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facebook recap ~ {Toronto, Ontario pet photographer}

yes, once again we are SO behind in blogging.  of course, if you follow scruffy dog on facebook, you’ll be receiving the up-to-the-minute activity and photos … always lots going on over there!  but if you aren’t a facebooker, no worries, i always do my best to keep you up to date here on the SDP blog.

first, one of my favorite shots of my favorite goober… he was so obliging with his new Angry Birds hat … well, for the first minute …and how handsome is Regis?  this aussie-doodle was a blast to work with…another client from this past fall was the very obliging Sierra.Sierra was the quintessential model, surprising even her mom as this was her first photo session ever.

Tao was another Toronto scruffy, coming to SDP territory for his session …don’t you just love his ears?and mom Alice uses some top secret Ninja moves to recall her amazing boy …and yes, we’re that far behind … a couple of Christmas photos of the resident scruffies … matea …and merrick goobernuts mcscruffy.i’m pretty sure you are all aware of the very popular Dog Shaming blog … merrick goobernuts thought he’d do a shaming of his own.of course, no blog entry would be complete with at least a small collection of goober photos…and let me “end” with one of my favorite shots of my old many morleyhope you all have an amazing week!

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