welcome to another scruffy dog catchup from just a few of our fabulous clients this summer. of course, if you follow scruffy dog on facebook, you’ll have already seen a lot of these months ago. and if you’re not following scruffy dog on facebook … well, i always make sure to bring you all the scruffy smiles right here on the SDP blog!
first up we have the chocolatey goodness of Sierra …
after a run of wild scruffnuts in previous sessions that week, sweet, posey Sierra was a lovely break. don’t get me wrong, every session is an adventure, no matter whether our models are zany, high-energy and crazy or calm and controllable, i love every one of them — the challenges as well as the perfect angels. Sierra was one of those perfect angels and a blessing to work with.
and with a gorgeous new home to photograph in, well, it was all just a fabulous combination.
of course, no scruffy dog session is complete without getting out and letting loose.
i’ll have to share a blog entry of Sierra’s session sometime so you can see her really letting loose. these are just the images shared on facebook.
such a pretty girl …
next up we have the oh-so-sweet Taylor. i think my favorite part of this image, second only to that great big, lovely eye which reveals her wonderful character, is this girl’s gorgeous whiskers.
the cameras love Cavaliers … and of course, Taylor is an exceptionally pretty little Cav.
with our session cut a little short due to premature dusk from cloud-cover, and the fact that Taylor’s wild sister took a little bit of extra time in our session, i had Taylor’s mom bring her to scruffy dog territory to grab a few extra shots … and i couldn’t resist bringing the SDP chair along for the quick session …
… leaving Taylor’s mom with a huge variety of images to choose from. i know i didn’t make it easy for you, Sarah.
i’m looking forward to Taylor’s next session in the fall of 2013, along with her sister Tikka.
and this is Taylor’s crazy, younger sister, Tikka.
if you could get her to hold still, like a true hunting dog her mind and nose were always working …
i did mention she was crazy, didn’t i?
then there was Topolino … loved this little guy and his mom.his was an extra fun session, with lots of laughs …
and thank you so much for my gift at the end of the session, Melanie … i think of you and Topo every time i use it!
and finally, i thought i’d share a few photos of my favorite girl in the world, my matea. this shot was taken in front of Massey Hall, of course, during an early morning session for Toronto Magazine. matea was asked to model for the magazine’s cover — along with a 2-legged model, of course … shot by Christopher Dew. while we waited for the 2-legged model and the rest of the crew for the session, i took a few moments to ‘warm’ matea up by taking a few photos myself.
and speaking of modeling … earlier this fall i spent a few hours driving around our city looking for good urban locations. with more and more clients coming to SDP territory in order to utilize the fabulous locations they see on the blog and facebook, i wanted some fresh urban ‘backdrops’ to add to the variety. and — always the perfect and easiest to work with — my matea came along for the job.
this particular alley seems to be a favorite for SDP clients. and for this one i have my friend Hilary from One for the Wall to thank.
but i do so love the bright orange wall down by the tracks as well …
i hope you enjoyed this little catch-up from the photos shared on the scruffy dog facebook page. stay tuned for many more as i am sadly behind in sharing the photos here on the blog. of course, if you want to stay current with all the latest, as it happens, simply follow us on facebook!
JoniAll of these are just pure delight! Thank you for sharing them.
Lindsay N. FlynnBeautiful pictures! 🙂
Heidi Hampethey are all very beautiful……don’t miss the 2legged Model at all ;), like 4 legs more anyway…..
scruffy dog photographythanks so much, Heidi!