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Internationally-renowned, award-winning animal photographer Illona Haus created scruffy dog photography inc. as the province's premier pet photography business in 2007 ... the first of its kind in Canada ... and, still today, continues to serve clients across Ontario, the US and the world. Based in Kitchener, Ontario and photographing exclusively animals for almost 20 years - both commercially and for private clients - Illona is considered one of the world's leading and most influential pet photographers.


To learn more about scruffy dog photography, its creator, history, and the scruffy dog experience, feel free to browse through the menu above, and scroll over a decade's worth of blog entries below!


Please drop me a line! I'd love the opportunity to capture stunning, creative, one-of-a-kind photographic memories of your 4-legged loved ones to treasure in artwork for a lifetime, and show you just what makes the scruffy dog experience second to none.

senior moments for dogs ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

i guess dogs have senior moments too … i’m just trying to figure out precisely when it was that my old girl matea figured that we removed the screen door which has pretty much been a permanent fixture in her life no matter which house we’ve lived in.  because this afternoon, with no bird or squirrel or bunny in sight to possibly invigorate any generally-dormant stupid genes, with no one anywhere near the back door to potentially confuse her as to whether or not the screen door may have been slid open, and without merrick outside to trick her into believing that the screen had been foolishly left ajar to let the goober out, matea simply, surely and quite deliberately went sailing through our so-called “dog proof” screen door.

don’t get me wrong … it’s not the first time for this old girl.  but at nine years of age, she’s wise beyond her years.  she knows better, and as mentioned above, there was nothing to compel her.  if i hadn’t been in the same utter disbelief as matea, or worried that the cat could escape through the three-foot gaping hole, i might have gone down to the studio to grab one of the cameras to capture matea’s shock and complete embarrassment.  she stood, unmoving, stopped in her tracks, midway across the deck, her back to the shredded screen, head turned back toward the destruction, hung with what could only be abject apology … although, i’m certain, for a few long moments, she was calculating if it was at all possible to blame it on merrick this time.

after merrick went through the former screen twice last summer — having never lived in a house before and never experiencing a screen door — i’m tired of dismantling the thing and running it off to Home Hardware.  some 20lb fishing line will do the trick for now … besides, matea’s not getting any younger.  i suppose i should expect more of these senior moments?  or maybe after watching me spend almost an hour fixing this, she’s figured it out?

merrick, on the other hand, i’m sure, will have a few more Superman moments when his excitement propels him through the screen … so this home-repair will do for now.  fingers crossed the mosquitoes don’t discover the rift!

happy weekend, everyone.  may it be senior-moment free!

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  • bublynskiDon’t feel bad, Matea – I’ve walked through (and into) things plenty of times. We may be older and wiser, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still embarrass ourselves. 😉ReplyCancel

  • kelli (alice's mama)tell matea not to worry, i’ve done the same thing before myself!! good quick thinking on the repair job.ReplyCancel

  • KarenWe solved the issue of the screen door and our dogs by getting a stainless steel mesh screen. Our wire shredding girl can now ‘rip at it’ to her hearts content (not so good on the ears but the screen is still perfect). The only problem so far was the first night. When it got dark out and we put the lights on inside, the mesh became pretty much invisible. Out of the dark, we heard this huge bam! against the door. There were two very shaken and bewildered dogs on the other side who were used to seeing when the door was closed. They thought they could just come sprinting inside but slammed right into the door instead. It could have been very nasty but fortunately all was well.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonOMD! So this is the first of “52 weeks” that she’s done this ? This is pretty funny! Good patch job but I’m glad you aren’t a surgeon!
    I wonder what she was thinking!!ReplyCancel

  • Jenniferoh poor matea! what a crack up. she looks so sad and sorry for herself.ReplyCancel

  • illonadonna, if she had opposable thumbs she’d be fixing it herself!

    lisa, seriously, it’s not a matter of seeing or not seeing the screen for her … in this case, i think she simply wasn’t thinking. i could put big huge X’s of masking tape across it, and she probably still would have trotted right through it. it truly was a senior moment.

    meghan, you should have seen her BEFORE i fixed the screen. you’d think she was ready for a beating!

    AMEN, roger!!!ReplyCancel

  • RogerAt least it wasn’t a glass window.ReplyCancel

  • Meghan GraceThat second picture is soooo funny! Love this post!ReplyCancel

  • Donna LukerOh, the poor girl looks absolutely mortified! I’m sure she’d help mend the screen if she only had thumbs 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Lisa BrencisOMG! LOL! I find myself smiling but it’s not really funny. The fishing line is a fabulous temporary idea, though! Maybe if you put those things on the screen so that she can always tell that there is a screen there? I have 5 beautiful metal ones on mine. There are two pieces to each one and they stay in place with magnets. I have 3 butterflies, a hummingbird and a dragonfly. All in filigree metal.ReplyCancel

thunderstorm relief? ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

among the many issues that merrick deals with as fallout from the abuse and neglect suffered during his six years as a puppymill stud-dog, fear of loud noises — especially thunderstorms — is just one.  he shakes and scrambles, and is desperate to get onto my lap or as close as possible to me … and if the thunderstorm is at night, that means climbing all over my face.  if he can’t do that, he frantically crawls under the bed, then back up to my face.

my old man morley wasn’t quite as bad, but also suffered through thunderstorms and fireworks.  i never coddle dogs through their fears, but have always worked to build their confidence.  still, at 2 a.m., it’s not always convenience to play a game of fetch.

over the years, i’ve tried homeopathics, herbs, flower essences, Rescue Remedy, all kinds of remedies … you name, it’s probably still rattling around in the fridge or the bottom of the dogs’ drawer.  all useless for both morley and, now, merrick as well.

so when i received the most recent newsletter from Chris of Creature Comfort Pet Emporium in St. Jacobs announcing that they were carrying the Thundershirt and that there was a 30-day money-back guarantee, i thought: “what the heck?”

it certainly wasn’t the first time i’d heard of the Thundershirt.  it’s been around for a while, and based on reviews and what i’ve read about it, i’ve recommended it to many dog owners who have written me in the past.  why haven’t i tried it myself?  well, because i guess i needed to hear that “money-back guarantee”.  it’s not like i’ve got money to throw away, not after i’ve already thrown away so much on all the other so-called proven remedies that never worked.

when i spoke to Chris on the phone, she said out of all the Thundershirts they’ve sold in the past six months that they’ve been carrying them, they’ve had only one return.  so, off we went.

the premise behind the Thundershirt is that with the constant, hugging pressure of the shirt’s velcro-system, the dog’s nervous system calms.  from the Thundshirt’s website:

“As for WHY Thundershirt’s gentle pressure works to calm a dog, experts such as Dr. Temple Grandin believe that pressure has a calming effect on the nervous system. Using pressure to relieve anxiety has been a common practice for years.”

now, i’ll admit … in the store, when we put this on merrick to test for size, he stood stock still, and within seconds found a shelf on which to rest his chin, then remained there, unmoving.  hmm …  calm?  perhaps.  don’t get me wrong, i’m not disputing it works, just how it works.  because you see, once it’s on, it’s like my boy can’t move … or simply refuses to move.

the first time i put it on him at home when some fireworks were going off, he literally flopped over, all four in the air, and remained like that for a good hour.  when i called him, he flailed and thrashed like a turtle, unable to right himself.

i’m not saying that’s a bad thing … just a point to be noted.  and last night, when we finally had a big thunderstorm that sent him scrambling up to my pillow — of course, just when i had found sleep — i put the Thundershirt on him, and it lessened his anxiety by a good 70%.  with each boom, he came farther up towards head of the bed, but only by a foot or two, not all the way to my face.  because the shirt calmed him? or because the shirt restricted his movements?

at this point, i don’t care.  as long as it keeps him still and not responding in his old ways, it’s working, because it’s retraining his body — his mind and his muscles — as to how to respond to such noises.  part way through the night though, i had to take it off of him as i do worry about it being on him too long.

along with the Thundershirt — for those of you in the Waterloo area able to make your purchase through Creature Comfort Pet Emporium — Chris includes a homeopathic remedy …

again, i’m not a big believer in homeopathics as they’ve never worked for me, and after years of using them on the dogs, have never seen results.  however, last night was very interesting.  in the throes of his panic over the thunder, i gave merrick his two pellets, and he immediately gagged them out.  i’ve never had a dog do this, but he actually sniffed out the pellets on the duvet cover and took them himself.  truly fascinating.  as though he knew it was what he needed?

so … the Thundershirt is a keeper in this house … maybe it will work for your thunder-fearful dog as well.  it might be worth a try.

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  • ThundershirtThanks for writing the review, the pictures look great!! Glad Thundershirt has been helpful in your home:)

    -The Thundershirt TeamReplyCancel

  • Sandi JonesWe need a counterpart for humans – a Thundershirt for us. Might work going in to an MRI?ReplyCancel

  • AmandaPerhaps he’s like a cat. They won’t move if you put anything across their chest horizontally (tape, teatowel…not saying it’s a nice thing to do, but I have seen it done to cats) – they don’t think they can walk.

    Glad to hear it’s helping Merrick some though. I may have to get one for Jess, I think we can get these in Australia somehow.ReplyCancel

  • Lisa BrencisUsed the Thundershirt on Summer again tonight. And I think that the percentage of success has gone up. She’s much calmer and fireworks-tolerant tonight than yesterday’s first wearing. I actually was able to even get her out into the back yard for a pee with some fireworks going off in the distance. With her, THIS is progress!ReplyCancel

  • Jas, BamBam & EskiWe bought the Thundershirt for Eski too!
    It’s nice to know it helps Merrick, cos it doesn’t do so much for Eski… maybe it helped 50%, or lesser?
    In our country it’s really hot so we can’t have it on her for too long a time too (yes, even when it is raining, boo hoo)ReplyCancel

  • JaneZipper has a thundershirt too, but I think it’s too big for her and doesn’t help as it should. It’s really good to hear that it is helping Merrick. Zipper’s mother got one too and it helped a lot!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonWow! I hope this Thundershirt continues to work for Merrick, and for you!!
    I’ve had dogs jump out of truck windows because of gun fire, not realizing that I was parked next to a firing range!! It’s a scary thing to come out to your vehicle and find that one of your dogs is gone. Fortunately we found her 1/2 a mile away, and 100 yards up someone’s driveway, just shaking.
    If I ever have another dog fearful of loud noises i will give this a try!
    Thanks for the info!ReplyCancel

  • illonagreat to hear of others’ successes.

    Chris, yes, merrick wears a few different coats … you can see his full body suit from K9 topcoat here: … used to prevent snow balls during winter hikes.

    i think it’s the snugger fit of the Thundershirt or the fact that he’s TOO calm? even enticing him with a ball doesn’t get him up (although i’m not about to engage him in a game of ball while wearing the Thundershirt; i want him relaxed!) i’m sure he can move, he just won’t. i could put it on looser … i’ll try that next time.ReplyCancel

  • Creature ComfortHey Illona, glad you had some success with the Thundershirt. I honestly have not seen nor heard of any of our client’s dogs having any restrictive issues with this product, although we have had many who instantly calmed and laid down in the store upon wearing it, even during obvious stress circumstances before they put it on, they were able to freely move around and function as normal otherwise.
    I also personally use this on my rescue Katie (whom you met at Cheryl’s school) and she exhibits completely normal range of motion and ease of movement while wearing it, freely jumping on or off the bed, moving about outdoors for potty breaks etc
    Silly question perhaps, but is Merrick accustomed to wearing apparel of any sort? I have seen this response in some dogs who wear coats/sweaters for the first time, they seem to feel as if they cannot move, so just worthy of asking if Merrick normally wears coats etc in cold weather re whether or not he is accustomed to the sensation of clothing on his body?
    Regardless, I am thrilled to hear about his increased comfort during these stressful times.
    Take care

  • Elizabeth UribeGlad it works! He looks so cute wearing it too! 🙂 Hope you were able to go back to sleep after all that….ReplyCancel

  • Lisa BrencisI bought Summer a Thundershirt this weekend, too! They look pretty funny on greyhounds but whatever. I think it’s working but certainly not at your 70%. But since they don’t work right out of the box for everyone, I am still very hopeful! There HAS been improvement.ReplyCancel

  • AngelaGorgeous photos of Merrick. Glad the Thundershirt was a success too. I bought one for my sensitive rescue Collie for our fireworks period in November and I’m certain it helped him. He was more relaxed (and he is fully able to move about normally in his!) and I also noted a faster recovery time too. I also give him Reiki and TTouch but feel the shirt made a notable difference on top.

    Usually I’d have a real job getting him outside to toilet after all the noise had stopped (after being holed up inside for hours while the things were going off) but he was fine about going into the garden this time.

    I’ve also left it on him at night if he’s been unsettled and I am sure he’s more relaxed wearing it. Plus he looks cute 😉


goodbye, sweet marley ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

some of you may remember sweet man, Marley from his original Honor Session™ post two years ago.

i met Marley and his fabulous parents, Tracy and Shawn, in their lovely backyard, one glorious May afternoon, and from the moment i stepped into that magical, magnolia-petaled yard, the bond between these three was unmistakable.

two years ago Marley had mobility issues and was having increasing problems getting around.  our Honor Session™ was limited to the backyard and the house, and we helped Marley move from one spot to the next.

but back then Shawn and Tracy were beginning to investigate new avenues for their boy … and some of the lumps and bumps that were impeding his movement were removed shortly after our shoot, which then helped this boy to get around  more easily.

in Tracy’s words:

When he meet you two years ago, he was in a bad way and after our beautiful photo shoot with you we decided to have the lumps removed on his back end.  He recovered so beautifully.  He was doing so well.  He was so loving to our daughter, Stella, who just turned one. He was so gentle with her, even during his last days.

Alas …

After 12 years of loyalty, friendship and love, we had to say goodbye.   His mobility had really begun to fail him again. … It has been over the last few months that he was having accidents in the house, he just couldn’t get up fast enough.  He was such a proud and honourable man, we just couldn’t bear it any longer, we just loved him too much.

I can’t tell you how grateful we are that we have such beautiful photos of Marley that truly capture his kind and gentle soul.  I went back and read the blog entry you wrote about him and I cried and cried again….just like I did when I read it for the very first time.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for honouring him in such a special way.

As Tracy wrote:  He was such a gentle and kind soul, one of a kind.  … and i can attest to the great nobility, gentleness and tenderness of this amazing soul, for in the 3+ very intimate and memorable hours which i spent with Marley and his people, mobility or no mobility, there was no mistaking Marley’s beautiful nature and the love that flowed through him.

today, as i was two years ago, i am deeply honored to have been there for Tracy and Shawn and Marley … and although i am thrilled that Marley shared his love for another two amazing years after his scruffy dog session, it is still very sad news to hear of his passing.  my thoughts are with Tracy and Shawn today … and my hope is that they can find it in their hearts to open their home and hearts to another 4-legger one day so that wee Stella can continue learning how indescribably valuable pets are in our lives.

wherever you are, sweet Marley, know that you are greatly missed, but your love will live on.  i have no doubt you are running like the wind.  i hope you find my Murph, and maybe Morley too … they’d enjoy a good romp with you.

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonOh, I don’t know how I missed this! Such a beautiful tribute .I’m so glad that you were able to capture this boy’s spirit through your photography. Such wonderful memories…..ReplyCancel

  • KimMarley was a lovely dog, and his “parents” equally so. Your photos capture him perfectly. Your post brought tears to my eyes.ReplyCancel

  • BeckyWell if that doesn’t shed a tear…
    Such a great story and shoot. So happy the family was able to capture a piece of him as you didReplyCancel

  • Jill TaylorSuch a touching story. Brought a tear to my eye. RIP Sweet Handsome Marley.ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth UribeToo sad another beautiful creature is gone, this reminds me of my situation and just brings tears to my eyes. I am praying for strength for Marley’s family and sending healing thoughts for their hearts and souls. The photos are beautiful and reflect perfectly how Marley was beautiful inside and out. You guys will always belong to him…he was a lucky doggie.ReplyCancel

  • SusanAlways so sad…They are such a big part of us. My sympathies; I know exactly where Tracy and Shawn are at. Superb photos and commentary; beautiful memories.ReplyCancel

  • staceyOkay, crying! It’s always sad to hear of a pet’s passing, but so lovely that they will have such beautiful images to remember him by.ReplyCancel

  • Liz KayeWonderful comforting words and photos to say goodbye to Marley.ReplyCancel

  • MargaretCrying here. It’s so terribly sad when we have to let them go. My best to Tracy and Shawn as their hearts heal. And Marley – maybe you and Belvy can have a little run together, or a nap in a sunbeam. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Mel HammondsWhat a great post and pics! It’s what it’s all about …. leaving each animal’s legacy in pictures. My thoughts are with Marley and his family.ReplyCancel

  • JaneBeautiful dog and such kind words!ReplyCancel

  • LeahSuch a beautiful dog..ReplyCancel

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