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a much delayed facebook recap ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

i know i’ve been a bad blogger. i had my new web/blog person here the other day for a meeting, and was shocked to discover only two blog entries for all of march! where has the month gone? either way, no biscuits for the head scruffy.

so even though we’ve been shooting up a storm and meeting some amazing dogs and cats over the past weeks, there have been a lot of behind-the-scenes work going on … stuff that a lot of people don’t even imagine when they think about a pet-photography business. because, yes, it is a business and there’s so much more than just those pretty pictures.  there are all new business cards and promotional materials to design and layout due to the rebranding earlier this year, updating of software and hardware, there are commercial and editorial requests, a huge undertaking of the updating of the scruffy dog stock images, countless orders and albums to prep …  sadly, as well, there have been numerous copyright and trademark infringement issues which i have been forced to pursue … there are always inquiries and bookings to respond to, files for new clients to be created, contests, marketing and promotion, and let’s not forget about … <cough> … taxes.

the other aspect that takes a small chunk of time out of each day is engaging with the followers of the scruffy dog facebook page.  THAT’S where all the action is … news, contests, client sneak peeks, videos, and general pet-talk.  it really is the place to be.  and rumor has it that merrick goobernuts mcscruffy is thinking of starting up his own facebook page … lord knows, like most children with a new pet, he’ll be excited at first, do all of his duties, but then gradually slack off … and i’ll be the one having to tend to yet another facebook page.  … not so sure that can be fit into the schedule.  we’ll see.

in the meantime, let me share with you some of the client sneak-peaks and images posted on the SDP facebook page …

first up is little Annie.  she and her siblings are finding themselves needing a home.  apparently response to their posting has been very successful and The Dog Rescuers Inc. are fielding applications.  if you are interested, you can contact The Dog Rescuers to find out more.

this little girl is the sweetest … such a soft energy, and real cuddler.  she’ll make someone an amazing companion.

another pet needing a new home is Sassafrass.  she is currently staying at the Royal York Animal Hospital in Toronto. this is her info: I was found as a young kitten and surrendered to TAS. I spent a few months there being nursed and cared for before moving to RYAH for a chance at finding my forever home. I am vaccinated and spayed and have been preventively treated for parasites. Please come see me! I super cute and love to play!

this little Siamese girl needs her own home!  although there has been some interest in her, the staff at RYAH report that Sassy is nervous meeting new people for the first time and then acts out … certainly not the right first impression to give people who might potentially give you a new home!  RYAH staff are working on her social skills.  in the short time i spent with her, i could see that she loves to play and interact, always trying to capture her caretaker’s attention … and i think with the right person, this girl could be a lot of fun.  i had no problems with her and loved her energy … and i know what you’re thinking: so why don’t you take her home, illona? trust me, even though RYAH has asked if i would, and even though i’d love to have her in our lives, i just can’t … i’m not confident that our resident scraggly cat, Aslan, would approve … even though Sassy seems to get along with both dogs and other cats … and i think the scruffies could be won over as well … alas, for some reason, i’m so much more allergic to Siamese than most cats.  in the short time i spent with this awesome little girl, my asthma kicked up something awful … so, sadly, she’s still waiting for a home.  could it be yours?  if you’re interested, please contact the Royal York Animal Hospital.

and now for some scruffy clients …

most of you probably remember big boy Bettis …

his session was a gift to owner Chris who was losing Bettis in a separation when Bettis’ mom had to move out of province.  this session was supposed to be a Starter session, but spending time with Chris and his boy on their last afternoon together moved me deeply … and since this was no different than any Honor Session™, i just kept shooting, determined to capture as many memories as possible for Chris.

i shared another image of cutey patootey Harlow from her puppy session … you’ll be seeing more of this girl when she has her next session in July.  i can’t wait to see how much she’s grown!

then there was Joy.  Joy was my “artist’s pick” in our facebook contest on the scruffy dog page.   she came from Toronto to scruffy dog territory for her session because Joy’s mom was determined to have her wonderful girl captured in some snow … and even though it was slim pickings, i did find us some!

then one of  my favorite shots from little Gizelle’s session late last fall … this one has actually just been printed as a beautiful framed canvas, and it’s gorgeous.

and then, well, it was the goober’s re-birthday … two years since he was rescued from deplorable conditions.  he was jumping for joy when he saw his birthday biscuit … and of course, he shared it with big sister matea.  if you don’t already know merrick goobernuts mcscruffy’s story, you can find it here, complete with links to more photos.

and finally, just a little something to get you itchin’ for summer!

and just a quick note: for those of you interested in a fall session … September and October are now booked, however every fall season we take a small number of “squeeze-in” sessions (sessions taken above and beyond our regularly scheduled sessions), but there are only so many “squeeze-in” sessions we can actually squeeze in, so please contact SDP as soon as possible if you are planning a fall session for your 4-legger.

hope you all have a great weekend!

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