while the grip of an early winter starts to settle in around us, and our fall sessions have truly wound down to a finish for 2013, i thought it high time to finally share a few images from Chewy and Jethro’s session from this past spring…
meet the two boys who win for being the two scruffy clients with the most expressions! SDP clients already curse me for giving them rather large galleries of their scruffnuts, but i think mom Liz might have gotten one just a wee bit bigger than most simply due to her boys’ constantly varying expressions.
case in point…
and in case you’re wondering just what kind of dog this handsome boy Chewy is … keep guessing! because he’s totally anyone’s guess. possibly Briard/Chow.
and Mr. Hypno-eyes himself, Jethro, is likely a Border Colliretraniel … that’s a border collie + retriever + spaniel, for the uninitiated.
if i’m reading their booking form properly, they’re both adopted through Ugly Mutts … in fact, Jethro was a foster failure for Liz.
Chewy and Jethro’s session was this past May when the buds were starting to pop, and the grasses were bright …
…and lots of fresh smells to roll in.
after a good deal of running and posing, we headed down to the river for even more fun …
and that Jethro can be SO demanding if you don’t throw his stick right away!
while Chewy, well, Chewy preferred to show off his water ballet moves…
thanks for sharing your boys with me, Liz. i’m looking forward to our next session next May with your newest foster failure Joker!!
Susan [email protected]Sorry, me again! I just had a look on your facebook page for
the first time as I’m a complete novice at social networking, but
I saw that beautiful photo of the dogs paw on the ladies hand,it
is so poignant, it made me cry.!! I’ll have to try and keep up to
date with your blog on facebook in the future. I miss your pics
on flickr too.
Susan Humphreys
Susan HumphreysLove these Illona, the ones with the focus on the dogs eyes are
just gorgeous! Hope the two goobers are well.I love your solution
to the desk problem. Genius!
Susan Humphreys
Valerie BeyerThanks for enabling me to start my day with big smiles. You’ve captured their love of life and joy of “just being” so well.
Holly Garner-JacksonWow! Such great photos as usual! I really love Chewy, and we coincidentally are watching Star Wars as I type this!! LOL I thought these were large dogs until that last shot! Obviously they are small but mighty! Such great presence!
Sarah Renee StevensonSuch beautiful photos! And very lucky Ugly Mutts… 😉
Nancy HaslamAw-w-w, my heart is joyful. Wonderful pics!
Bev PickardI have a couple of the Ugly Mutts . Your photographs make me very happy. Thank you
Darlene GirardMutts are the greatest! Your photos bring me so much joy.. you really capture the light in their eyes, and the light within too ..Thank you for sharing .. I look forward to seeing your latest adventures everyday.