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thank you to all of our 2011 clients! ~ {Ontario pet photographer}

2011 has been a great year here at scruffy dog photography. Even if it didn’t start out with a bang — the winter months offering very few great “snow” days, and the spring months being rained out — we still managed to fit in a record-breaking number of shoots, with some truly amazing dogs (and cats!).

And while our trip out east in the spring was pretty much a wash, and we had to cancel all of our pre-arranged sessions out there, we did manage to capture some memorable and unique shots of the resident scruffies on the beaches to bring home with us.

But the year would be nothing without our amazing clients.  2011 brought us such a huge variety of models, from seniors to puppies, and clients from as far away as California and New York City, as well as commercial clients on a global level.

Business-wise, we have made some big moves as well this year … trademarking the “scruffy dog” name in several countries, and even as I write this we are on the verge of rebranding, so stay tuned for that!

With enormous thanks to our clients and friends, followers and supporters, we were once again nominated and won the “Best Pet Photographer” category in The Toronto Pet Daily‘s Readers’ Choice Awards for the second year running.  This, along with wins in the categories of “Favorite Photographer” and “Favorite Photography Studio” in the Kitchener-Waterloo’s Readers’ Choice Awards, makes 2011 a pretty stellar year all around. And of course, there’s no way this could happen without the incredible support, word-of-mouth, and generosity of all of you.

But when I look back on the year of 2011, it will be marked more by the tongue-lolling, tail-wagging joy in so many of the scruffy faces I met and had the absolute pleasure of photographing.

We would be nowhere without our clients … and to show our appreciation, I have compiled a video of our 2011 clients. With the number of 2011 scruffy clients far exceeding 100, it took everything I had to choose just one photo from each shoot (for those of you with multiple shoots last year, you will find your dog appearing twice in the video). I hope you enjoy this 2011 retrospective!

Enjoy! And thank you for being a part of the scruffy dog family!

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  • illonathank you so much, Christi, for the high praise. but seriously, you’ve got lots of pet photographers out your way. Seattle’s got a few, no? i don’t want to start naming names because i don’t want to appear as though i have favoritism … but there are lots out there. although, i’d love to be able to come out there to shoot. what gorgeous landscapes!!

    sigh … i need to get this show on the road some day.ReplyCancel

  • SweetpeaOk, so how long a drive ya think it would be if I jumped in my jeep here in WA state & drove clear cross to you with my fur gal???????
    DANG. You so seriously ROCK!
    Howhowhow am I gonna get there, cuz my gal really needs YOU to take her picture?!

    Thanks for the stupendous slide show…!
    Christi & Isla, way out on an island in western WashingtonReplyCancel

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