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it’s a good thing he’s cute ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

it’s just a good thing merrick goobernuts is so cute, because this boy can be a real pain in the butt when it comes to me putting in my hours behind the desk each day…

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  • MarylinYour beautiful guy can also aid you while sitting on your knee behind your laptop; position him in such a way (front on one thigh, backside on the other), that you can rest your arms on him while typing. Works great to prevent RSI! (LOL)
    Actually it is the only way I get things done on the computer with my boy on my knee! He loves it and so do I!ReplyCancel

  • KarenHi Illona, I have enjoyed catching up with your blog recently. I’ve often thought that extreme cuteness is a dogs most dangerous pacifying weapon. They still get the couch and a cuddle (and possibly a treat too), no matter what naughtiness they’ve just been up to.ReplyCancel

  • Sandy & RykerWhat’s the matter with you, can’t you play 24/7 ???ReplyCancel

  • Sherry in MTI feel your pain – but he’s such a cute pain in the butt! LOLReplyCancel

  • SusanLove it! At least you have entertainment while you work (if you can get any done!) lol!ReplyCancel

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