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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

dipping into the archives ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

as a semi-regular occurrence on scruffy dog blog, where i know a lot of followers really hope to find a scruffy face or slobbery mug to brighten their every day, i sometimes dip into the archives to take a look at a couple of faces from our past.  for those unfamiliar with this little exercise, i literally go to my catalog of clients, close my eyes, scroll up and down, and blindly click to reveal who the lucky dog will be.  then, on the page of thumbnails from their finished gallery, i blindly click again.  it’s fun to see who i come up with.

this morning it was young Rosie.  i will never forget this sweet little melonhead, as i lovingly referred to her … the second of two 5-month old bulldog pups i shot within one week back in the fall of 2009.  i had wondered if there was any relation to Marvin, my other bullpup client, but the second i held her snorty little cantaloupe-shaped dome in my hands i knew there was absolutely no relation.

cute bulldog puppy photo

this girl was an utter doll, and her images are still some of my favorites today.  you can see her full blog entry here.

second-up in the blind archive-dip is Sara.  it’s somewhat poignant that sweet, senior Sara came up after baby Rosie, as my shoot with Sara and her brother Clancy was taken in their twilight year.  in fact, their shoot was around the same time as Rosie’s.

senior golden retriever photo

sadly, Clancy passed away shortly after our shoot, and Sara about a year later.  their shoot can be seen here.  i heard recently, with much delight, that Sue and Richard have at last opened their hearts and  home to two new goldens.

have a great Thursday, everyone.  hug your 4-legged babies, and take them for a walk.

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  • JackieI’m so glad you posted Rosie this morning…Her post was my absolute FAVORITE of all of your posts! There’s just something about bulldogs that i love…ReplyCancel

a couple of tough cookies ~ {Kitchener, Ontario pet photographer}

this is just a sneak peek of two tough little cookies i met earlier this week … Kira and Xanadu.

these two — cute as they are, and sweet and welcoming as they were with me — will probably go down as scruffy dog’s least cooperative models.  i’ve worked with literally hundreds of dogs and cats, and have successfully handled each and every special case, adapting and adjusting to their individual needs, their quirks, their behavioral issues, energies and drives, shyness, aggression, whatever … yeah, i could write a book.   but these two scruffmuffins wanted nothing to do with the cameras, were over-stimulated by treats, and under-stimulated by anything else.

still, they’re darn cute … and no worries, Colleen, we got some good ones.

i’ll share more soon.

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blame me ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

so, yeah … we all thought — perhaps a little naively or optimistically — that spring was here.  we could see the lawn … little glimpses of green and the promise of a new, and much-needed season.  we’d started to address the landmines in the back yard and fantasized about walks every single morning, undaunted by icy sidewalks and snowdrifts.  hell, i swear i even spotted happy little buds on the branches of some of the shrubs at the very back of the yard yesterday while staring out the back window during a business call.   again, though, it could have been my eyes — colluding with my overly-optimistic brain — playing very nasty tricks on me.

and then last night happened.  they said it would snow, but …

needless to say, the dogs were probably more surprised, as they were too busy napping to catch the weather report on the evening news.

merrick was not fond of the sudden reversal of seasons.  in fact, he hurried his pooping, but returned to the door without peeing.  poor bugger had to be sent off a second time …

i’d hazard to say we have over a foot on the back deck which was dry as a bone yesterday …

of course, i should have known already a week ago that this was going to happen … after all, that’s when i’d booked my appointment for today with Toyota to have my winter tires switched for my summers.  bad dog.

so, if anyone is to blame for this renewal of the winter season, it’s me.  sorry folks.  perhaps, to counteract this, i should drag out the lawn mower and start it up?  or wait, maybe that would only make things worse?  no, i think i should go buy a snowblower … this mess’ll melt before i even get that beast gassed up!

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  • JennyPicture of Merrick by the door… great expression 🙂ReplyCancel

  • scoobieDid he pee? How did he know that’s what you wanted him to do?ReplyCancel

    • illonayes, scoobie, he peed. he’s a good boy. merrick went from puppymill dog who didn’t know how to live in a house and would literally hold his pee for 16 hours, wouldn’t pee in the yard, to today — peeing on command. he was the toughest dog i’ve ever trained in that regard, but he’s got it. i watch from the back window … i’m sure he wonders how it is i know whether he’s whizzed or not … and if he comes to the back door without having done his business, i simply tell him: “did you pee? you need to go pee. go do your business.” and off he goes to get the job done.ReplyCancel

  • Susan HumphreysMakes a great backdrop for a photoshoot of your pack though!

    Susan Northampton EnglandReplyCancel

  • Jean (allegro ::)Silly, silly! We always get a snowfall in April 😉ReplyCancel

  • Patlol…………I’m sorry for all the snow, but couldn’t help laughing about having to send Merrick back out to pee……………………..ReplyCancel

  • DarleneYour writeup is hilarious…please do go buy a snowblower and next time get your tires changed in July! lol Wonderful shots of the dogs enjoying our renewed winter!ReplyCancel

  • JenniferSlightly (severely) jealous here. We only got 3 inches. Barely enough to make Blue happy or the skiing decent again.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonYup, too optimistic! Too early to remove snow tires girl! You live in Canada, remember? Great shots of you wild things romping into the storm!ReplyCancel

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