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another facebook weekly recap ~ {Ontario pet photography}

we’ve had another busy week over on the scruffy dog facebook page … it’s the place to be for all the sneak peeks of the latest scruffy clients and what’s going on in post-production over at scruffy headquarters.  but if you’re not a facebooker or are simply not following SDP on facebook, then here’s what you missed last week …

we started the week off right …

… a restock of the SDP studio Cuz balls.  we’ve been using the Cuzes since they first came out.  even my old man morley was pretty fond of Cuzes and always thought that every new shipment was for him.

matea, however, never quite adopted the same fervor for Cuzes …

then i shared another sneak peek of Rosie, who had clearly spent some time in Makeup before her shoot … just check out her stunning eye-liner … it’s all the rage this fall!  all the dogs are wearing it.

and her big brother Champ … a rescued tripod from south of the border.  where he’s lacking in legs, he makes up for in smiles.

and a quick capture of their feline companion at home … somehow i don’t think that’s his pillow.

we had a chilly but fun shoot with Bisou and Scout.  Bisou presented a challenge as she is shy of the camera and skittish around noises … um … like the huge clacking shutter of the scruffy dog cameras.  but i brought this lovely girl around pretty quickly with treats doled out at the right time, using the right toy, and, of course, the right energy.

about 45 minutes into our session, i felt Bisou was ready for an even bigger challenge, and i started to shoot overhead.  this kind of overhead shooting, for shy pets,  where you disappear behind the camera and loom over them, can be extremely challenging for them and should be done only when the pet is ready.  Bisou did wonderfully.

and her lovely sister Scout …

then i shared another sneak peek of 1-year-old Henry.  i can’t wait to see this boy once his body has filled out to match that big head of his.

and the corgis … lord help us all, but their adorableness it simply too much!  Camilla and Sara …

those smiles!

and that tongue!

those eyes!

and yes, it’s a little known fact, but corgis do, indeed, consume rocket fuel for lunch.

their session was a few weeks ago, but with the heavy shooting schedule we experience every fall, post-production is often delayed.  i shared these images as i was editing their big shoot, but they’ll definitely have to have their own blog entry soon!

then there was Jessie and Aero, another earlier shoot, but shared during post-production.

Jessie giving her best “more treats?” mind-melding stare … no worries, it didn’t work on me.  scruffy clients have to work for their treats!  🙂

while brother Aero has a fondness for little sticks he finds in the woods …

and he wields it with great skill.  who needs opposable thumbs anyway?

then a very sweet shot of Thor and his little, little, itty bitty sister Indy …

and rounding off the facebook recap … a shot of our resident scruffy merrick out at the infamous tunnel of trees …

my super awesome little dude.

and that’s what you missed last week on facebook!  hope you all have a great week!!

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  • Hiltoni love the pic with the big dag walking side with the little one…
    how calm..and peaceful dogs can bring into your heartReplyCancel

  • Montecristo TravelsThor and Indy …. LOVE!!! just LOVE!!ReplyCancel

  • leesiaall are wonderful, but i especially love those adorable corgis. such lovely light in so many of these images!ReplyCancel

  • DavidYour work, without a doubt, represents some of the finest pet photography I have seen. Your use of light and location, coupled with your apparent connection with your subject, result in outstanding canine images. Kudos…ReplyCancel

  • AmandaLove waking up in the morning to an SDP blog notification on my phone 🙂

    Makes getting up for my ‘real job’ just that little bit easier!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonAll of these are such winners, illona! Hope you are over the flu soon, so we can be wowed with even more of your wonderful work!ReplyCancel

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