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new page about scruffy locations ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

have you seen the newest page here on the scruffy dog site?  yes, we’re always changing content and adding new stuff, housecleaning and moving around the furniture … and a page which has been a long time coming is finally here: a page devoted to the various scruffy locations available to scruffy clients who make the trek to SDP territory for their sessions.over the years, more and more scruffy clients are coming to the Waterloo region for their sessions to take advantage of the locations they see on the SDP facebook page and here on the blog.  years of scouting have resulted in some pretty great locations, and we never stop looking!

whether natural locations or urban, we’re always searching for locations that provide not only amazing backdrops for your scruffies and offer huge variety for your sessions, but are also safe and fun.winter, summer, fall and spring … different locations have their best seasons as well … and here in scruffyland, we’ve got it all.  well, okay, we don’t have wide open sandy beaches and palm trees, but you get the idea.

so to help make it a little easier for our many far-flung clients — from the GTA, Hamilton, Burlington, London and beyond, from outside of the province, and those from the US — we’ve put together a number of slideshows featuring the various locations to assist you in visualizing the possibilities!  of course, with the scruffy dog Standard Session, travel is still included in your session feel (up to 100kms from Waterloo), but if you choose to come to scruffyland for your session, remember, there is a $75 courtesy print credit applied to your file!

you can find the full scruffy locations page here, along with its array of slideshows.  enjoy!

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