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a much-overdue facebook recap ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

sorry, everyone out there in blog-land.  it’s been a crazy spring … sessions, album design, taxes, upgrades, preparation for Woofstock, and some special jobs.  i remember the good old days when almost every client received a spot light on the blog at some point … and now, it seems that no one does.  i remember when the blog was the place you came to for the latest news and happenings, for the client sneak peeks and session highlights … today, i’m afraid, that has been replaced by the faster, easier to digest facebook.

but don’t despair … we will never abandon the SDP blog!  in fact, we’re in throes of giving this old girl a special makeover … it’s just taking a bit of work behind the scenes … but trust me, we’ll make it worth the wait.  in the meantime, here are some of the crazy, goofy, scruffy faces you may have missed on the scruffy dog facebook page if you’re not following us over there.

first up, handsome Raja … looking so … er … dashing? … in his Doggles.

these Doggles aren’t just his fashion statement, they are actually protecting this big boy’s eyes, as he suffers from a deteriorating condition, the name of which escapes me right now … i’m thinking it’s retinal atrophy.  but i’m not sure if many dog can pull these off better than Raj can!

and then there’s sister Vanda …

these two came from Toronto for their session and, like all of our clients, had a blast here in SDP territory.

Raj was certainly more than willing to tell me all about what he thought of his fun time …

… even if he wasn’t sharing his ball.

then, after stumbling through the archives on the search for some images in preparation for Woofstock, i shared a photo of little Ryder from his session last fall that put a smile on my face …

and, of course, nothing puts a smile on your face faster than a puppy … especially a puppy as cute as little Rosie!

i did have a few shoots with cats several weeks ago … bizarrely enough, they were all black!  this is Keeton. … i think!

i also shared a few images from Duke’s Honor SessionTM

for an old man, this boy still has a lot of giddy-up.

and a lot of bark!

a lot of bark …

and of course, no blog entry would be complete without an appearance by the resident scruffies … matea and merrick goobernuts out for a hike  (taken with my not-so-great Blackberry) …

and the goober himself … with his most favorite thing in the world: balls.

hope you all have a fabulous monday and a rockin’ week.


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  • JohannaLove your work!! Every picture tells a story, so beautiful!!ReplyCancel

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