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orville ~ sneak peek ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

if you follow the scruffy dog blog, you already met Orville during  his train tunnel shoot.  and if you follow scruffy dog‘s facebook page, you’ve already seen a few sneak peeks of this tall, dark and handsome boy … yes, the facebook page is where you see a lot of fun sneak peeks, so do check it out.  but for those of you without facebook, well, here’s a sneak peek of this most handsome and highly active rescue boy from his shoot last week …

definitely no denying there’s some pointer in him …

i love the dramatic shots we got of this ball-obsessed beast, so you’ll definitely be seeing more of Orville on the blog …

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  • Lynda and DuncanOhhhhhh, we are so happy to find your blog. We write the White Dog Blog and occasionally put pup pictures in our posts. Thanks for the inspiration!!!!!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawWow…I’m a fan of the “on point” shot as well….beautifulReplyCancel

  • Rachel LaurenLOL…that last one…classic! I love the image of him at point…that’s what I’d get big on canvas 😉ReplyCancel

  • JudyOMG! I love all of these photos but, that last one is a Hoot!ReplyCancel

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