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and here’s Rollo! ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

well, if you haven’t stopped by the scruffy dog blog in a few days … first, why not?  and second, you’ve arrived at our fourth and final installment in what has become: Wiener Week.  if you’ve missed the earlier entries, you can find this doxy trio’s ‘group’ shots in their blog entry from this past weekend.  and here’s handsome Oscar’s blog entry … and don’t miss Charlie’s blog debut!

but this entry is for Oscar … how fashionable is this dude?

always cooling at least one engine …

we had fun in the forest and down by the river …

although i’m not sure Oscar — like  his short-legged brothers — was too fond of water …

“Dad, you gettin’ me outta here or what?”


“fine, i’ll find my own way out.”

but where these guys had the most fun was when we hit the badlands …

lots of exploring …

… some posing …

lots of ear-flappin’ fun …

although consistently being at the back of the pack, the dust got to Rollo a bit.  “bless you!”

it wasn’t easy shooting these three, going off in all different directions, but i loved working with them …

as i mentioned in Oscar’s blog entry, if the terrain and backdrop looks familiar to some of you loyal blog followers, yes, these are the same locations where i shot the last two red, mini-dachshund clients last summer belonging to fabulous photographers Dave and Charlotte.  Meaghan and Ben loved that shoot so much and Fritz and Greta’s images, that they were determined to utilize the same locations.

so many dachshunds!  but there’s no mistaking Rollo and his distinct ear-stylin’ …

hope you’ve all enjoyed Wiener Week here at scruffy dog photography. if you’ve got a doxy to share, we’d love to see him/her!  share your doxy’s photo this week on the scruffy dog facebook page!  we’d love to see him/her!

have a great hump day, everyone.

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  • Andy MillsYou have some absolutely fantastic photos!ReplyCancel

  • Marianne BracaYou are SOOOO good!!!
    I love your pictures – they make me happy 🙂ReplyCancel

  • KarenI particularly like the one with the dogs walking across the top of the mound/rocks. The curve of the dog’s body reflected in the foreground and background. The location with it’s lines, texture and colour is quite doggy.ReplyCancel

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