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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

win a scruffy dog photo session! ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

here at scruffy dog, we, of course, shoot a dozen free sessions every year for the Humane Society calendar to help raise awareness and funds for the orphaned animals at the centre.  and there are other charity shoots that are scattered throughout the year — guide dogs, as well as silent auctions for numerous rescue organizations.

but i thought it would be fun to have our very own scruffy dog contest … to open up the possibility of a session to anyone.  you even!  or, well, your dog, actually.

so how does this work?  well, every contest needs a few boundaries and limitations, so here goes …


  • the contest is open to anyone regardless of geography.  the only requirement is that, if you are the winner, you have to come here — the Waterloo region — for your shoot  [hey, scruffy dog clients drive from Ottawa, Windsor, and across the border … in fact, our first client from California is due this summer.  what’s a little driving?];
  • you are not eligible if your dog is already a member of the scruffy dog family, and this includes calendar shoots;
  • sorry Fluffy, dogs only for this one;
  • one dog per household;
  • the winner must schedule their shoot to take place before August 1st.


  • entries must be received by midnight March 20th;
  • you must submit a recent photo of your dog, taken by you;
  • the size of the photo, ideally, should be 72dpi (low-res/web-ready) and 720 pixels on the long side;
  • mail your entry to [email protected] using the subject header: “My dog wants to join the scruffy dog family!”  [without this subject header, your entry may end up in the Spam folder and promptly consumed by the resident scruffies];
  • be sure to include your name and contact information [your contact information will not be published];
  • also include your dog’s name and a short, one-line description.


since we’re celebrating 600 followers, we’re using facebook for our contest!

  • several days after the contest closes on March 20th, all of the entry photos will be up on facebook and an announcement made;
  • if you aren’t already (and why not?), you’ll need to become a follower of the scruffy dog photography faceboook page … this is where you’ll be voting. really, it’s easy!
  • voting is done by “liking” the image, and anyone who follows SDP on facebook can vote!

IMPORTANT NOTE: you and other followers of the SDP facebook page can vote for more than one dog by “liking” their photo, but there’s only one “like” per dog per person possible.  so, tell your family, tell your friends … anyone can help you with the voting and win your Rover their place in the SDP family and a portfolio of one-of-a-kind photos!

the winner of the contest receives their very own Starter Session!  [of course, the value of the Starter can be applied towards a Standard if you should choose to upgrade to the full three-hour session, or even a Serious Session if you’d like to make a day of it.  to learn about the different sessions, you can visit the main website.] if the winner fails to schedule their shoot by May 1st (to take place before August 1st), the opportunity will go to the second runner-up.

so, get those photos sent in!  and get ready to vote!  i’m looking forward to seeing a whole crop of new faces!

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  • Liz ~ elizabeth&janeThe photo of Matea is just breathtaking. Good luck everyone who enters the contest!! Can’t wait to see the photos from the winning shoot!ReplyCancel

  • BeckI couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you were doing a contest! I’m a big fan, college doesn’t allow me the luxury to buy nice things. I have entered my Budd … after hours of trying to pick a photo, with no success. I finally just let my boyfriend pic one lol. I’m sure the competition out there is tough 😛 Good luck all … I’ll be voting on my fav.s too.ReplyCancel

  • Bethany GianniniGreat idea Illona! I am looking forward to seeing all the photos and you can bet I’ll be voting 😀ReplyCancel

  • JackieGreat contest Illona! Can’t wait to see who wins, I bet there will bw lots of entries!!!!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawGreat contest illona….I may have to get Macy and Bischa another sister….lolReplyCancel

Barkley’s sneak peek ~ {Dundas, Ontario pet photographer}

you met Barkley yesterday during a bit of post-processing.  it’s only fair to loving mom Deborah that she get to see a few more of her gorgeous boy as a sneak peek …

i’ll save Barkley’s details for when i’m able to do a fuller entry.  just wanted to leave Deborah and you all with a couple of quickies.

have a great thursday, everyone … especially Barkley!  stay warm!

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  • Ian JBrrrr, cold! I LOVE HIS NAME! Barkley is my all time favorite name for a dog 🙂 Super pics as always 🙂ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawBarkley is so handsome!!!That last shot is stunning. I love the concentration in his eyes and body.ReplyCancel

a peek at image development ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

i was going to post a sneak peek of sweet man Barkley, whom i met this past weekend, but while working through his gallery, i took a little extra time on a particular image (as i often do), and thought i’d share a bit of the process here since i always receive so many inquiries and interest in regards to the processing i do.

suffice it to say, shooting a super-fluffy, black dog in a snowstorm is something of a challenge.  and with dog photography, the added challenge of your subject moving in and out of different lighting situations, different backdrops, all within seconds, means that you’re up and down with the exposure value like a jack russel with his first SuperBall.  so, sure, you’re going to get a few images that are perhaps a little over- or under-exposed.  but shooting RAW allows for some rather significant salvage jobs when an image really speaks to you.

so here’s the – literally- blasted original.

what i liked about this image that was so different from the others in the shoot was that Barkley was finally hunting.  he’d caught an air scent of something under some cedars … probably a rabbit … so the moment was fleeting and the grab was fast … thus the overexposure and blown highlights of the snow.  but this kind of thing can often be remedied.  here is the same image worked in Lightroom …

now, most people would think this was fine.  but for me, the image is a little unbalanced.  see, the thing is, with dog shoots, a portion of your shooting is really up to the dog.  unlike couples at an engagement shoot who can be coached into a pose or wee babies that can be propped into the desired positions, with dogs, well, you’ve gotta just know their rhythm, read their energy, and, of course, pray a little.

in this case, everything had pretty much aligned … i knew i could deal with the burned out highlights (as seen in the work above), but how cool would it have been to see Barkley’s tail raised with excitement as he moved forward on the scent, right?  so, i looked to the previous image, shot a mere 1/10 of a second before this.  there’s Barkley’s tail up … the first alert to the scent.

what i don’t like about this image, however, is that his eye isn’t visible, his hunting intensity is not as great as in the first image, and since he’s not yet started to move forward, there’s no motion noted in the snow around his front legs.  but that tail!!!

so, while some photographers might just stop there and offer up the first image, sans tail, i took a few careful moments within Photoshop to do a little extra work on sweet Barkley.

of course, this wasn’t a simple cut and paste.  some rotation was required, then some cloning to clean up the edges, and more cloning to extend the weeds that crossed that poof of a tail.   and in fact, i think this final version carries even more intensity than the original.

but don’t worry, i’ll still share a couple more images as a sneak peek of Barkley tomorrow.

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  • sara klinei think your photography is amazing. dogs being dogs. i have a scruffy dog also and there the best dogs in the world! i love photography my self and love taking pictures of horses dogs and cats. when i came across your website i was in aw! its just really neat to see thank you for sharing your God giving talents to the world.ReplyCancel

  • Jean (allegro ::)Illona thanks so much for sharing this. The final image is wonderful and captures the essence of a hunter and the beauty of the scene.

    It takes a creative mind to see the potential which you have in spades girl! Yes technical savvy is absolutely a necessary skill but the creative … you know what I mean :))ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonWow! You are so good at this! I would never have attempted to clone the tail and the weeds with it, plus rotate it! But then again, I’m not you, you who seem to really “Know” dogs and how to photograph them….. and graft on new tails!
    Awesome, girl!ReplyCancel

  • MarcWow. Good stuff, Illona. Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel

  • annefantastic work Illona. I have been waiting a long time for you to photograph a spoo.ReplyCancel

  • S in MTIt is amazing the work you do AFTER a shoot but I do believe that the ace photographer these days also benefits from being an ace at Photoshop as well. You also capture and think about the right things that are “dog-ish” that wouldn’t necessarily be thought of by a run of the mill photog. Nice nice job and of course I’m partial to the poodle and the tail having a young one of my own that is starting to hunt!ReplyCancel

  • madaboutgreysWorking miracles. You really go the extra mile to get the perfect shot.ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawI really enjoy your behind the scenes information. It’s fascinating to see a wonderful shot get even better!!!!ReplyCancel

  • AnnieI always love learning from you;)ReplyCancel

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