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another facebook recap ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

here we are once again with another recap of the images we’ve shared on the scruffy dog facebook page.

first up, the spectacular Indy, with her many expressions.

i just couldn’t get enough of this little model during our session  …

also on facebook last week, we shared a couple more before-and-afters from the post-production side of things.

and this is sweet little Sasha in some post-production … our last fall session whose post was delayed due to the heavy fall shooting schedule.

little Gizelle enjoyed the comfort of the scruffy dog chair last fall as well …

and then we finally got snow!  and i was finally able to meet this little girl for her winter session …

little Nala had a lot of fun in the woods.

we also had a session with handsome Nerian to celebrate his first birthday …

and at one year old, this young guy had a lot to say …

last week we also had a session with a lovely pack of three.  thirteen-year-old Penny:

and long-legged Lucy …

and last but not least little tiny Pyper, who danced a lot during our session …

stay tuned on the scruffy dog facebook page for more sneak peeks from these sessions and others!

have a great week, everyone!

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  • David G.Great photo’s! Thanks a lot for sharing and keep up the great work!ReplyCancel

  • Barrie PhotographerShooting pets has been difficult for me however you make their posing look so effortless! Well done!ReplyCancel

  • aliLove! You are amazing. I think Penny has stolen my heart 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Anna RachelleYour work is brilliant! Love having the opportunity to see your work daily.If I lived in the area, I would have you photo my 2 scruffies. Thank you for making your work available!! My best to you from Minnesota, USA.ReplyCancel

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