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a wild black pug, some sweet old lady borders, and my own little angel ~ {Ontario dog photographer}

if you’ve missed these fabulous scruffy faces on the scruffy dog facebook page here they are!

first up , we have the wild little Fushi …Fushi’s parents won a scruffy dog session last year, but, sadly, their old girl passed away just as the facebook contest was ending so we were never able to photograph their sweet old puggy girl.  i extended the date on their prize so that they could get their new little monkey photographed.

they brought little Fushi in from Toronto to enjoy one of our most in-demand locations …

we had lots of fun in a dandelion field in full bloom …

of course, this little girl is even shorter than some of our local dandelions!

and here’s the curly end of little Fushi monster …

and while in the woods, here is an image of sweet old man Duke in the tunnel of trees … this image was printed as a large canvas to grace the tall, 15′-ceilinged walls of Duke’s home.

i enjoyed a lovely session with two older border collie ladies — Holly and Millie — whose mom also requested our most-popular location…

i loved working with Holly’s border collie intensity … it’s just a matter of coordinating the right angles of the ball and the camera.

Millie, on the other hand, had lots to say …

stare-down in the woods …

 and no blog entry would be complete without a few shots from our resident scruffies, even if they just sort of laze around the studio …

merrick goobernuts mcscruffy was also pretty stoked about his spread in the June edition of Cesar’s Way magazine.  he even went to the mailbox himself to pick it up.

here’s his opening spread …

i also had some fun with the goober on the back deck for his 52 Weeks for Dog shot when we answered the challenge for an “action blur” shot … the idea being to capture blur to signify action.  when it comes to balls, this boy is just a blur anyway.

and while out back shooting for his special project, i was able to capture something i’ve always believed in but never thought possible to capture.  what you need to understand first, however, when it comes to shooting action blur, is that you’re shooting low shutter speeds.  now, under normal circumstances, i wouldn’t take a photo of merrick using anything under 1/500 of a second, unless, of course, he was sleeping.  anything lower, of course, would be at risk of action blur.  these shots, however, since the goal was action blur, were shot at 1/8 second.

and now, at long last, we have the irrefutable proof of what i’ve believed since the day we saved him off that mill/farm … the goober really is an angel on earth. there is no camera trickery in the photo below … no post work, and i’ve never seen any kind of sun flare like this before from any of my lenses. and, YES, my lens is spotless. his angel wings simply beat so fast that, until now, we simply have never seen them.

i just kinda thought those wings would be a little pointier you know?

have a great weekend, everyone.  enjoy your own 4-legged angels!

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  • Jane McClearyAll the pictures are so adorable! I do enjoy my “4-legged angels” and I love them do much!ReplyCancel

  • AutumnWhat a sweet “angel” and you are an angel for rescuing him!!!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawAwesome shots illona…love those wings!ReplyCancel

  • Tucker's MomAll the pics were great, as usual, but I think Little Miss Fushi was my fave this week!ReplyCancel

  • jenniyour work is AMAZING… that said i so desperately want to get better action shots, like yours.
    i shoot with a d3s as well , use 3d tracking set to normal, on continuous mode set to release.
    usually on CL but sometimes CH, i use 51 points of focus. try to shot @ 1/500th or faster.

    so how can improve upon this my ratio for anything good is 15% good to 85% blah. what am i missing here?

    any comments you may have would be incredibly appreciated. Wow i consider you to be the best pet photographer in my book!

    Forever grateful jennReplyCancel

    • illonathanks, Jenn. if you’d like to ask quick questions, there is a scruffy dog Got Questions? forum on the SDP facebook page, and there has already been some discussion on shooting action. if you have a question beyond what has already been posted, feel free to ask there.

      i also offer different mentoring services, as well as very intensive, personalized One-on-One, two- and three-day mentoring sessions, if you’re interested. just drop me a line and i can send you information.ReplyCancel

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