what can i say about these two scruffnuggets? Bosco and little Ms Murfy are Brussels Griffons, and although i’ve shot the breed before, it’s only been in shorter sessions, never a full, proper session. and what’s more, these two booked for a Starter, but loved their session so much, that they bumped up their booking to make it a Seasons … which thrills me to no end, since these two were an absolute blast to work with!i can’t wait for their fall session … and to see what what they’re like zooming around in the snow too! although i’m wondering if i might have to invest in another settee just for their winter session. they might be rough and tumble …
… but even Bosco needs his beauty naps in between!
on Bosco and Murfy’s booking form, mom Evelyn wrote: “You seem to capture the pups’ personalities, or at least you make them all look like such characters!” but Bosco is definitely a case where i think no matter who is pointing the camera at him, he would look like a character. just look at this boy!
of course, Ms. Murfy was no slouch in the character department, working on giving me a few pointed looks when asked.
and i did mention Bosco’s need for frequent beauty rests, right? or perhaps that Mohawk he styles is just a wee bit too heavy?
of course, no scruffy session would be complete without a little bit of time to let loose … and given the opportunity, Bosco and Murfy certainly didn’t disappoint.
thanks for bringing your two amazing scruffnuts to me, Evelyn. i’m looking forward to working on your storyboards and your acrylics … and most of all, i’m dying to spend more time with your two again!
bosco & murfy ~ {Toronto pet photographer}
Facebook Comments
Joni SolisOMG! These two make such wonderful faces. I bet they keep their mom smiling everyday just looking at them.
Robert BrodstonIsn’t it great to have such great kids to work with! I take my Flat Coater Retriever and Rat Terrier to leash free dog parks and get free spirits almost every day!
KarinWow! Very very nice photographs and dogs! I’m a big fan and I look every day on this website! Big compliment! Lot of greetings from Switzerland, Karin
Nanci HarveyThey are great pictures. I have two pugs and a Brussel Griffon. I would love to come and have you do my crazy bunch.
Laura CockfieldStellar work as usual. You make it look easy — but it’s sooo not! Love this post.
JenniferIllona, I hardly ever see this breed and small dogs aren’t my favorite (maybe if I met Merrick), but this is one of my favorite sessions of yours that I have seen for a while (I have a lot of favs, but it is usually a breed I like or just certain shots in particular). These guys are fantastic, what charisma you captured!!! Their owners will be hard pressed to pick canvases, and an album is a given. LOVE.
illonaJennifer, if you HAD to have a little dog, this is definitely the breed!! i’ve told this to a few people since meeting Bosco and Murfy. of course, Merrick is no “small dog”. at 22 lbs of solid muscle, he’s more a “little” than a “small”, but he’s a hound and a big dog spirit. you’d definitely dig him for sure, but once you met him – trust me – you would not view him as a small dog.
Melody HenkelWhat a couple of dolls!
michelle bradshawOK, so this is the first time since I’ve been a SDP fan and family member that I have scrolled ahead and looked at every shot (squealing the whole time here at work to the point the girls I work with came over to see what I was doing) without reading the text while I viewed.
OMD illona, your images of these two are nothing short of spectacular. These little BG’s are about the cutest little scruffnuts ever. Kissey faces galore!!! Love them.
illonathanks, Michelle. if that’s the case, maybe i should just post photos and forget writing any text. 😉 …sure would save me some time!