although many people already know Kevin — the stunning Great Dane belonging to Trevor, the owner of Pet Planet in Williamsburg — let me introduce you to this big, handsome monster…
… and his brother Beta.
Kevin’s session is part of our first annual Holiday Tribute Gift. you can read more about his story here.
in the words of Kevin’s nominator Sabine Stapells:
“Not too long ago Trevor opened up a pet food/service store called Pet Planet on Williamsburg. As a small business owner he is struggling and putting everything he has into making his store succeed. He’s super knowledgeable and the nicest guy you could ever meet. He recently fostered a rottweiler with behavioural issues and has managed to turn him into a wonderful pet. He couldn’t part with him and decided to adopt Beta himself. His other dog is a monsterous great dane named Kevin. Now I get to the reason why he might be considered for your session. Kevin is a big, beautiful creature that is only about 3 years old and just recently he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer. It has cost Trevor thousands of dollars already in vet bills and hundreds monthly for food/supplements/pain meds. What he has for Kevin is the truest and most incredible love. He’ll do anything to keep him around. In the event that Kevin is unable to fight any longer I believe having a memory of him on his wall of your creation would be wonderful. I know you would be able to capture the essence of Kevin. Please consider Trevor. Thanks!!”
and in the words of his second nominator, Becky Carr:
“This man is well known in the dog community. He owns a pet planet store. He will offer information and advice to anyone who needs it. He offers to trim nails and help customers in many ways when they go to his store. He has his two dogs at the store as well. A dane and a rottie. When I was in desperate need to find a forever home for my foster dog, Kevin posted a poster in his store for me. He was also very supportive of finding the pup a home. A few people found the foster by seeing the poster in the store as well! Other people have told me Kevin is a warmhearted person who gave them much useful advice on helping their dog with a problem. He also gives to rescues and other dog loving causes when he can. At this time he is hurting as his dane Kevin is very sick with a mass that is growing in him. Kevin was given up by is first owner and Trevor agreed to give him a loving home. He is only three years old and Trevor is afraid for his life. He is spending a large sum of money trying to help keep Kevin comfortable and try to solve the problem. He has started a chip in as it is so expensive. It would be lovely if he could get some great photos of his beloved dog while he is still here. This man of course knows of SDP and could never afford it if he wanted too. He is the kind of guy who walks outside and will lay on the ground with his sick dane. A very special kind of guy.”
it was a pleasure meeting Trevor and his boys on the very first day of 2013 — a brisk but sunny day. one of Trevor’s hopes out of session was to capture these two titans wrestling. i have no doubt it’s quite a sight, however aside from a few fleeting attempts on Beta’s part to incite a wrestling match, Kevin just wasn’t into his brother’s antics …
so, unfortunately, there was no opportunity to capture the kinds of brotherly clashes that Trevor was describing for me. but that didn’t stop us from having other fun … like a few games of ‘catch’ …
let me tell you, Kevin is a busy boy. he doesn’t stand still for very long … he’s far too busy to stop and pose … so i had to be quick.
he had smells to sniff, and balls to dig out of the snow …
of course, Beta’s ball-finding techniques are a little more reliable, as his face can attest to.
we let the boys rip around for a while …
… before heading to the forest so that we could capture some real portraits of Trevor’s boys. of course, we had to give Kevin a minute to get his lips in order …
and then he was poser. how handsome is this big guy?
Beta wasn’t any slouch himself in the posing department … even if sometimes he wanted to pretend the cameras weren’t there.
even though Kevin is struggling with his health, he is in the best hands possible with Trevor. it’s inspiring to meet such an amazing and attentive guardian, and to see the love and respect he has for his big boy.
thank you, Trevor, for introducing me to your fabulous boys. i hope these images are everything you imagined, that they capture your Kevin’s spirit and character, to help remember him for many years to come.
CaraOK Kevins story made me a little teary eyed 🙁 ……hope he is doing ok. Love his pics.
Bethany KarnBeautiful.
bettyHi Illona – I believe very much in karma.
Trevor and Kevin had built good karma for others to lead you to them. By you offering your services to them during this difficult time, you too are building karma. Good for you!
jenniferLOVE the second one down, of the Rottie. Also the head shot near the end of the Dane. Just beautiful. What a great guy, well deserved.
Michelle BradshawWow illona, such beautiful images! Trevor’s boys are stunning!
Josey SliskoTrevor is an amazing fella and truly deserves these stunning pictures! Awesome job!
Jan BaierBeautiful work Illona. Trevor is a great guy and a deserving recipient of the award. Gorgeous dogs, stunning photos…
Jan BaierBeatiful work Illona. Trevor is a great guy and a deserving recipient of the award. Gorgeous dogs, gorgeous photos.
Donna IcelandicI so love these photos.May these brothers enjoy each other for a long time.
Judy Gadsby BellevilleAbsolutely beautiful pictures…I’m always in awe of the beauty you capture. Thanks for sharing.
Sabine Stapells<3