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a couple of tough cookies ~ {Kitchener, Ontario pet photographer}

this is just a sneak peek of two tough little cookies i met earlier this week … Kira and Xanadu.

these two — cute as they are, and sweet and welcoming as they were with me — will probably go down as scruffy dog’s least cooperative models.  i’ve worked with literally hundreds of dogs and cats, and have successfully handled each and every special case, adapting and adjusting to their individual needs, their quirks, their behavioral issues, energies and drives, shyness, aggression, whatever … yeah, i could write a book.   but these two scruffmuffins wanted nothing to do with the cameras, were over-stimulated by treats, and under-stimulated by anything else.

still, they’re darn cute … and no worries, Colleen, we got some good ones.

i’ll share more soon.

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