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needing a few smiles ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

there’s another scruffy dog family member loss to share on the blog, but i simply couldn’t do it back-to-back.  so i thought i’d share a few more shots of my goofball scruffies on the east coast so we can have a few smiles.  and if merrick goobernuts mcscruffy doesn’t bring a smile to your face, i’m thinking you need to check for a pulse.

this little goober knows how to have a good time no matter what, no matter where, and no matter how cold …

… well, almost …

and one thing that is without contest, no matter what, no matter where, matea is his girl …

… even when she’s slobbered up her own face.

my sweet girl …

but do not fear, i have many more east coast images to share still …

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  • Holly Garner-Jacksonbtw! I love your new banner!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonAwwww! your kids are so amazing, and you show it with your photos. It was such a pleasure meeting you and your scruffies as you headed to Nova Scotia!ReplyCancel

  • annewhat can I say except brilliant.ReplyCancel

  • Debra DucoteyYour photos are amazing, I only hope I will grow and take equally amazing photos!!ReplyCancel

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