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oscar and kahlua ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

meet another two gorgeous scruffy dog clients, in another long blog entry …

Oscar and Kahlua were a “squeeze-in” session from the end of November, which is why you’re meeting them two months after their shoot.

initially they weren’t the most willing models, but i can be somewhat of a charmer … and had a couple of posers in no time …

Kahlua is a gorgeous, six-year-old Australian cattle-dog mix adopted from the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society.

initially, Kahlua was the most suspicious of the camera and the entire process of the shoot, but she definitely came around …

Oscar is a three-year-old hound cross … one of those “free to a good home” puppies …

these two hail from Breslau, so after some in-home shots (later in this entry) we headed to my favorite spot, of course.   owner, Jill, is a devout follower of the blog and our facebook page, and has always been in love with this location … plus, i just knew the tunnel of trees would be perfect for this pretty girl.

as in a number of the blog posts, you’ll notice that Oscar — hound-dog that he is — is on one of the long lines provided for dogs who can’t be trusted off-leash.  and of course, it would be impossible to remove the line on every image … however, lines and leashes are removed from images that go to print.

we had a great time down at the beach, in spite of the cold.

of course, a young rambunctious boy needs to be kept in check …

once Kahlua overcame her shyness of the camera, there was almost no keeping her away from it …

and Oscar wasn’t at all unfazed by the cold or the frigid temps of the late-November waters …

both of these pups were sweethearts, but i have to admit a soft spot for Kahlua … and i just love her colouring.

of course, Oscar’s no slouch himself …

and he has a few things to say …

because Kahlua and Oscar weren’t keen to perform any kind of ‘stay’ commands for us and wanted nothing more than to explore with their hound-noses to the ground — not always the best for photos — for these shots in the long grass, dad Bruce actually buried himself in the grasses and held their leashes.

doing what i do for a living, i’ve got more than a few tricks up my sleeve.

knowing where we headed for our shoot, we actually started with some shots around the house, for which Oscar was totally game …

Kahlua wasn’t quite as keen and i had to sneak up on her, crawling ever closer once she got herself comfortable …

but Oscar was a ham all the way …

thank you, Jill and Bruce, for introducing me to your two pups.  i hope you enjoy your double-wide gallery.  and thank you Kahlua and Oscar.

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  • JustynaThe second last shot of Oscar is priceless! Beautiful dogs!ReplyCancel

  • LynstarGorgeous pups! And yes, the tree tunnel is one of my favorite locations, too! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • SarahBeautiful! Loving the indoor ones – the light is just so soft and gorgeous. These dogs are adorable 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonThese are great. I actually laughed out loud at Kaluah in the grass! Good thing I wasn’t drinking anything at the time!
    Great shoot!ReplyCancel

  • JackieBeautiful as always, just LOVE that tunnel of trees!ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth UribeThey are adorable. I love the ones where they are being the kings at home 🙂ReplyCancel

  • LoriAwww, I love Oscar ‘talking’ — because it’s SO hound-y — and on the sofa, and Kahlua’s quizzical, snout-to-the-side expressions are priceless! Wonderful-quality photos as always, of course 🙂ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawAdorable pups and as usual beautiful shots illona!!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Jill BeninatoSimply beautiful…what soulful eyes they have and you really captured their personalties. I also love the wooded location….ReplyCancel

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