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old man Bailey ~ {Guelph, Ontario pet exclusive photographer}

meet Bailey … one of the sweetest old men i’ve had the pleasure of shooting in a very long time …

yeah, he looks like a ham, but our shoot started out like this …

“what is that big clacky thing?” this boy wasn’t immediately trusting the whole situation with the cameras and me in his face, so i had to warm him up.  normally, with even the slightest shyness, i take to the outdoors, but mom Lisa wanted some photos of Bailey indoors, and i wanted to grab them while we still had the best light coming inside.  so, with Mr. B relaxing on the bed, i worked my charms … well, and the treats, which in Bailey’s case were bits of carrot and cucumbers greedily snapped from your fingers.

as i do with every shoot, on my way to Bailey’s house i kept my eyes open for any possible locations … and a couple of blocks before arriving i spotted this field of Queen Annes Lace.  we simply had to make a quick stop!

we’d postponed Bailey’s shoot already once due to the weather … his original shoot having been slated for that hottest day in July on record.  and this back-up date, was quite gray and dreary, so i’ve done my best to work some wonders in the post-production …

at Bailey’s favorite park, the foot- and dog-traffic was pretty constant, so we had to work around it …

…not always easy with an old man who has places to go, things to sniff, and pee-mail to post!  patience is not this senior’s middle name…

… but we did get a few still, albeit brief, moments …

Bailey was adopted from the Guelph shelter at only 4 months.  he is suspected to be a pointer-greyhound cross, and today, at the age of 14, i can only imagine the tailwind this boy used to leave in his wake during his younger years …

in his fourteen years, this boy has definitely been loved … i’m betting one white hair for ever kiss he’s ever received on his gorgeous head.

and his reciprocated devotion is clear to see …

from his favorite park, i suggested to Lisa that we head out to a couple of the wheat fields outside of town … one had just been cut and made for a lovely backdrop …

but i really wanted to capture Bailey with some standing wheat … so off we headed again … until we found the right field …

the ears might not work so well anymore, but yup, that sniffer still works!

and those charming eyes …

on the way back to the house, i spotted some tall yellow flowers as well as these black-eyed susans, so yup, another quick stop …

and finally home …

thank you, Lisa, for trusting me to capture these precious memories of your amazing boy.  and thank you, Bailey, for being such an amazing spirit and companion to your family.  you are one in a million.

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  • Waggly TailsThese are lovely shots! what a cute dog.ReplyCancel

  • Joanna Rutzwhat a beautiful boy! I have a soft spot for seniors in whole honesty I have a soft spot for dogs and your images and post are filling a big hole in my heart, because I can not have a dog right now…ReplyCancel

  • Jill TaylorWhat a gorgeous old boy! Love this post!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonA little of this and a little of that makes this a wonderfully well rounded shoot! You’ve captured everything except his snores! 😉 Well done!ReplyCancel

  • Meghan GraceI can’t believe he is 14 years old! He looks as though he still has a ton of energy. Great shots of a wonderful boy!ReplyCancel

  • sherry bolesHe’s so handsome! I enjoyed all of these images!ReplyCancel

  • JoI love your work so much but the last two posts – Merrick and Bailey – are simply breath-taking. Thank you for sharing them. (And yes I have a JRT and an elderly sighthound cross so I was a little biased.)ReplyCancel

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