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the latest facebook recap ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

yes, it’s true … i’ll never catch up with blogging the fall sessions.  there were simply far too many for me to even hope to ever get them all posted onto the blog.  but i can share the client sneak peeks, before-and-afters, and the general frivolity and celebration of “dog” that goes on on the scruffy dog facebook page.   if you haven’t already joined the SDP page by clicking the “like”, you might consider doing so, as you will be the first to see the latest goings on here at scruffy headquarters.

with a little bit of snow on the ground – finally – we had a lovely session with three sweet girls.

Penny is a 13-year-old lady …

i was told that this lovely girl was losing some of her giddy-up, requiring a lot of rests while on walks, but at our session there was a new pep in Penny’s step and almost no slowing her down.

Penny’s sister Lucy was a sweetheart as well … i’ll need to post more of this gorgeous, long-legged girl …

and then there was little tiny Pyper … and i do mean tiny.  this wee girl weighs less than even one of the SDP cameras.

Penny, of course, needed a little nap time in between her get-up-and-go …

then there was Bettis …

this big guy was a wild boy …

and when i say “big”, i mean B.I.G.  at only 22 months old this Dane/Mastiff cross hasn’t even started to fill out, but with the legs of a Dane, well, he’s a monster.  and i should note that dad Chris is no shortly like me!

we had a lot of fun at Bettis’s session …

it was a honor to photograph this gorgeous boy on his last afternoon with his dad.  due to a separation, Bettis is going with his mom out-of-province, so although it was lovely to spend time with Bettis and his dad, there was a sadness as well …

as usual, i also shared a little before-and-after from Bettis’ session.

another handsome man i met last week for his first scruffy session, to celebrate his one-year birthday, was Nerian …

and then there was five-month-old snowball girl, Nala.

Nala is a keeshond/chow cross … who, like any respectable puppy, loves to chew.

i also shared just one of several large canvases that came into the studio last week.  i don’t think the scruffies were overly impressed by some other dogs taking up what is designated as “their” wallspace.

of course, sharing this on facebook caused a couple of comments about how cool it would be to have this photo framed and hung over the couch, which led me to share an image from four years ago of a couple of scruffy clients — Reese and Rio.  the second i walked in the door of Reese and Rio’s home and spotted the pristine white  leather couch and shag rug, i had to ask whether we could let the dogs up there.  and then, as their walls were bare, i made my own little suggestion …

and staying in the vein of canvases, this image of the stunning Duke and Daisy will be printed in another large framed canvas …

and no week would be complete without a few shots of one of the resident scruffies … here is merrick goobernuts mcscruffy, doing what he does best …

but one photo of this mad-boy with his chicken isn’t enough …

and this is just a fun little video shot low-res with poor quality and no editing ability with a Bloggie … not something i’d generally share on the SDP blog, but it’s pretty funny …

yup, that’s the goober. and i should note that matea mcscruffy — lying there so patiently waiting for dinner — was wearing a t-shirt due to some surgery. i don’t normally dress up the scruffies!

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  • Nadine RozowskyYour work is beyond fabulous. Thank you for sharing.ReplyCancel

  • ArdeanI’m not a dog person (but getting better), but what lovely, personality filled images.ReplyCancel

  • JaneI’m surprised Merrick didn’t have a headache after playing with that chicken! The look on Matea’s face was priceless!!ReplyCancel

  • Holly Garner-JacksonI never tire of looking at your images!!!!ReplyCancel

  • BethThese are beautiful photos and it is such a funny video. Thanks for sharing it 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Caroline TwohillTHAT VIDEO… CRACKED ME UP!ReplyCancel

  • michelle bradshawoh how they all love chickens!!!!!ReplyCancel

  • MelodyHow could you listen to Henrietta’s plaintive cries for help!

    Its a wonder he doesn’t knock himself out! LMAO!ReplyCancel

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