet just starting out her career – was in the throes of returning to Canada, relocating, moving, unpacking, and starting up in a new clinic.  so she asked me to wait to work on Lily’s images until she was more settled and ready to choose photos for her package.

so, at long last, i can share these images of the gorgeous Lily.

did i mention that Lily is a super happy dog?

and she’s super extra happy when there’s catching involved …

and it doesn’t matter where Lily is, she loves catching!

when we finished our little urban segment and headed to the quarry for another couple of hours of shooting, i found this wheat field along the way and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to shoot this gorgeous girl in the golden stalks.  well, to be honest, with the utmost respect for any farmer and his/her crops, i’m always careful to stay on the very edge of the field, never actually entering it myself, and allowing the dog to go in only a foot or so.

but try to get this golden girl to sit still!

there was just no slowing Lily down, whether it was running through the meadows of flowers …

… or cooling off in the quarry.

but with this girl, you had to be quick on the shutter …

i hope Calli won’t be too upset with me sharing this photo … she swore she didn’t want to be in any of the shots, but come on … how could i resist this?

thank you, Lily, for being such a fabulous model.  and thank you, Calli, for introducing me to your lovely girl.  i hope i get to meet Calum some day!  in the meantime, enjoy Lily’s gallery!

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  • leesiagorgeous session! makes me more than ready for the warm weather to return. :pReplyCancel

  • Morag ReidHaving two of my own, I am always excited to see your “golden” clients. These are beautiful. Lily is adorable. Calli is going to have a hard time choosing.ReplyCancel

  • Denver Pet PhotographySure does look like a happy dog!ReplyCancel

  • sylviai’ve come back to this post again and again. lily looks so happy, and you can’t help but feel happy looking at her smile in these beautiful photos.ReplyCancel

  • SaraWhat a gorgeous girl that Lily is, and the photography is stunning – you captured her so beautifully!ReplyCancel

  • SonjaLove the photos – and the one of Calli with Lilly is really special. (I have the same sunglasses!) I like how un-fussy it is … and you are right – she is always smiling!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonGorgeous gallery of shots.You know I love the eye shot and that water action shot is awesome. If I were Calli, I’d hang the one of her and Lily in the vet’s office. Something like that would certainly give me confidence in my vet!ReplyCancel

  • MargaretBeautiful, beautiful pictures!!! BTW… is Lily a happy dog?ReplyCancel

  • Wet Nose FotosWithout doubt my favourite session to date – absolutely gorgeous shots of a gorgeous girl!ReplyCancel

  • EstherAs usual, stunning set of photos!!ReplyCancel

  • danA fab set of images, love the location…would love to shoot somewhere like this…great work

  • SarahIllona, you really amaze me. These shots are just beautiful. The dog is gorgeous and you captured her personality perfectly. Love it!ReplyCancel

  • LindaHeavenly. Just heavenly.ReplyCancel

  • Charlotte ReevesWhat a gorgeous shoot from start to finish, an amazing array of photos. I would have so much trouble choosing if she were my dog!ReplyCancel

  • Sandy & RykerLilly is all dog! I especially love the shot with Calli. Thanks for including that one, you can literally see the love these two share.ReplyCancel

  • karenThese are beautiful. Is that Snyders Flats?ReplyCancel

  • RachelAbsolutely adorable! I have a soft spot for Goldens. 🙂 I think lily-158 is my favorite. The color of the sky, the dog, and the grass are perfect together. The lines really pull it together. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • JenniferOh to pick a favorite! It would have to be rolling in the grass and the one with the owner. Nice to see summer again….your client has a lot of patience to wait so long to see these!!ReplyCancel

  • LoriWhat a sweeet, lovely girl! Excellent photos, as always — they definitely brought a smile to my face 🙂
    It was nice to see green and golden growing things and un-frozen bodies of water, too…*sigh*ReplyCancel

  • JillAbsolutely gorgeous! I couldn’t help but smile at all of these wonderful photos.ReplyCancel

  • MariClickSon preciosas todas.ReplyCancel

  • Lisa B.Beautiful! That is indeed one very happy dog!ReplyCancel

he fast

today was our final class for Agility Foundations with Allison Berry of Everyday Dog … and i’m pretty darn proud of my little boy.  although i’ve done agility with my girl matea, that was years ago, and — not having come from an abusive past of neglect and a spirit-crushing life of churning out puppies like merrick — matea was a different beast when it came to working her on the equipment.  with matea it was all about getting her to slow down.  there was no fear in that brazen young pointer.

but merrick crept into his first agility class … had to be bolstered up by play with his ball … and he was the only dog for whom the tunnel had to be compressed, since the full 20′ was far too daunting, even with me at the other end cheering him on.  each obstacle was met with a certain amount of trepidation, but with a few passes, and sometimes a little ingenuity on my part to encourage him past his fears, his confidence grew.  and today he flew through the short seven-piece course in the shortest time in class!  in fact, his drive to move forward to each piece, now that the concept of running a course is clicking with him, was more than i ever expected.  it felt like i actually have an agility dog in the making!

and for having secured the fasted time in class, merrick came home with a bag of goodies …

and he wasn’t much into sharing them with matea …

of course, i would rather be showing you photos of my boy in class, but my hands are pretty full when i’m there.

and no worries, Allison, i’ve made him share his goody-bag with matea.  see you in two weeks for the start of the next level!

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  • SonjaThat is SO rewarding and awesome! No kiding your proud!! he’s come such a LONG way!!!

    We do agility with our little guy – and I too love seeing how he has no fear … things big dogs are worried about he just walks on in … he still doesn’t get the “race” aspect – but he completes it in his own sweet tiny time. We are now startign something called rally-O … part agility part obedience!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawGood Boy Merrick!!!! Congrats.ReplyCancel

  • MelissaYay Merrick! My scruffy rescue dog and I start our first Agility class this week!ReplyCancel

  • JeanYay Merrick!ReplyCancel

  • Jenni HeffnerLove and positve response always wins… yah Merrick:) go you cool little dude.ReplyCancel

  • JillCongratulations Merrick!! Atta boy!!ReplyCancel

  • SydneyGo Merrick!!! I can see what agility can do to a dog, Cody is much more confident since he began training and he loves it. I hope you guys enjoy the next level!!!ReplyCancel

winter canvas sale ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

who doesn’t need a pick-me-up in the middle of February?  and who can’t benefit from a little shop-therapy?  i know i certainly do, although lately it’s been new equipment, gear and software for scruffy dog … but still, it’s all about making pretty things … and pretty things making us happy.  or as one of my clients would say: making her walls happy.

so after three recent inquiries from clients wanting to add new canvases to their walls, i figured, why not make some walls happy?

and nothing makes walls happier than canvases!  so …

… for the rest of the month of February, scruffy dog is having a sale on canvases!  and don’t let Merrick’s glum-chum face fool you … it’s a good one!

because we always encourage going big with the scruffy dog wallmounts, with this sale the bigger you go, the more you save!

16 x 24   ~   5% off

20 x 30   ~   10% off

24 x 36 +   ~  15% off

and because we also encourage framing, float-frames (as seen on the canvases in this entry)  are further discounted via a group rate.

16 x 24 floatframe  $100

20 x 30 floatframe $125

24 x 36 floatframe $155

30 x 40 floatframe $190

* this special runs only for the month of February, and is open only to SDP clients who have previously ordered one of the SDP collections/packages.  to order yours, contact the studio before the end of the month!

if you would like to read more about the canvases and frames, and see more samples, check out this recent blog entry and the blog entry about going big.

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  • Susan HumphreysLook at Merrick – he looks so gorgeous! Illona, I’m seriously thinking of
    emigrating to Canada just to enjoy some of your wonderful photographs! The one of Matea is just absolutely stunning! Happy valentines to you and your

    Susan Humphreys

  • Holly Garner-JacksonWhat a great sale! How could I resist!ReplyCancel

  • LainerWow. These ar beautiful. I wish I had lovely walls like that. Hahahahaha! One of these days, I will be getting one of those of my dog Ozzy. 🙂ReplyCancel

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