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goodbye, sweet marley ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

some of you may remember sweet man, Marley from his original Honor Session™ post two years ago.

i met Marley and his fabulous parents, Tracy and Shawn, in their lovely backyard, one glorious May afternoon, and from the moment i stepped into that magical, magnolia-petaled yard, the bond between these three was unmistakable.

two years ago Marley had mobility issues and was having increasing problems getting around.  our Honor Session™ was limited to the backyard and the house, and we helped Marley move from one spot to the next.

but back then Shawn and Tracy were beginning to investigate new avenues for their boy … and some of the lumps and bumps that were impeding his movement were removed shortly after our shoot, which then helped this boy to get around  more easily.

in Tracy’s words:

When he meet you two years ago, he was in a bad way and after our beautiful photo shoot with you we decided to have the lumps removed on his back end.  He recovered so beautifully.  He was doing so well.  He was so loving to our daughter, Stella, who just turned one. He was so gentle with her, even during his last days.

Alas …

After 12 years of loyalty, friendship and love, we had to say goodbye.   His mobility had really begun to fail him again. … It has been over the last few months that he was having accidents in the house, he just couldn’t get up fast enough.  He was such a proud and honourable man, we just couldn’t bear it any longer, we just loved him too much.

I can’t tell you how grateful we are that we have such beautiful photos of Marley that truly capture his kind and gentle soul.  I went back and read the blog entry you wrote about him and I cried and cried again….just like I did when I read it for the very first time.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for honouring him in such a special way.

As Tracy wrote:  He was such a gentle and kind soul, one of a kind.  … and i can attest to the great nobility, gentleness and tenderness of this amazing soul, for in the 3+ very intimate and memorable hours which i spent with Marley and his people, mobility or no mobility, there was no mistaking Marley’s beautiful nature and the love that flowed through him.

today, as i was two years ago, i am deeply honored to have been there for Tracy and Shawn and Marley … and although i am thrilled that Marley shared his love for another two amazing years after his scruffy dog session, it is still very sad news to hear of his passing.  my thoughts are with Tracy and Shawn today … and my hope is that they can find it in their hearts to open their home and hearts to another 4-legger one day so that wee Stella can continue learning how indescribably valuable pets are in our lives.

wherever you are, sweet Marley, know that you are greatly missed, but your love will live on.  i have no doubt you are running like the wind.  i hope you find my Murph, and maybe Morley too … they’d enjoy a good romp with you.

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonOh, I don’t know how I missed this! Such a beautiful tribute .I’m so glad that you were able to capture this boy’s spirit through your photography. Such wonderful memories…..ReplyCancel

  • KimMarley was a lovely dog, and his “parents” equally so. Your photos capture him perfectly. Your post brought tears to my eyes.ReplyCancel

  • BeckyWell if that doesn’t shed a tear…
    Such a great story and shoot. So happy the family was able to capture a piece of him as you didReplyCancel

  • Jill TaylorSuch a touching story. Brought a tear to my eye. RIP Sweet Handsome Marley.ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth UribeToo sad another beautiful creature is gone, this reminds me of my situation and just brings tears to my eyes. I am praying for strength for Marley’s family and sending healing thoughts for their hearts and souls. The photos are beautiful and reflect perfectly how Marley was beautiful inside and out. You guys will always belong to him…he was a lucky doggie.ReplyCancel

  • SusanAlways so sad…They are such a big part of us. My sympathies; I know exactly where Tracy and Shawn are at. Superb photos and commentary; beautiful memories.ReplyCancel

  • staceyOkay, crying! It’s always sad to hear of a pet’s passing, but so lovely that they will have such beautiful images to remember him by.ReplyCancel

  • Liz KayeWonderful comforting words and photos to say goodbye to Marley.ReplyCancel

  • MargaretCrying here. It’s so terribly sad when we have to let them go. My best to Tracy and Shawn as their hearts heal. And Marley – maybe you and Belvy can have a little run together, or a nap in a sunbeam. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Mel HammondsWhat a great post and pics! It’s what it’s all about …. leaving each animal’s legacy in pictures. My thoughts are with Marley and his family.ReplyCancel

  • JaneBeautiful dog and such kind words!ReplyCancel

  • LeahSuch a beautiful dog..ReplyCancel

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