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let’s cool off! ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

well, we’re in a heatwave … and while that’s playing havoc on the very full shooting schedule over here at scruffy dog, i figure i’d attempt to cool things down a little with a few left over shots from this past winter.  (yeah, we’re that far behind with blogging!)

these are images that were shared over on the scruffy dog facebook page which is where you can always keep up with the up-to-the-minute goings-on here at SDP headquarters — the latest news, sessions, clients, and scruffy faces.  i’m always flattered to hear from people who tell me that they have spent years refusing to join facebook, but who have joined just so that they can follow the images of SDP.

but, for you absolute holdouts, hey, i get it!  so i’ll always catch you up here on the SDP blog … you just sometimes have to wait a few months for shots like this one of little Ms. Murfy and Bosco …

and this one of Elvis …

but in the meantime … let’s think cool thoughts … winter!!

here’s Wyatt and Sophie … from the summer segment of their Seasons Session.

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how gorgeous is this girl?

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Wyatt was initially shy, but he came around very quickly and i’m looking forward to working with both of these beauties again for their summer and fall session.

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then there was sweet sweet Emma and her Honor Session<sup>TM</sup>…

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i had fun with these two big scruffies — Chewy and Huxley …

especially Huxley and his amazing springs-for-legs …

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of course, Chewy was no slouch when it came bouncing around!

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and then there was Frank and Lily.  one needed to brace oneself when these two came barreling down the trail!

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and sweet  Tilly … she painted her nails just for her scruffy session.

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…and could really move for an old girl.

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then there was the very handsome Jack, who brought his extra special ears for his session.

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well, i hope that cooled you off a wee bit!  as always, if you’re wanting to keep up with the latest, do check out the scruffy dog facebook page.


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  • Maria GenebraDogs.ReplyCancel

  • LindaJust when I think it can’t get any better…a pink couch and a bulldog! And of course all the rest of those beauties! LOVE it all.ReplyCancel

  • Michelle BradshawThere’s nothing better than seeing these scruffies on the FB page and again in your blog…..awesome blog Illona, thank you.ReplyCancel

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