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goodbye to a member of the scruffy dog family ~ {Oakville, Ontario pet photographer}

it is with deep sadness that i have to tell all of you blog followers about the passing of a scruffy dog great, and our oldest family member, sweet, lovely Cassy.

Cassy is quite well-known amongst scruffy dog clients and followers.  during sessions and studio consults, more than any other previous client, it is Cassy’s name that comes up most often: the 17+ year old golden retriever.

but at 18 years of age, Cassy has said goodnight, and i know Christine’s life will not be the same without her girl.  Cassy’s original blog post can be seen here … and i’m sure some of these images are repeats as I’m simply picking a few of my faves.

i’m so honored to have had the opportunity to meet and spend time with this amazingly strong, proud girl, and to have played even a small part in her 18 years of life by capturing images of her in her golden glory.

Christine, my thoughts are with you and your dad.  i know your heart aches and your house feels empty, but i know Cassy’s indomitable spirit will be with you always.

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  • Jim DixTearsReplyCancel

  • Susan18 years is amazing – what a void that must leave. It is so fortunate that you were able to give these people such a treasure of memories in these photographs.ReplyCancel

  • VickiLetting go is never easy, it’s been a year since my girl Tara passed away and it still hurts when I think about her.
    I love Cassy’s white face, such a sweetheart – rest in peace.ReplyCancel

  • Anniewhat beautiful memories you have given her family… It’s so sad when they go…ReplyCancel

  • Miss KodeeI am sorry for your friend’s loss. What a happy and content looking soul! May he rest in peace but be always remembered.ReplyCancel

  • MarlaI couldn’t open this entry when I first saw it this morning at work, knowing I’d be blubbering once I read it. As I am now.

    How lucky Cassy and her family were to have each other for so long. It’s still heart-wrenching though. My heart goes out to all who loved Cassy and Cassy loved back.ReplyCancel

  • JaniceWhat a beautiful girl Cassy is. You can see it in her eyes. What a treasure she must have been for all those years. So sorry for your loss.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonOh, I remember Cassy’s first blog and these photos bring goose bumps to my legs as I read of her passing. We had a chow/golden that made it to 17. Such wonderful memories. I’m so glad that you were able to capture her spirit, illona. Treasures not only Christine and her dad will have but also so memorable for those of us that enjoy your work!
    Rest in peace sweet Cassy, you’ve earned it!
    Thanks, illona!ReplyCancel

  • LizMy deepest condolences to the Christine and her father. No dog stays around for 18 years unless she is so magnificently loved that not even Heaven looks like a good alternative.ReplyCancel

  • Sarah18 years…such a long time, but such a short time the same. You are a gorgeous girl and may your fuzzy smile and spirit live on.ReplyCancel

  • MarloBeautiful dog. It is so nice to have those amazing photos to remember her.ReplyCancel

  • Debwhat a beautiful girl and a beautiful life, cherished forever.ReplyCancel

  • RosemarySo very sad to hear of her passing. I’m sure she brought happiness and light to her family. May her spirit live in the light forever more.ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth UribeWhat a lucky family to have been able to share 18 years with their beautiful girl. My heart goes out to them in these difficult times. The photos they have to remember her sweet face and personality are a wonderful treasure to keep forever.ReplyCancel

  • JenniferOh my – you started my day with tears. I can’t imagine the loss one must feel after having a dog 18 years, what a wonderful life she must have had though. I am glad they were able to have you photograph her.ReplyCancel

  • Brenda ParsonsShe is a beauty, and with the great memories you captured her legacy lives on.I am sure they will charish the photos for years to come.
    My heart goes out to them, losing such a loving family memeber.ReplyCancel

  • Morag ReidA sad day indeed, but what a wonderfully long, full and giving life Cassie had. How wonderful that you got to immortalize her happy smiling face. I can only hope that my boys last that long.ReplyCancel

  • MargaretSad sad days for Christine and her dad. I remember Cassy’s original blog entry, and just love her wise face, and fuzzy goldenness. What a sweetheart, and what a blessing: 18 years!!! They sure did something right! 🙂ReplyCancel

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