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the winners of our first scruffy dog contest ~ {Ontario pet-exclusive photographer}

well, we’ve wound down our very first scruffy dog photography contest via facebook.  if you weren’t aware of it, then you need to get on the ball and join us on the scruffy dog facebook page!

the voting was fast and frenzied, and we had a ton of submissions … 84 in all … and thousands of votes.  and the winner of the scruffy dog photo session is: Rome and her pug-girl, Munchkin of Toronto …

photo submitted by owner

congratulations, Rome.  contact us at SDP soon to book your shoot.  i look forward to meeting little Munchkin at her photo shoot!

because of the huge number of entries, i decided to have second and third place winners.  here are Kaidee and Murphy …

photo submitted by owner

photo submitted by owner

both Shelley and Jackie will receive $50 off of a photo session for being runners-up.

and because there were just so many entries and wonderful faces, i’ve decided that the next ten runners-up will receive 10% off any scruffy dog photo session.  here they are, in no particular order …

although i’m not a huge fan of these kinds of voting contests, i do love seeing new scruffy faces and definitely love giving out prizes and gifts.  so i have every intention of holding more contests in the near future, but would love to hear from YOU!  what kinds of contests would you like to see? what types of criteria? categories?  what would YOU like to see?

and do you have any ideas as to how a contest could benefit a rescue organization or shelter?  we want to hear!   of course, every year scruffy dog photography raises thousands of dollars for the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society through the shooting and design of the annual KWHS calendar, and today at noon voting starts for the finalists for the calendar contestants to win their place in the KWHS 2012 calendar.  and this year, contestants are all formerly adopted pets from the KWHS.  i’m looking forward to meeting them for their shoots!

thank you again to all who participated in the first scruffy dog photography contest.  please let us know what you would like to see in the future in your comments below or via email, and as always, stay tuned to the facebook page for announcements of upcoming events, specials and more contests!

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  • Miss KodeeCongratulations to all! I loved viewing all the photos – every dog out there is a winner 😉ReplyCancel

  • BeckHey, I wanted to comment concerning contest ideas. First of all like you i’m not a fan of voting contests, more so because they are more of a popularity contest then anything else. Not that the pooches who won don’t deserve to win 🙂 All pooches deserve a scruffy dog photo shoot, won or not won 🙂

    My idea, is maybe you can choose a panel of judges, for example old clients, KWHS staff and or local vet offices. If it were me I would choose a few people from each.

    I love the idea of categories too so I have ideas there too! 🙂 As a big fan and follower, who will some day be a client (I hope you keep photographing for years to come), there are things I wonder how you would do. Of course you should do a Dog category or two, Like the Scuffiest Scruffy and One that any other dog can enter. Third I think you could consider doing the best pack 🙂 A group of 2 or more dogs owned by the same owner or that are friends.

    Then I think you should consider Doing a other pets category for cats, small animals, exotics and fish!. I would love to see the scruffy dog version of exotics! Also fish are really hard to photograph you might enjoy the challenge. Birds and small animals can be quite scruffy as well you might enjoy showing off what you can do there too.

    Just my ideas 🙂 I’m glad you enjoy doing the contests, I enjoy trying to win them 🙂 I’ll prob enjoy it more when i canReplyCancel

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