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camilla and sarah sneak peek ~ {Waterloo, Ontario pet photographer}

if you follow scruffy dog on facebook, you will have already seen some sneak peek photos of these two darlings … but in case you don’t, i thought i should share just a very small sampling of a couple of lovelies i had the immense pleasure of working with the other weekend.

meet Camilla …

… and Sarah.

these two girls were a blast to work with.

and we got such huge variety with these two stellar little models …

since these two darlings were a squeeze-in session, you’ll be seeing more of them in a future blog entry later in the season as we catch up with regular sessions in our extremely busy fall season … but i simply couldn’t resist a sneak peek for you all.

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  • Holly Garner-JacksonOh my DOG!!! These are awesome! I love the vertical ball catch! Hilarious!ReplyCancel

  • MartinGeorgeus dogs, awsome pictures 🙂

    ps. Last 3 pictures, aren`t they a little bit too WB cold ?ReplyCancel

  • SolteraFabulosity! Look at the light in their eyes! Limpid!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawBeautiful!!! simply beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • CherylFThat is a lot of personality in two small packages! These girls make me smile. Great shots as always Illona. And to think this breed was banned in Italy at one time (BSL). lolReplyCancel

  • TatyanaCorgis rock 🙂 Love the flying corgi shot!ReplyCancel

  • DallasYour work is fabulous and inspiring.ReplyCancel

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