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and now for Charlie ~ {Ontario pet exclusive photographer}

welcome to Day Three of Wiener Week!  yesterday you met Oscar in his blog entry, and earlier in the weekend you saw the entire trio of wieners.  today it’s wee Charlie’s turn …

and just how C-U-T-E is this little man?!  with his twisty little doxy feet …

and his big flopsy ears …

and his undeniable love and trust for dad.

this little piebald boy was such an awesome model …

… not to mention a four-legged superhero without a cape … did you know Charlie could fly?

and when he’s not flying, Charlie can be a real pain in his brother’s neck … literally.

like any fine, upstanding 6-month-old pup, this boy’s got things to see and places to explore …

… and always looking to raise a little mischief …

so that’s little boy Charlie …

stay tuned soon for Rollo’s blog entry!

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  • becky g. (from AZ)OMG! Difficult to pick a fav! What a cute puppy.ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonCharlie is a real cutie! Love the flying shot and his roaming the badlands! I’ve never seen a doxie this color! Cool! He’s a little dynamo!ReplyCancel

  • Mike HayesGreat work. I love their flying ears!ReplyCancel

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