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more puppies ~ {Ontario puppy photographer}

the fall schedule at scruffy dog is crazy packed right now … more than quadrupled booked, and working to make the most of the great weather and the season, memory cards are flying as the cameras seem to be snapping non-stop.

as a result of the heavy shooting schedule, there’s not much time for blogging.  if you want to keep up with sneak peeks of the amazing scruffies i’ve been meeting this season, you really need to join the scruffy dog facebook page and get your daily doses of happy.

but in the meantime, i figured i’d throw some adorable puppies at you …

i could intersperse all kinds of text and wonderful verbal descriptions of this little golden team, but honestly, who’s reading this anyway?  when confronted with the overwhelming cuteness of puppy butt …

… isn’t all of this text just gobbledygook anyway when framed within such cuteness overload?

little monsters …

and sweet mama, Severn.

hope you enjoyed this litter of furballs as much as i did!

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