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little sadie ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

meet the newest member of Harriet and Tom’s household … little Sadie …

she’s a saucy little handful …

some of you may remember Bridie, Harriet and Tom’s previous cairn whom they lost several months ago

well, this little wild girl is keeping both Harriet and Tom on their toes as they teach her all about the world …

wild, i tell ya!

but little Sadie is in the absolute best hands she could possibly be …

i look forward to more sessions with Sadie as she grows.  hope you’re enjoying the images of your new girl, Harriet and Tom!

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  • Laura BieblI just gasped at how cute she is! Adorable photos 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonI bet your camera weighs more than she does! Heck your lens is probably bigger than Sadie is!
    She’s going to bring a lot of laughter and love into that house. Can’t wait to watch her grow up!
    Well done, illona!ReplyCancel

  • A Knox-DostaleLove it. Sadie certainly has her personality shining through !ReplyCancel

  • Lisa CampbellShe is so gorgeous! I love her eyes!!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomOh my goodness! She is absolutely ADORABLE! And clearly a handful! LOVE IT!ReplyCancel

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