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one of my favorite spots ~ {Waterloo dog photographer}

for those of you who regularly follow the scruffy dog blog, you’re already familiar with my favorite “tunnel of trees”.  a number of clients are even more familiar with this particular spot as framed prints and canvases of this very location adorn their walls.

here are another two clients who enjoyed the effect of the tunnel recently … not an easy pair in this difficult lighting – being so close to the ground with every smell in the woods beckoning them onward, and their light-sucking black coats adding to the task … but i love how — in this shot — McTavish and Sadie end up looking akin to the Pushmi-pullyu from Dr. Doolittle.

you’ll be seeing more of McT and Sadie as i finish up their images from their big shoot.

in the meantime, this tunnel of trees and the great variety of other fabulous backdrops that surround it is just one of the locations that i use for my “Starter Sessions”.  details about the different scruffy dog sessions available are listed on the main website under the prices page.  if you have more questions, drop us a line.

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